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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 14:36
#1 catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von jmontane
The Catalan Scrabble set was created by the Linguistic Dr. Lluís de Yzaguirre, for the official Mattel Catalan Scrabble. He also is the author of the "Diccionari Oficial de l\'Scrabble en Català" (DOSC) the dictionary used by Catalan players, but Catalan dictionary is a loooong story, and may be there will be changes in near future.

OK! Your list, is it based on that DOSC? Or is it based on the Open Office Spellchecker list? It would be great, if our Scrabble3D catala.dic could take into consideration the official DOSC list as its standard category.


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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

27.08.2011 17:24
#2 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

OK! Your list, is it based on that DOSC? Or is it based on the Open Office Spellchecker list? It would be great, if our Scrabble3D catala.dic could take into consideration the official DOSC list as its standard category.

My word list is based in diferent sources, DOSC and spellchecker included. DANOSC (my word list) is not official. Indeed, its full name is "Diccionari Alternatiu No Oficial de Scrabble en Català", ;-). Currently is the best word list publicy available, and it's used in all scrabble programs I know.

I'm working in a new word list, and I hope it will be official at "some level".
Catalan word lists to play Scrabble have looooong story, for historical reasons each club intrepreats DOSC in diferent flavour, so diferents words are obtained.


Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 20:00
#3 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von jmontane
My word list is based in different sources, DOSC and spellchecker included. DANOSC (my word list) is not official. Indeed, its full name is "Diccionari Alternatiu No Oficial de Scrabble en Català", ;-). Currently is the best word list publicy available, and it's used in all scrabble programs I know.

Those who understand French, Spanish and Italian (and of course all Catalan speaking people ) can try to read in Catalan about Joan's DANOSC on this site:

Google translation could be a (little) help!

Joan's DANOSC will soon be Scrabble3D's catala.dic!

Thx a lot, gràcies, Joan! I'm so happy about the Catalan package for Scrabble3D! Awesome!!!


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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

23.07.2012 13:23
#4 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Please let's know:

The work on the word list catala.dic for Scrabble3D, taking in consideration the digraph question, is it still in progress or not

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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

23.07.2012 18:14
#5 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #4
Please let's know:

The work on the word list catala.dic for Scrabble3D, taking in consideration the digraph question, is it still in progress or not

Yes, it is. Sorry for silence this months, but I was really busy.

Currantly, DANOSC dictonary was replaced by DISC (in Catalan). More info these days.

Best regards

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

23.07.2012 18:31
#6 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von jmontane
Yes, it is. Sorry for silence this months, but I was really busy.

Never mind! I just was a little bit curious, because Scotty has implemented in his test version v27c a new button for loading different international default settings, and Scotty is improving in his source code the way how default settings will be implemented in Scrabble3D. And I'm helping him with that: Just now I'm checking up all the international rules and I'm working on several i18n files where all the settings for every language/country will be listed.

That's the reason why I asked you if the catala.dic still is in progres...
Because even loading of the right dictionary is part of the default settings...

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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

23.07.2012 19:48
#7 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #6

That's the reason why I asked you if the catala.dic still is in progres...
Because even loading of the right dictionary is part of the default settings...

Yes, of course. It's an important part, :)

Just to remark. Keep in mind the Catalan rules called "senyors", similar to Italian "cambio secco". I know Scotty refuses to implement over features. In fact, "cambio secco" is good for me, but in Catalan scrabble "senyors" (free bad rack swap) is really used. This rule is applied at end of the turn. So, at every turn, when you get new tiles, if all tiles are consonants (or vowels) the player can change them for free, without penalty. If tiles are changed using this rule, all tiles must be changed.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

23.07.2012 20:49
#8 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Gràcies, Joan!

For further discussions about senyors, see the new thread I have opened for that purpose:

"Senyors" - the Catalan variant of Italian "Cambio Secco"

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.07.2012 20:38
#9 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Information about the Catalan word list DISC: (blog in Catalan language)

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

28.07.2012 02:46
#10 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

For results of test games with catala.dic see

Catalan test games
Catalan test games

@Scotty: For UTF-8 related problem, please see Catalan test games

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

28.07.2012 03:35
#11 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Obviously two valid words with two letters (NY being a digraph) are lacking in our future catala.dic:


Could you add them to the word list, Joan?

(cat. any = engl. year; cat. nyu = engl. ? )

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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

29.07.2012 22:11
#12 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #11
Obviously two valid words with two letters (NY being a digraph) are lacking in our future catala.dic:


Could you add them to the word list, Joan?

(cat. any = engl. year; cat. nyu = engl. ? )

Ummm, that's my fault. Fixing encoding bug, I swapped NY and L·L internally codes,

I will regedenerate catala.dic properly. Sorry.

jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

08.12.2012 13:20
#13 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten


I attached the current DISC 2.0.7 in Scrabble3D format. Digraphs NY, L·L and QU were replaced to 1,2,3.

DISC is my personal contribution to Catalan Scrabble, its open-licensed and based on DIEC, the Catalan normative dictionary. DISC has been used in some tournaments as challenge dictionary. Other tournaments and clubs use other (closed) dictionaries as reference.

Please, add Catalan support in next Scrabble3D stable version.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

08.12.2012 20:50
#14 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von jmontane im Beitrag #13
Please, add Catalan support in next Scrabble3D stable version.

Dictionaries and localization files are downloaded dynamically. I can make those files public independent from the program release. And Catalan rules including letter distribution has been added to program a while ago. (PS: Ups, I didn't link the include files yet.)

You replace NY, OU and L·L (actually a ZWNJ, I guess) but not LL, RR and CH as in Spanish. Looks weird, is this correct?
I'd like to add your correct email address to authors name. Is it okay? (the one from readme.txt)
Licence will get truncated to "GPL v3 + CC NC3", and all other stuff goes to comments. Okay?
Since it is the first release I suggest to change version number to 1.0.1 (instead of 2.0.7). Okay?

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

08.12.2012 21:03
#15 RE: catala.dic for Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #14
And Catalan rules including letter distribution has been added to program a while ago.

No, they haven't.

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