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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

07.08.2020 18:30
#76 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Scotty: Just a quick clarification about Scrabble3D application. I have never played with this set up successfully before because it always only had failed before.
In the letter set for English Scrabble, is it possible to define a letter distribution such that some of the tiles have different points from other tiles of the same letter? This is done to introduce even more fun into the game. For example, in 1000 tile set points for E can range between 1 and 9, while that for Q can range between 6 and 9. Something like this:

I tried using multiple rows for the same letter in the letter set. But such an approach hangs the Scrabble3D application during the computer's turn (or does it think for too much of time to make a move even for small board size and small letter set, for example, 9×9 board with 50 tiles)? Do you have any ideas how to fix it? Can you try it what happens to you in your own system?
It seems that this type of approach is only suitable for play against other human players and not against computer opponent players.

A different approach which would work out in my opinion is to have different symbols in the replace function for E₁, E₂, E₃, E₄, E₅, E₆, E₇, E₈ and E₉.
But that would mean upto n⁹ different words in the dictionary for a n-letter word.

If human players have any knowledge or idea about how turn sequence, randoms (random tiles if there are defined in the letter set in the configuration settings of the Scrabble3D application) and rack tiles are picked up based upon from the random seed, then they can set up a saved game file and load it (may be that initially all of player's racks can be filled up with all consonants such that no move can be played and they all have to be compulsorily swapped during the first round of all players by themselves).
But even if such a saved game file is loaded, in the letter set in the configuration settings of the Scrabble3D application, only 1 single row for a specific letter is displayed and shown. For a new game to be started to be played with such configuration settings to generate up with a random seed for the new game to be started to be played automatically.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

08.08.2020 09:12
#77 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Sorry, it's not possible to have a letter more than once on the distribution table. And actually I think it would over-randomize the game.

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

31.08.2020 19:06
#78 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

World's largest Scrabble board:
Going beyond the original Scrabble3D application limits (48×48 size of board).

I never thought that I would be able to play this on the day when I downloaded Scrabble3D application (Saturday April 25 2020).
I modified with the source code and compiled it by using Lazarus Free Pascal compiler.
Modifying the board size and co-ordinate labels are initial and easy changes to make.

9×9 board with 50 tiles.
15×15 board with 100 tiles.
21×21 board with 200 tiles.
33×33 board with 500 tiles.
45×45 board with 1000 tiles.
Right now that 63×63 board with 2000 tiles becomes a reality!

Access violation error (segmentation fault problem) occurred during computer's turn when I compiled it in Windows.
But it successfully worked out in Ubuntu (64 bit Linux) 20.04 Focal Fossa that was loaded under Oracle's Virtual Machine (Virtual Box) in Windows.

May be that access violation error would be part of Lazarus Free Pascal compiler source code and not that of Scrabble3D application source code.
Saving of played games to files would many of the time get interrupted inbetween in Windows because those files would be accessed by another application. Such errors never happened in Ubuntu, as far as I saw, so far.

Some clarifications about your wordings in your forum posts:

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Tamil Scrabble
Don't find obvious issues with the dictionary. But since you replace every character my sanity checks don't bite. Some minor issues: I'm not happy with 1k tiles. It's easier to multiply the number (there is a control on top of the list) than shrinking. Maybe you have numerous rarely used characters that need a frequency of zero, which would multiply to n in that case. But even then, isn't it easier to adjust these zeros to ones? Perhaps I'm wrong and you cannot play classic Scrabble at all and need super large boards.

Besides this, may I use your name and email address in the header? Credits and questions belong to the author.

What do you mean by 'my sanity checks don't bite'?
By the way, why do you use 1k tiles instead of 1000 tiles?
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #75
>version of Lazarus IDE and FreePascal
Try with 2.4, not sure. And perhaps Lazarus ~1.0, but if you compile from source it might be not so crucial.

What do you mean by 'it might not be so crucial'?
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #77
Sorry, it's not possible to have a letter more than once on the distribution table. And actually I think it would over-randomize the game.

What do you mean by 'it would over-randomize the game'?

By the way, Bussinchen and Scotty, please just try out renaming English2020.txt to English2020.ssg and loading that English2020.ssg file in Scrabble3D application and tell me what happens in your computer.
More to come...|addpics|ubb-6x-0e38.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

31.08.2020 20:08
#79 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

But nothing is perfect yet.
More to investigate...

Unlike Windows, it is not possible to drag and drop files from the rack to the Scrabble board.
Mouse changes to a 'not allowed' icon on the Scrabble board.

It may be due to some error in the gtk package that was used to install with the Lazarus Free Pascal compiler on Ubuntu.
I am getting with the following 'warning' message of: Invalid source position for vertical gradient.

So, I played the entire game by typing from keyboard.
So, placing tiles would be possible only for Latin Script alphabets so far and may be other keyboard symbols as well. May be other characters would also be possible by copying them from the character map or from Unicode table on the Internet and pasting them in Scrabble3D application?

As any regular user of Scrabble3D application would know about it and so those whoever have played games in Scrabble3D application by typing from keyboard, it is possible to place tiles directly in only top 26 rows (A - Z files) irrespective of whatever Scrabble board co-ordinate labels that are used.
Due to a bug in Scrabble3D application, it is also not possible to place tiles on Scrabble board by typing from keyboard directly in columns (ranks) that have a '0' in them.

But it was possible to place tiles on Scrabble board by typing from keyboard directly in one part of the board and drag and drop them by using mouse to another part of board without any problem. That was what I used in the entire played game.
But sometimes if I do not point the mouse to a proper square when I drop the tiles by using mouse from another part of the board, then such misplaced tiles fall back into the rack, with the following error message of: gsignal.c:1207: no emission of signal "button-release-event" to stop for instance '0x3b8fa90'.

That entire game took 4 days to play. I and 3 other computer players as opponents. Computer played more and more slowly as the game progressed, just because of the fact that the process was simply running in a secondary operating system inside of that of Virtual Machine (Virtual Box) that was loaded under a primary operating system.
I think that all of CPU processing power was allotted for the Virtual Machine (Virtual Box) and that multi-threaded computer play as an opponent was allowed by default in Scrabble3D application. By the way that 4 GB of RAM was allocated for the Virtual Machine (Virtual Box).

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

01.09.2020 04:41
#80 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #78
By the way, Bussinchen and Scotty, please just try out renaming English2020.txt to English2020.ssg and loading that English2020.ssg file in Scrabble3D application and tell me what happens in your computer.

I have installed only the old Scrabble3D version 3.1.0 (Patch 29 from 2012-12-09):

Range check error.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program.

Please kindly note that I am no longer disposed to make tests with the Scrabble3D software and post results or bug reports.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

03.09.2020 22:21
#81 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #79
But nothing is perfect yet.
More to investigate...

Unlike Windows, it is not possible to drag and drop files from the rack to the Scrabble board.
Mouse changes to a 'not allowed' icon on the Scrabble board.

It is due to a missing function in gtk2 LCL widget type in Ubuntu in Lazarus Free Compiler. Switching over to some other theme might solve the problem, but the rest are all even worse which are loaded with 'sudo apt-get install' version of Lazarus in Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa).
Switching over to gtk3 might solve this problem given that gtk is deprecated, but it is in alpha stage that comes along with Lazarus and not full developed version. May be that gtk3 latest developed version should be manually imported to Lazarus IDE and that might solve the problem.

While making my own changes and compiling Scrabble3D application on my own with Lazarus, in Windows the Scrabble3D application crashes during computer's turn and in Ubuntu it is not possible to drag and drop tiles by mouse from player's racks to Scrabble board. May be that such things might work well and fine in some other version of Linux, who knows? I would be able to try that out with Fedora, Red Hat, Debian, OpenSuse and Novell versions of Linux.
4 GB of RAM is allotted each time to Ubuntu Virtual Machine while running that with Oracle Virtual Box so that it executes with speed. Sometimes after keeping that Ubuntu Virtual Machine running for long period of time, Windows slows down. Windows requires restarting to get back to normal and original speed again.

In Ubuntu, it is not possible to drag and drop tiles by mouse from player's racks to Scrabble board. However, it is possible to place by typing with keyboard. This should not present a problem for tiles of ASCII characters such as Latin Script letters used for English Scrabble and Roman Numerals, or ones played with pure numbers like perfect squares, triangular numbers, perfect cubes, etc.
Is it also possible to place tiles of non-ASCII characters and other Unicode characters by typing with keyboard? This refers to playing Scrabble game with mathematical equations containing non-ASCII maths symbols, English phonetic Scrabble containing symbols from International Phonetic Alphabet, Tamil Scrabble and non-English Scrabble with other western languages that are written in Latin Script but those which contain special characters such as non-ASCII diacritics and accented mark letters.

Is it also possible to place tiles of non-ASCII characters and other Unicode characters by typing with keyboard? At least by typing Alt + 0247 or U + 00F7 that would be division sign for example.
If Maths dictionary were not protected by its own author, then every non-ASCII character could be mapped to ASCII character and played. But is it possible to save dictionaries without protection by using Scrabble3D application? And that all of protected dictionaries were only saved by using Scrabble3D application? In Tamil dictionary, there are too many letters to only use ASCII characters, even without using digraph and trigraph tiles to represent with 1 single letter in each of such tiles.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

04.09.2020 10:19
#82 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Is it possible to place tiles of non-ASCII characters and other Unicode characters by typing with keyboard? At least by typing Alt + 0215 or U + 00D7 that would be multiplication sign for example.
Or at least by copying them from character map or Unicode table in web browser, for example, and pasting them in Scrabble3D application?

For placing joker tiles, exact non-ASCII character need not be typed for placing with keyboard, instead we can choose an ASCII character in dictionary but that is not in player's rack.
And then Scrabble3D application will always prompt for the letter to be substituted for joker tile when that tile is moved from one square to another in Scrabble board. Here I assume that at least some amount of ASCII characters, one or more will be used by every dictionary, including Tamil Scrabble, whether games in that dictionary using such Scrabble boards are played using digraph and trigraph tiles to represent with 1 single letter in each of such tiles or not.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

04.09.2020 19:12
#83 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #82
Is it possible to place tiles of non-ASCII characters and other Unicode characters by typing with keyboard?

Yes, see

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

04.09.2020 21:41
#84 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Sorry, I did not find the link that was given by you useful. It mentions only about the Latin Script ASCII characters.
How do you place a square root (√) tile by typing from the keyboard? Its Unicode number is U + 221A, I believe. And there is no Alt + keystroke combination beyond the first 256 Unicode characters, I believe.

It is needed when I try out to make my own changes to the source code, compile it on my own by making use of Lazarus Free Pascal compiler and run (execute) it.
It is needed at least in Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) where due to a missing function in gtk2 LCL widget type, it is impossible to drag and drop any tile by making use of mouse from player's racks to Scrabble board. In Windows, that is not a problem, but Scrabble3D application crashes with segmentation fault during computer's turn. In Ubuntu, that is not a problem.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

05.09.2020 08:54
#85 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

"As of release 3.1.4 you may also place tiles per keyboard..." You enter the coordinates first and word afterwards. If your keyboard has no access to a character, which is the fact for square root, this procedure wont work of course.

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

05.09.2020 10:25
#86 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #85
If your keyboard has no access to a character, which is the fact for square root, this procedure wont work of course.

I expected that.
By the way, keyboards in mobile devices contain some more non-ASCII characters, although not all of them, for them to be typed directly from the keyboard, but Scrabble3D application in mobile devices is not supported yet.
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #83
Yes, see

You answered to my question without reading and understanding my question fully, didn't you? I clearly mentioned non-ASCII characters in my question.
ASCII characters are those which can be directly typed from the keyboard, along with 33 other control characters.

English phonetic Scrabble, Scrabble with mathematical equations and non-English Scrabble in some of the Western languages that make use of Latin Script that also use some diacritic marks other than regular Latin Script characters have only small number of distinct characters in them for those non-ASCII characters to be replaced by regular keyboard characters and for them to be used in Scrabble3D application for placing them in Scrabble board by typing them with keyboard.
Tamil Scrabble uses large number of distinct characters that they all cannot be mapped into ASCII character set just by replacing, whether using digraph and trigraph tiles for each of 1 single Tamil letter or not. Scrabble3D application currently does not support overlapping of at most and exactly 1 vowel glass tile on top of each of consonant wooden tile to form Tamil letter combo of consonant and vowel. Editing the source code and compiling it on my own with all the modifications done to do that would be a lot of effort if games of Tamil Scrabble are to be played in that way in Scrabble3D application and the search patterns of words for computer players as opponents also need to be modified if games of Tamil Scrabble are to be played in that way in Scrabble3D application.

Just as I simply edited the source code and compiled on my own with all the modifications done to increase the maximum Scrabble board size to 100 and changing the Scrabble board co-ordinate labels accordingly, I can also do my own modifications to the source code to handle placing of tiles in Scrabble board in Scrabble3D application by typing with keyboard for all of those non-ASCII characters. For example, square root (√) tile can be typed by making use of UTF-8 format of encoding escape sequence: \xe2\x88\x9a.
Playing around with the changes in the source code is all of them in my own hands right now and that placing of tiles by typing with keyboard is right now only needed for me for only my own made changes to the source code.

I can also try out to fix the issues in Scrabble3D application that does not allow placing of tiles by typing with keyboard in columns (ranks) that have a '0' in them and in beyond those top 26 rows (A-Z files).
So please tell me what Pascal file in the source code handles placing of tiles by typing with keyboard, so that I will know about what Pascal file in the source code needs to be modified in order to suit with my own needs.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

05.09.2020 15:48
#87 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

So please clarify to me with these two things:
(1) Please tell me what Pascal file in the source code handles placing of tiles by typing with keyboard, so that I will know about what Pascal file in the source code needs to be modified in order to suit with my own needs.
(2) (a) Is it possible to save a protected dictionary by myself alone by making use of Scrabble3D application, or that is it only possible by the administrators (with what tool?)? Scotty, you could alone do that or can Bussinchen also do that?
(b) It is possible to browse through even all of types of the protected dictionary words by myself alone by making use of File → Word Search (Ctrl + W) option as a feature in Scrabble3D application. Is it possible to convert a protected dictionary (such as math.dic) into unprotected one by myself alone by making use of Scrabble3D application automatically? Not manually browsing the words one by one and adding them to a text editor, That would be rather an impractical and unwieldy process in any way.
I don't think that it would be possible because as the name says 'protected', the very purpose of protecting a dictionary is to restrict other people from accessing, reading and editing any of dictionary words. I just clarified with you about it, simply. So that there is no part (2) (b) question, sorry, just please answer only for my own part (2) (a) question, simply.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

06.09.2020 01:38
#88 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Please read the following quotations with Google- or DeepL Translation:

Zitat von kris im Beitrag Wörterbuch bearbeiten
Hallo Scotty,
danke für den Link.
Den hab ich gelesen und da steht auch gut verständlich, wie man ein eigenes Wörterbuch erstellen könnte.
Was aber da auch nicht drin steht, ist, wie man ein existierendes Wörterbuch bearbeitet.
Sobald das Scrabble-Programm ein Wörterbuch abgespeichert hat, gibt es diesen Key, mit dem es verschlüsselt ist.
Dann kann ein externes Programm, zum Beispiel das OpenOffice, auch nicht mehr die Wörter an sich anzeigen, sondern zeigt nur verschlüsselten Text an.
Was ich suche ist aber eben die Möglichkeit, ein bereits exisxtierendes Wörterbuch außerhalb von Scrabble3D zu bearbeiten und das dann erneut vom Scrabble3D laden zu lassen.
Gruß & schönes Wochenende,

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Wörterbuch bearbeiten
Die Verschlüsselung ist genau dazu da - verhindern, dass Unberechtigte das Wörterbuch missbrauchen. Du solltest dich in dem Fall mit dem Autor in Verbindung setzen und ihn nach der orignalen Klartextliste fragen. Falls es um das deutsche Wörterbuch geht (ich glaube, alle anderen sind unverschüsselt), dann wäre @Gero dein Ansprechpartner.
Und falls du nur kleine Änderungen vornehmen willst, geht das auch im Dialog der Wortsuche.

verschlüsselt = encrypted
Verschlüsselung = encryption

protected dictionary = encrypted dictionary

You have already saved the downloaded dictionaries on your computer. You find them in the folder "Config directory" (see, but if you open protected dic-files, you can't read them, because only encrypted text is shown.
Please note: Bussinchen is NOT a kind of admin for Scrabble3D application.

As you already said, it is NOT possible to convert an encrypted dictionary into unprotected dic by making use of Scrabble3D application:
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #87
[...] because as the name says 'protected', the very purpose of protecting a dictionary is to restrict other people from accessing, reading and editing any of dictionary words.

Wether it is a good idea to encrypt and protect files or not in an Open Source project like Scrabble3D is another question.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

06.09.2020 09:16
#89 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #86
So please tell me what Pascal file in the source code handles placing of tiles by typing with keyboard, so that I will know about what Pascal file in the source code needs to be modified in order to suit with my own needs.

It's TfmMain.FormUTF8KeyPress() in and TScrabbleGrid.SetInputSquare() in uscrabblegrid.pas (and other methods in this unit)

I use to create encrypted dictionaries by hand, meaning editing source code temporarily. See TDictionary.Save in udictionary.pas. Protected dictionaries are supposed to be not readable for everyone. However, the encryption is the weakest possible and easy to revert by modifying the sources. Keep in mind that some the authors have requested the protection intentionally and "crack" it only for private use.

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

09.09.2020 20:42
#90 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Tamil Scrabble
Don't find obvious issues with the dictionary. But since you replace every character my sanity checks don't bite. Some minor issues: I'm not happy with 1k tiles. It's easier to multiply the number (there is a control on top of the list) than shrinking. Maybe you have numerous rarely used characters that need a frequency of zero, which would multiply to n in that case. But even then, isn't it easier to adjust these zeros to ones? Perhaps I'm wrong and you cannot play classic Scrabble at all and need super large boards.

Besides this, may I use your name and email address in the header? Credits and questions belong to the author.

What are obvious issues that you would find in any dictionary that would be provided to you for uploading to sourceforge page?
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Wörterbuch bearbeiten
Die Verschlüsselung ist genau dazu da - verhindern, dass Unberechtigte das Wörterbuch missbrauchen. Du solltest dich in dem Fall mit dem Autor in Verbindung setzen und ihn nach der orignalen Klartextliste fragen. Falls es um das deutsche Wörterbuch geht (ich glaube, alle anderen sind unverschüsselt), dann wäre @Gero dein Ansprechpartner.
Und falls du nur kleine Änderungen vornehmen willst, geht das auch im Dialog der Wortsuche.

Who are unauthorized persons and what do you mean by abusing the dictionary in terms of an open source project?
Any person can edit the dictionary at their own wishes for their personal use and unless the dictionary uploaded on sourceforge page is vandalized, it cannot be abusing the dictionary.

math.dic is protected dictionary and if that dictionary were not encrypted then characters like superscript equals (⁼) which is used in math.dic could be replaced by some other ASCII character in Ubuntu platform where dragging and dropping of tiles by mouse from player's rack to Scrabble board does not work out due to some issue. But that this type of issue might have been occurring only for me so far.
Anyway that it would be much better for me to create a much better maths dictionary for myself with my own new fundamental operators (like modulo and cube root instead of fourth root) and replace all of non-ASCII characters in the maths dictionary by making use of ASCII characters to make use of that in any operating system, either primary operating system in a computer or secondary operating system that is loaded into a virtual box in another operating system, but anyway that unless parsing of mathematical equations to check for validity and for computer play is implemented in Scrabble3D application, the number of mathematical equations is unlimited for a dictionary, may be too much even for upto a certain length.
If I prepare and give you a much better version of math.dic, then would you be interested to upload that in sourceforge page to share that with everyone else in the world on top of another existing math.dic that is already existing on sourceforge page that is prepared by someone else?

The more the number of equations in a maths dictionary, the computer would take more time to play depending upon the board size, larger 2D or smaller 3D. May be that it would be useful only for human players online or offline where a maths dictionary is not even required, opponent players can accept or decline any other human player's move by means of a poll.
Anyway that maths dictionary also makes use of some meaningless equations like ∞>15, ∞=∞+1, 0=-0-0 and incorrect equations like 18+5=13, 18-9=7, 0^0=1. All of these types of things can be avoided if I were ever to create my own maths dictionary. Also that there are only 2 mathematical equations with ∜ in the maths dictionary, that are, 2=∜16 and ∜16=2.
And also why fourth root operator is given priority to be included in the maths dictionary than modulo and cube root? Also that is there any absolute need for making use of a dictionary whenever playing with other human players online or offline? One of the fancy things about Scrabble3D application whenever making use of any dictionary is that meaning of words are displayed in tooltip text if they are included in the dictionary along with the words themselves whenever that mouse hovers over any placed word by any of the Scrabble players, human players or computer players, on the Scrabble word.
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #85
"As of release 3.1.4 you may also place tiles per keyboard..." You enter the coordinates first and word afterwards. If your keyboard has no access to a character, which is the fact for square root, this procedure wont work of course.

One of the ways to handle placing of non-ASCII special character tiles on Scrabble board by typing with keyboard in Scrabble3D application is to make use of on screen keyboard. It provides access to some more of non-ASCII special character letters but not all of them. It also supports Tamil keyboard, International phonetic alphabet and accented characters for some other languages.
I do not make use of Tamil Unicode font for Tamil Scrabble because it would not be nice to have separate Tamil characters for ி, ீ, ு, ூ and ் both in Tamil dictionary and in Tamil language Scrabble board. So, I replace dual letters by making use of Latin Supplement character set and also Latin Extended A character set and Latin Extended B character set if making use of digraphs and trigraphs, the more difficult version of Tamil Scrabble needing more tiles in each player's racks if Tamil letters of ெ, ே, ை and ா are not separated and overlapping of at most 1 single glass tile on top of each of wooden tile is not supported as in Scrabble3D application.
But that I observed that as like Latin Script character set, Scrabble3D application confuses uppercase and lowercase for Latin Extended A character set and Latin Extended B character set but not for Latin Supplement character set so that it is better to make use of another Unicode category of letter set for that instead.

On screen keyboard does not support characters like superscript equals (⁼) which is used in math.dic. Is it possible to also include Unicode character set into it which can be scrolled across 256 different pages just by scrolling simply? More to look over upon that by researching upon the Internet just by browsing different websites and web pages simply.
If the character set is small for any specific dictionary and if that particular dictionary is not protected, then non-ASCII special characters can be replaced by making use of some other ASCII character in dictionary, to handle placing of such tiles on Scrabble board by typing with keyboard in Scrabble3D application. Examples of them include maths dictionary, English phonetic dictionary with or without making use of digraph tiles like aɪ, eɪ, ɔɪ, aʊ, oʊ, tʃ, dʒ and language dictionaries of some of Western languages that are written by making use of Latin Script that also make use of some of accented Latin Supplement character set besides that of regular Latin Script character set that are also just included into them simply.
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #35
Spot the bingo in this board position.
These are good puzzles to give to people who are interested in scrabble with mathematical equations.
I would not post anything furthermore about things that are not related to conventional English Scrabble in the KSSA main group since majority of subscribed players are not interested in it.
But you had shown interest in them before itself.
(My previously sent images and posted messages to you contain information and details about all of these types of solutions, I believe in them so).

These are furthermore good puzzles also to give to people whoever would be just interested in scrabble with mathematical equations simply.

Word puzzles thread in General Forum in English group in this forum could just be made use of simply for English Scrabble puzzles and that this thread or elsewhere for non-English Scrabble puzzles.
Or that would new thread over thereby would be good enough exclusively for that? Anyway that it would not be good enough to post same things more than once in this forum and that I might not play again any more games of this like these for furthermore puzzles like this, and I might instead spend my own time furthermore on things that would pay me after enjoying enough of different flavours and variants of Scrabble in Scrabble3D application during 6 months of COVID-19 lockdown, and puzzles with a bingo move especially like this would require a lot of games to play than just to find out simply a best move in a board position or connecting 2 of premium word squares and not that of 2 of premium letter squares just for non-English Scrabble puzzle simply.

By the way that plural of bingo - which is correct, bingos or bingoes? It seems and appears that both are present, available and correct currently in CSW2019 dictionary that is supported and loaded along with latest version of Collins Zyzzyva PC application, not mobile application, that is 5.1.1, at the time of writing this and downloading that just into my own computer simply.

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