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Dieses Thema hat 7 Antworten
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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 01:05
The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

Both on the Dutch Wikipedia site and on the English Wikipedia site we can find the Catalan Scrabble letter set.
Even here we can find information about the Catalan letter set:

You can copy (Ctrl+C) this letter set from here and paste it directly into the table in Configuration > Game Options > Tab: Letters > Letterset. Just right click somewhere on the table and chose Paste (Ctrl+V).

You can also save these settings as a preset. Insert a preset name and click on the button "Save".

Letter Number Value

A 12 1 B 2 3 C 3 2 Ç 1 10 D 3 2 E 13 1 F 1 4 G 2 3 H 1 8
I 8 1 J 1 8 L 4 1 1 1 10 M 3 2 N 6 1 2 1 10 O 5 1
P 2 3 3 1 8 R 8 1 S 8 1 T 5 1 U 4 1 V 1 4 X 1 10 Z 1 8

Joker 2 0

Total 100


Letter Number Value

A 12 1
B 2 3
C 3 2
Ç 1 10
D 3 2
E 13 1
F 1 4
G 2 3
H 1 8
I 8 1
J 1 8
L 4 1
1 1 10
M 3 2
N 6 1
2 1 10
O 5 1
P 2 3
3 1 8
R 8 1
S 8 1
T 5 1
U 4 1
V 1 4
X 1 10
Z 1 8

Joker 2 0
Total 100


Don't forget:

With the Catalan letter set you have to load even the Catalan dictionary, otherwise letters replaced by special signs (numbers) will not be shown correctly:
1=LL, 2=NY, 3=QU

Zitat von Wikipedia
Catalan-language editions use these 100 tiles.

2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)

1 point: E ×13, A ×12, I ×8, R ×8, S ×8, N ×6, O ×5, T ×5, L ×4, U ×4
2 points: C ×3, D ×3, M ×3
3 points: B ×2, G ×2, P ×2
4 points: F ×1, V ×1
8 points: H ×1, J ×1, Q ×1, Z ×1
10 points: Ç ×1, LL ×1, NY ×1, X ×1

Accents and diaereses are ignored; for example, À is played as A. Nevertheless, there are special tiles for Catalan letters Ç (ce trencada) and L·L (ela geminada), as well as the digraph NY. Playing an N tile followed by a blank tile to form the digraph NY is not allowed. Official rules treat the Q tile as just one letter, but usually Catalan players use the Q tile like the QU digraph and all Catalan Scrabble Clubs use this de facto rule. (Catalan)

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 03:44
#2 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

I'm not sure about the LL or L·L.
And how about the Q or QU ?

Please help!

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 14:57
#3 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen
I'm not sure about the LL or L·L.
And how about the Q or QU ?

For more information see our discussion on Digraph questions in Catalan Scrabble

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 16:22
#4 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten


Please tell me if words containing K, W or Y may be played when a joker is used.

In Italian Scrabble for example, this is possible:

Zitat von Capo II, 8 (pagina 5)
8. Ciascun jolly può valere come una qualsiasi delle ventisei lettere dell’alfabeto italiano esteso, comprese J, K, W, X, Y. Nel momento in cui effettua la mossa, il giocatore che utilizza uno o entrambi i jolly ne dichiara l’identità.

in Spanish Scrabble, however, all words containing a K are not considered to be valid words:

Zitat von
10.2 El jugador que coloca un comodín debe indicar en voz alta la letra que este representa, lo que no puede modificarse durante la partida. El comodín no puede reemplazar la K ni la W, porque estas letras no existen en el SCRABBLE , versión en español. Está permitido usar los dos comodines en una misma palabra. El premio de 50 puntos otorgado por utilizar las siete fichas del atril (art. 19) se contabiliza incluso utilizando uno o los dos comodines.

How about in Catalan?

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

27.08.2011 16:25
#5 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

Now I see myself that there are no words with K, W or Y at all in your word list: 0 hits when searching in Notepad++.

So the Catalan joker rule seems to be the same as in Spanish.

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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

27.08.2011 17:10
#6 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

Currently, no words with K, W and Y (alone) are allowed to play. Q followed whith something different to U, as instance QATARIA, is not allowed.

Joan Montané

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

23.07.2012 20:18
#7 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

So I confirm that there will be no letters K, W, Y and Q in the Catalan letter set, not even for the letter choice when you want to place a joker (blank tile). This means that no words containing K, W, Y or Q can ever be placed, not even foreign words.

But we will have QU as a digraph in our Catalan letter set, besides the digraphs LL and NY.

Of course the catala.dic has to be adapted for those digraphs. That means that in all words containing L·L this digraph must be replaced by the number 1. NY must be replaced by the number 2 and QU has to be replaced by the number 3, otherwise digraphs will not work in Scrabble3D.

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jmontane Offline

Beiträge: 63

08.12.2012 13:23
#8 RE: The Catalan letter set Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #1
You can copy (Ctrl+C) this letter set from here and paste it directly into the table in Configuration > Game Options > Tab: Letters > Letterset. Just right click somewhere on the table and chose Paste (Ctrl+V).

You can also save these settings as a preset. Insert a preset name and click on the button "Save".

Letter Number Value

A 12 1 B 2 3 C 3 2 Ç 1 10 D 3 2 E 13 1 F 1 4 G 2 3 H 1 8
I 8 1 J 1 8 L 4 1 1 1 10 M 3 2 N 6 1 2 1 10 O 5 1
P 2 3 3 1 8 R 8 1 S 8 1 T 5 1 U 4 1 V 1 4 X 1 10 Z 1 8

Joker 2 0

Total 100


Letter Number Value

A 12 1
B 2 3
C 3 2
Ç 1 10
D 3 2
E 13 1
F 1 4
G 2 3
H 1 8
I 8 1
J 1 8
L 4 1
1 1 10
M 3 2
N 6 1
2 1 10
O 5 1
P 2 3
3 1 8
R 8 1
S 8 1
T 5 1
U 4 1
V 1 4
X 1 10
Z 1 8

Joker 2 0
Total 100


This letterset works fine.

Please, add Catalan support out-the-box in next Scrabble3D stable version.

Catalan flag »»
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