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 De verbis in indicem latin.dic referendis
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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

11.06.2011 01:32
Weitere nützliche Links fürs latin.dic von Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Hier sammeln wir Links, von denen ich glaube, dass sie im Hinblick auf die Erstellung eines latin.dic für Scrabble3D relevant sein könnten.

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Bussinchen Offline

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11.06.2011 02:27
#2 Charlton T. Lewis; Charles Short [1879], A Latin Dictionary Zitat · Antworten

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Bussinchen Offline

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11.06.2011 02:36
#3 Malta Classics Association: Links Zitat · Antworten

Malta Classics Association

Malta Classics Association: Links

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Bussinchen Offline

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11.06.2011 02:54
#4 Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft Zitat · Antworten

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)


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Bussinchen Offline

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11.06.2011 03:07
#5 Latin Grammar Zitat · Antworten

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Bussinchen Offline

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11.06.2011 17:04
#6 LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY PROGRAM - WORDS (Version 1.97FC) Zitat · Antworten

WORDS - Version 1.97FC

Download a free Latin-English-Latin dictionary program for your PC or MAC




WORDS Version 1.97FC

The documentation is included with download and is also directly accessible as WORDSDOC.HTM on this site:



see in Inflection Line

[...] all classical entries have been verified with the Oxford Latin Dictionary (OLD)
Lewis and Short (S) is next in authority [...]
Souter and Latham are poorly represented
Stelten (Ecc) is more fully represented [...]. [...] it is a complete dictionary, with [...] a number of entries specifically or solely applicable to the Christian Church


In response to several requests, a simple ASCII text list has been created of the two million primary words that the WORDS program and dictionary can form by adding inflections to stems. This list has been reduced to half by eliminating duplicates. The downloadable ZIP of this file is over 2 MB. Spellchecking - Text Processor List - LISTALL.ZIP

Bussinchens Kommentar:
Leider wird die Webseite http://www/erols/com/whitaker/, wo man die besagte Zip-Datei downloaden kann, nicht angezeigt. Möglicherweise wird es darauf hinauslaufen, dass wir William Whitaker per E-mail kontaktieren müssen, um an diese lateinische Wörterliste heranzukommen. Ich aber rechne mir aber relativ gute Chancen aus, dass wir die Liste von ihm bekommen können, wenn er wirklich auf unsere E-Mail reagiert (--> siehe ganz unten in diesem Posting unter Lizenz).


Currently there are some ommissions.

1) Latin has a widely used enclitic, -que, also -ne and -ve. In principle these could be tacked on to almost any word. If the spell checking system had the capability of recognizing them, that would be the most convenient way of handling this problem. Otherwise, completeness would require their addition to every word, quadrupling the size of the list.

2) Many Latin verb forms are subject to syncope, contracting the form for pronounciation. In WORDS this is handled by a process. For the list another method must be used and the contracted words generated by modifing both stem and ending.

3) There are some common combined words in Latin in which the first part of the word is declined, followed by a fixed form. Unlike the enclitic situation, these forms are limited and should be generated seperately (quidam). Other qu- pronouns are handled seperately in WORDS and need special processing here also.

4) Uniques have not yet been added. This is a trivial matter.

5) There is the problem of prefixes and suffixes. WORDS provides for hundreds of these. It would be impractical to multiply the list by mechanically including all such possibilities. Fortunately, this may not be a significant problem. The philosophy for the dictionary has been to include all words, even those which could be easily generated by a base and fixes, as they occur or are found in sources. This means that the most common compound words are in the system, but that coverage is mostly concentrates on classical Latin.

6) In later times especially, there came some more or less common spelling variations. These are handled in WORDS by TRICKS. They can be relatively expensive, but are only applied to words which otherwise have failed, are these are becoming rarer. This process, if generally applied, would not only expand the list enormously, the added words would not advance the goal of spell checking. They are, in some sense, misspelled words. For a reader, it can be useful to have a guess at the word. He can examine the form and context and judge whether it makes sense. It is not a process to be applied mechanically.

7) There is a divergence in the way editors treat the non-Latin characters J and V. These are the consonant forms of I and U. They are explicit in English, so for convenience, familiarity, and pronounciation general practice in the past has been to use them. More recently, some academic purists have rejected this and eliminated J and V altogether. (Note that the same purists use lower case letters, in spite of the fact that the Romans had only the upper case.) WORDS keeps the variant characters in the dictionary and maps them to a single character in processing. A list could include both expressions, and it would only add a few percent in size. However, that would allow inconsistent spelling choices in a text. This seems to be contrary to the goals of a spell checker. It is probably better eventually to offer two seperate lists so that the user may select the option appropriate for his work.

All the above factors are applied by processes in the WORDS program. Running WORDS looking for UNKNOWNS will give a superior spell check, but the list can be useful in conjunction with common editors. Experience will determine its effectiveness.



All parts of the WORDS system, source code and data files, are made freely available to anyone who wishes to use them, for whatever purpose.



Feedback is invited. If there is a problem in installing or operating, in the results or their display, or if your favorite word is omitted from the dictionary, please let me know.
All comments are appreciated. Check back for new version releases at

Contact e-mail
or William Whitaker, PO Box 51225 Midland TX 79710 USA.


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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

11.06.2011 18:30
#7 RE: LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY PROGRAM - WORDS (Version 1.97FC) Zitat · Antworten

Bei Juppiter, der Download der Zip-Datei listall funktioniert, wenn man von dieser Seite hier ausgeht:
und auf den Link LISTALL klickt!!!

LISTALL is a simple zipped listing of all Latin words that can be generated with the dictionary and inflections. It is alphabetical, one copy of each unique form. This file was produced following several requests by people who wanted this to use in conventional spellcheckers.

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Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 00:51
#8 Georges - lateinisch-deutsches / deutsch-lateinisches Handwörterbuch Zitat · Antworten

Karl Ernst Georges (1806–1895)
Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch


Karl Ernst Georges (1806–1895)
Kleines deutsch-lateinisches Handwörterbuch

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Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 00:55
#9 Vivat lingua Latina Zitat · Antworten

Vivat lingua Latina

Komplettes deutschsprachiges Portal zur lateinischen Sprache - sehr empfehlenswert!

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Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 01:00
#10 Vivat lingua Latina: Ausgezeichnete Linksammlung Zitat · Antworten

Das Portal "Vivat lingua Latina" bietet auch eine ausgezeichnete Linksammlung zu Latein und Griechisch:

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Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 02:04
#11 Hilfsmittel Altertumswissenschaften: Linksammlung bei Zitat · Antworten

Hilfsmittel Altertumswissenschaften:
Linksammlung bei (in German)ÜbergreifHilf



Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 22:31
#12 Sodalitas LVDIS LATINIS faciundis e.V. Zitat · Antworten

Sodalitas LVDIS LATINIS faciundis e.V.

Auszug aus der Satzung der Sodalitas LVDIS LATINIS faciundis e.V.
(e legibus Sodalitatis)

Zitat von
(§ 2) Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung von Bildung, Kunstverständnis, Erziehung und internationaler Kommunikation durch die Pflege des Lateinischen als lebendig gesprochener und gesungener Sprache in Praxis, Übung und Ausbildung. (proposuit sibi Sodalitas sermone Latino in usu exercitatione institutione colendo, i. e. Latine loquendo et cantando, cultum humanitatem commerciumque litterarum inter omnes populos augere.)
Dieser Zweck soll verwirklicht werden insbesondere durch (id autem fieri debet)

- Förderung und Fortführung der LVDI LATINI in der 1983 von Jan Novák und Wilfried Stroh begründeten Gestalt, (LVDIS LATINIS edendis sic ut Ianus Novák et Valahfridus A. D. MCMLXXXIII primum facere coeperunt )

- Vorbereitung, Durchführung oder Förderung szenischer und musikalischer Veranstaltungen ähnlicher Zielsetzung, (spectaculis scaenicis acroasibusque musicis ad celebrandum sermonem Latinum praeparandis exhibendis adiuvandis)

- Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen in lateinischer Sprache oder zur gesprochenen lateinischen Sprache.(orationibus disputationibusque quae aut ipsae Latinae sint aut ad vivum Latinae linguae usum pertineant praeparandis et exhibendis)

(§ 3) Der Verein verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke im Sinn des Abschnitts 'Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke' der Abgabenordnung (omnia quae a Sodalitate aguntur communi bono atque commodis ita seruiunt, ut vectigalium lege a tributis maximam partem libera atque immunia sint)

1. Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Wilfried Stroh, Bourdonstr. 7, D-85354 Freising (Tel.: 08161/64046)

c/o Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie (Institut für Klassische Philologie)
der LMU München
Geschwister-Scholl-Pl. 1
D-80539 München

Tel.: 089/2180-5705
-2354 (Institutssekretariat) Fax: 089/2180-2355

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Bussinchen Offline

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12.06.2011 22:59
#13 KIRKE - Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie Zitat · Antworten

KIRKE - Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie

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Bussinchen Offline

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13.06.2011 20:17
#14 RE: LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY PROGRAM - WORDS (Version 1.97FC) - Wichtige Info Zitat · Antworten

Hintergrundinformation zu William Whitakers Programm WORDS und der lateinischen Wörterliste LISTALL

Bei Wikipedia findet sich ein Artikel, der wichtige Hintergrundinformation zu William Whitakers Programm gibt:

Auch auf Facebook findet sich wichtige Info:

Hier lesen wir:

Zitat von

William Whitaker's Words is a computer programme that parses the inflection or conjugation of a Latin word, and also translates the root into English. Given an English word, the programme outputs Latin translations. The software, written in Ada, is free for download but can be used online through several different hosts as well.

This programme, especially the online version, has gained popularity among Latinists because of its simple interface, high coverage of the Latin lexicon and mostly accurate results. Nevertheless, the user has to check the results, since Words uses a set of rules based on natural pre-, in-, and suffixation, declension, and conjugation to determine the possibility of an entry. As a consequence of this approach of analysing the structure of words, there is no guarantee that these words were ever used in Latin literature or speech, even if the programme finds a possible meaning to a given word.


The dictionary consists of about 39,000 entries, which would result in hundreds of thousands of variations, counting declensions and conjugations.

Additionally, the dictionary contains prefixes and suffixes.

In comparison, the Oxford Latin Dictionary, considered to be the most complete Latin lexicon published in the English language, has about 34,000 entries, excluding proper names. The Oxford Latin Dictionary has fewer entries because it only contains entries from Classical Latin, whereas Words contains words from many time periods.

Die obige Beschreibung stammt aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel "William Whitaker's Words", lizensiert gemäß CC-BY-SA. Die Liste der Autoren befindet sich hier. Gemeinschaftsseiten werden nicht unbedingt von den dazugehörigen Personen oder Organisationen befürwortet oder unterstützt.

Bussinchens Kommentar:

Die fetten Markierungen im obigen Zitat sind von mir. Wir müssen also wirklich sehr vorsichtig sein. Eine Form, die in der LISTALL-Datei steht, die aber absolut falsch ist und einem Lateiner sofort ins Auge sticht, ist z.B. *dormibimini = *ihr werdet geschlafen werden. Hier liegt eine Futurbildung mit -bi-Einschub vor, die bei der 4. Konjugation, d.h. den -ire-Verben, nicht vorkommt, außerdem eine Passivform der 2. Person Plural, die normalerweise bei intransitiven Verben auch nicht möglich ist.

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linhart Offline

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13.06.2011 20:38
#15 RE: LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY PROGRAM - WORDS (Version 1.97FC) - Wichtige Info Zitat · Antworten

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass in listall eher zu viele Wörter stehen. D.h. wir sollten uns (zumindest zunächst) darauf konzentrieren, welche Wörter herauszulöschen sind. Das Suchen nach fehlenden Wörtern ist ja viel schwieriger.

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