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  • catala.dic for Scrabble3DDatum10.12.2012 08:56
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema catala.dic for Scrabble3D

    Thanks, all works fine.

  • catala.dic for Scrabble3DDatum09.12.2012 21:52
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema catala.dic for Scrabble3D


    mail author on catalan.dic is not correct. The correct one is: joan (at) montane (dot) cat


  • Catalan lang fileDatum09.12.2012 11:48
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan lang file

    Header is fine,

    Following, the new strings translated.
    btnNetworkCancel.Caption=Abbrechen <-- I think it must be "Cancel", in English, :)



    btnNetworkOk.Hint=Connecta-hi ara
    btnNetworkCancel.Hint=Cacenl·la la connexió
    edEmail.Hint=Opcionalment, proporcioneu una adreça electrònica per rebre missatges del servidor de partides.
    cbCountry.Hint=Informeu als altres jugadors d'on sou
    edCity.Hint=Informeu als altres jugadors d'on sou
    btnOptionsClose.Hint=Tanca la finestra i desa els canvis
    gbStandard.Hint=Seleccioneu unes regles de torneig estàndard.
    lbStandard.Hint=Trieu una llengua per aplicar les regles estàndard
    rmain_makeprivatef=%s vol fer una partida privada (no kibitzing allowed). Hi esteu d'acord?
    rmain_makepublicf=%s vol fer una partida pública (kibitzes are welcome). HI esteu d'acord?
    rmain_resumef=%s vol reprendre una partida emmagatzemada. Hi esteu d'acord?
    rmain_pausef=%s vol pausar la partida. Hi esteu d'acord?
    rmain_unpausef=%s vol reprendre una partida. Hi esteu d'acord?

  • catala.dic for Scrabble3DDatum08.12.2012 23:04
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema catala.dic for Scrabble3D

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14

    You replace NY, OU and L·L (actually a ZWNJ, I guess) but not LL, RR and CH as in Spanish. Looks weird, is this correct?

    The Catalan digraphs are L·L NY and QU, so that's correct. Catalan Scrabble follow orthographic criteria, not phonetic criteria as Spanish do.

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14

    I'd like to add your correct email address to authors name. Is it okay? (the one from readme.txt)

    You need to replace "(sense_spam)" text by at sing, @

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14

    Licence will get truncated to "GPL v3 + CC NC3", and all other stuff goes to comments. Okay?

    That's fine.

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14

    Since it is the first release I suggest to change version number to 1.0.1 (instead of 2.0.7). Okay?

    Please, keep 2.0.7 release number. DISC word list is supported and used in several Scrabble like games. When I detect a typo and fix it, a new DISC release is publised and updated in all the projects. So, it's important to easy know what DISC release are the player using.

  • This Scrabble Referee approach is cheaper and can achieve the same results, :)

  • Scrabble3D dictionariesDatum08.12.2012 14:20
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Scrabble3D dictionaries

    Ok, latin is waiting for approval, ;)

    What languages supported by Scrabble3D availabe here are open-licensed or can be included on other opens source games?

  • Catalan lang fileDatum08.12.2012 13:41
    Thema von jmontane im Forum Catalan


    I attached the catala.lang. I think is good enough to include at Scrabble3D. Of course, I can take care of fixing typos, changes and new strings.

  • The Catalan letter setDatum08.12.2012 13:23
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema The Catalan letter set

    Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #1
    You can copy (Ctrl+C) this letter set from here and paste it directly into the table in Configuration > Game Options > Tab: Letters > Letterset. Just right click somewhere on the table and chose Paste (Ctrl+V).

    You can also save these settings as a preset. Insert a preset name and click on the button "Save".

    Letter Number Value

    A 12 1 B 2 3 C 3 2 Ç 1 10 D 3 2 E 13 1 F 1 4 G 2 3 H 1 8
    I 8 1 J 1 8 L 4 1 1 1 10 M 3 2 N 6 1 2 1 10 O 5 1
    P 2 3 3 1 8 R 8 1 S 8 1 T 5 1 U 4 1 V 1 4 X 1 10 Z 1 8

    Joker 2 0

    Total 100


    Letter Number Value

    A 12 1
    B 2 3
    C 3 2
    Ç 1 10
    D 3 2
    E 13 1
    F 1 4
    G 2 3
    H 1 8
    I 8 1
    J 1 8
    L 4 1
    1 1 10
    M 3 2
    N 6 1
    2 1 10
    O 5 1
    P 2 3
    3 1 8
    R 8 1
    S 8 1
    T 5 1
    U 4 1
    V 1 4
    X 1 10
    Z 1 8

    Joker 2 0
    Total 100


    This letterset works fine.

    Please, add Catalan support out-the-box in next Scrabble3D stable version.

  • catala.dic for Scrabble3DDatum08.12.2012 13:20
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema catala.dic for Scrabble3D


    I attached the current DISC 2.0.7 in Scrabble3D format. Digraphs NY, L·L and QU were replaced to 1,2,3.

    DISC is my personal contribution to Catalan Scrabble, its open-licensed and based on DIEC, the Catalan normative dictionary. DISC has been used in some tournaments as challenge dictionary. Other tournaments and clubs use other (closed) dictionaries as reference.

    Please, add Catalan support in next Scrabble3D stable version.

  • Scrabble3D dictionariesDatum08.12.2012 13:07
    Thema von jmontane im Forum General: International...


    Scrabble3D is, by far, the scrabble clone game with more languages supported I know.

    I wonder if word lists can be used in other Scrabble clone games. Are the Scrabble3D dictionaries open-licensed? which can be re-used in other open-source projects?

    For instance, I collaborate with Catalan dictionary and translating menus in Eliot, it supports Catalan, Czech, English, French, Italian, Malagasy, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Spanish, but lacks Latin, Greek, Slovak and other languages support, available at Scrabble3D

  • euskara.dicDatum18.09.2012 20:34
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema euskara.dic


    I've good news. A month ago, a Scrabble-like for smartphones and Facebook, called Apalabrados (Angry Words) added Basque language, :)))

    Letter distributions is pretty similar. I think they changed it to avoid Mattel lawsuit.

    About word list, I've contacted with the player who provide it. I hope she will provide us the word list in an opensource license.

    So. I think we can wait a few weeks.

    About /243 feature... In hunspell dictionaries format, it's possible to compound affixes. In your example, the suffix numbered 60 is applied first, and then, the suffix numbered 243 is applied to the generated word by the first one.

  • euskara.dicDatum02.08.2012 18:27
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema euskara.dic

    Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #6
    But, jmontane, you wrote: "a word list based on LibreOffice spellchecker (XUXEN dictionary)". So what do you mean exactly by saying "based"? Have you already revised/adapted that list for Scrabble purposes?

    I know the differences between spell-checker word list and Scrabble word list, :)

    LibreOffice/OpenOffice/hunspell/myspell dicts use two files. eu_ES.dic and eu_ES.aff (for Basque language). The first one (.dic) is a list of entries, followed by affixes to apply in each entry. The second one (.aff) keep the affixes (preffixes and suffixes to aply at the entries).

    So, some (an easy) steps to adapt a Basque spell-cheker dict to Scrabble purposes are:

    1st: remove entries from eu_ES.dic
    A.- Words starting with starting uppercase (propper nouns, trademarks, ...)
    B.- Words with hyphens (compound words)
    C.- Words with characters not present in Scrabble tile distribution (ñ)
    D.- Words finished with dot (.) (abbreviations)
    E.- Symbols: m kg cm mm ...

    2nd: remove affixes that generate non desired words forms.

    3st: genereate all inflected forms, using unmunch command from hunspell

    That's the general idea.

    Some remarks,

    About 1st step (A,B,C,D) it's easy to do. 1-E is a little hard, but usually are words of 2 a 3 chars.
    About 2nd step, I don't know nothing about Basque morphology, so any advice?
    About 3rd step, Basque is a high inflection language. My first attempt to generate all inflected words fails, :(. I have found an alternative to unmunch more stronger to very large word lists.

  • euskara.dicDatum02.08.2012 08:26
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema euskara.dic

    Hi akerbeltzalba, and all

    I'm busy these days, I planned submit a word list based on LibreOffice spellchecker (XUXEN dictionary).

    What do you think?

  • Catalan flagDatum30.07.2012 20:52
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan flag

    Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #19
    Please, let's keep the language flags anyway! Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase!!!!

    +1, please, keep flags at Scrabble3D, :))))

    We can use catalonia instead ca language code for now. But please, Scotty, improve "LanguageID to resourcename mapping in the future. I think a copy of current "CountryID to resourcename" function and a little hacking giving priority to "xx-lang.jpg" resources will be enough.

  • Catalan flagDatum30.07.2012 10:34
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan flag

    I don't explain well my suggestion, sorry.

    I don't speak about doubling resources. I'm speaking about following standards codes. Please, read ISO 639-1 languages codes and ISO 3166-1 country codes.

    As you see, "ca" ISO language code is assigned to Catalan, and "ca" country code is assigned to Canada. So, we have two lists, codes for languages and codes for countries.

    I claim the right to use "ca" code for Catalan in Scrabble3D when we are talking about languages, or language standard set profiles.

    So, I see two possible aproaches:

    1st double resources and adapt code of Scrabble3D, modify "CountriID to resourcename" and create a new "LangID to resource" function.

    2nd, keep resources uniques and adapt code to "LangID to resourcename".

    About 2nd aproach, I write a pseudocode. I think it's clear enough, but I write again the general idea.

    A.- Keep all flag resources together, a single copy of each flag. Just rename "collision" languages codes (catalonia -> ca-lang)
    B.- Code a new "LangID to resourcename" function. This function must use "xx-lang" resource if exists. Otherwise, it uses "xx" resource (as CountryID to resourcename do it now).

    I know it's a minor issue for you. But keeping standards is very important.

    Joan Montané

  • Catalan flagDatum30.07.2012 09:30
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan flag

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14
    ... three kinds how to define a flag:
    * Country: retrieved from IP as ISO code; shown in game server hints
    * Menu language: set in lang file or, in case of a lang that has not been downloaded so far, by known default; shown in game server hints and drop down list in configuration and assistant dialog
    * Dictionary, letter set, and standard rules: name is linked to a certain flag, e.g. British = gb, American = us
    (Some features will be implemented in the next release.)

    All flags are added to the program as resources and are identified by name, e.g. gb,us,catalan.

    Currently, you use the same function to acces flag to these three kinds (country, menu language and standard profile). So, there is a mix of codes/flag names and uses cases.

    My suggestion is to change the function to acces flag in cases of menu languages and standrad profile. So, the languages codes (ca, en-US, en-GB, es, de, fr, ...) can be used properly. I.E. a country ISO code when country is needed, and a language ISO code when a language is needed.

    My suggestion is:

    use LanguageID=ca (for Catalan) and retrieve the ca-lang.jpg named flag
    use CountryID=ca (for Canada) and retrive the ca.jpg named flag, (or ca-country.jpg named flag)

    You should to:
    1.- Rename "languages flags" to xx-lang.jpg (catalonia to ca-lang.jpg)
    2.- Code a "langID code to resourcename" function.

    Sorry for my English. I hope it is clear now.

    Joan Montané

  • Catalan flagDatum29.07.2012 22:24
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan flag

    Hi Scotty,

    as I write, the question is to be capable to use properly langages codes (ca for Catalan) together with country codes (ca for Canada).

    I suggest two create two diferent functions: "CountryID to flag resourcename" and "LanguageID to flag resourcename". Currently is the same function, right?

    Rename languages codes flags wich collision with country codes flags to xx-lang.jpg. (catalonia.jpg -> ca-lang.jpg).

    Take an user with "LanguageID=xx". If you create a new "LanguageID to flag resourcename" function, the psedo-code can be the following:

    If flag/resorce with name "xx-lang.jpg" exists, use it.
    Otherwise, use flag/resource with name "xx.jpg".

    The code will be pretty similar of "CountryID to flag resorcename", so I think the effort is minimal.

  • Zitat von Bussinchen in post #8 "Senyors" - the Catalan variant of Italian "Cambio Secco"

    Zitat von Scotty
    Before implementing such a rule one need to define vocals. Of course AEIOU, maybe ÄÖÜ, perhaps  or some digraphs (my keyboard is limited *g*). Such a function needs to be valid for all languages. Sounds difficult.

    Especially when it comes to semivowels/semiconsonants / identical letters that sometimes are considered being vowels, sometimes consonants...

    Eliot and Quackle projects have two additional columns in tiles distribution: vowel and consonant columns, boolean fields. So, every language, defines if a tiles is a consonat, vowel or booth (blank tile).

    I know this rules is very special, it's not a high priority for me. But in Catalan is really used.

  • catala.dic for Scrabble3DDatum29.07.2012 22:11
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema catala.dic for Scrabble3D

    Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #11
    Obviously two valid words with two letters (NY being a digraph) are lacking in our future catala.dic:

    ANY and NYU

    Could you add them to the word list, Joan?

    (cat. any = engl. year; cat. nyu = engl. ? )

    Ummm, that's my fault. Fixing encoding bug, I swapped NY and L·L internally codes,

    I will regedenerate catala.dic properly. Sorry.

  • Catalan flagDatum26.07.2012 13:21
    Foren-Beitrag von jmontane im Thema Catalan flag

    Yes, that's Scotty's business, . Meantime, we can use catalonia code for testing.

    The good aproach is separate "LangID code to flag filename" and "CountryID code to flag filename" functions at Scrabble3D programming.

    Keeping "country flags" files and "language flags" files in different directories, for instance.

    Another easy option is:

    Take and user with setting LangID=xx
    In "LangID code to flag filename" do:

    1st.- check if xx-lang.jpg file exists.
    2nd.- if xx-lang.jpg exists, use it,
    3rd.- else, check if xx.jpg file exists.
    4th.- if xx.jpg exists, use it.

    With this pseudo-code, you can keep flags all together in the same directory, and "ca" or "eu" codes can be used as LangID for Catalan and Basque. And "ca" and "eu" codes can be used for CountryID for Canada and Europe Union. Everybody be will happy,

    But it's a Scotty's choice how to fix it.

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