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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

10.07.2020 15:18
#61 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #60
English Scrabble of 63×63 board with 2000 tiles is my next target and my ultimate nightmare. Also that I can write my own computer program right from the entire scratch to do so with. But what is the point of overlap of work? I can write completely customizable Chess game, Go game or Clue game instead with setting up of my own server for human versus human online playable network games.
Or just if I were to keep the current version of Scrabble3D application as such, would it work out properly if I were to modify a saved game file to set the board size to 63, change the board layout accordingly to a 63×63 square grid, generate a value of random seed, set up with all of the first round of player's racks in that saved game file manually if the tile picker algorithm is known from the random seed, and then loading that saved game file?

What would happen to Latin script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Y-axis for values beyond 52? Will it give an error message or will it display as a blank co-ordinate without giving an error message? If it were to give an error message, what type of error message would it give?
What would happen to Greek script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Z-axis for values beyond 48 for 3D boards, if Roman numerals for board co-ordinates along Z-axis are not enabled? In source code file of uscrabble.pas for Scrabble3D application, I saw that you had defined Greek script alphabet string of length 48 and Latin script alphabet string of length 52.

Sum of uppercase Latin script alphabets and lowercase Latin script alphabets along Y-axis is 52.
So, with the current version of the Scrabble3D application, I think that it might be possible to play a 51×51 board, by modifying the board size to 51 and board layout to a 51×51 square grid in a saved game file and loading it. Starting a new game after loading that saved game file changes the board size to 48×48, so one of my ideas is to initially fill all player's racks with all consonants that no word can be played which all players need to compulsorily exchange during the first move.

Array index out of bounds exception is thrown at times, so I doubt whether playing with a 51×51 board will work out properly or not.
57×57 board, 63×63 board, etc. are totally impossible, I believe. Current version of the Scrabble3D application totally hangs whenever loading a saved game file with board size defined as 57 or 63 and board layout defined as 57×57 square grid or 63×63 square grid respectively and accordingly.

Thank you for making it possible for all players to play in all such large board sizes. I am glad that you continued the series of lowercase Latin script alphabets after uppercase Latin script alphabets along Y-axis and uppercase Greek script alphabets after lowercase Greek script alphabets along Z-axis, and so the limit on board size is 48 instead of 24 along Z-axis and 52 instead of 26 along Y-axis.
I am just curious why uppercase Latin Script alphabets come first along Y-axis while lowercase Greek Script alphabets come first along Z-axis. Perhaps the letters are too similar for them to be confused by players when board co-ordinates are written in Scrabble3D application game course when the game is in progress or move history of saved game to any file if they are used along two axes for smaller size of 3D boards?

You might also be interested to want to consider Russian script alphabets and Ukrainian script alphabets for board co-ordinates along some axis. Each of them are 33 in number, so board size of upto 66 could be supported with them, if you want to have their count of uppercase letters and lowercase letters combined.
Both of them making use of Cyrillic script alphabets only mostly look similar to each other except for a few letters that are present in one and absent in other, so that I recommend to not use both of them in any one single game for two different axes. At least not for the case that whenever that both of them being starting with uppercase Cyrillic script alphabets or both of them being starting with lowercase Cyrillic script alphabets.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

11.07.2020 10:26
#62 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

> If I were to compile Scrabble3D application directly from the source code, then what files need to be modified if I ever wanted to remove the upper limit of 48 on the board length (or at least change that to, say 100)?

Not sure, either it's a high effort if something is hard-coded or just a few lines otherwise. Don't remember how I did it.

> Where is FreePascal compiler available on the web and that should be suitable to compile the source code of the Scrabble3D application. and
(However, the compiler received major updates, for example regarding UTF8. A lot of my code circumvents previous limitations and might need to get removed. Tried for macOS and failed quickly. Linux works out of the box.)

> What would happen to Latin script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Y-axis for values beyond 52?

Would have to look into the code. If you want to give it a try why not start there? Check uboard.pas and uscrabblegrid.pas for data and UI (and likely more files).

> What would happen to Greek script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Z-axis for values beyond 48 for 3D boards..

Guessing it goes into the next unicode block. Coptic letters probably.

> For such board sizes, games are only of theoretical interest to me.

Size doesn't matter ;-). I would rather think about a 4th dimension, meaning many cubes forming a far more complex object. Imagine to place a word on 7,7,7..12,<1> (5 letters starting at the center of the first cube) and combine it with 7,7,7,2..5.

> You might also be interested to want to consider Russian script alphabets ... Each of them are 33 in number

We better go with x1..x255, y1..y255. Or A..Z,A1..Z1 as done in spreadsheet applications.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

11.07.2020 16:29
#63 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #62
> For such board sizes, games are only of theoretical interest to me.

Size doesn't matter ;-). I would rather think about a 4th dimension, meaning many cubes forming a far more complex object. Imagine to place a word on 7,7,7..12,<1> (5 letters starting at the center of the first cube) and combine it with 7,7,7,2..5.

In case you do not know, the complex object you had mentioned in your previous post in this thread is formally called tesseract. 4-dimensional hypercube. Time is the fourth dimension that is occurring naturally.
Universe is comprised of 4 dimensions, 3 spatial (meaning space) dimensions and 1 temporal (meaning time) dimension. For visualizing 4-dimensional tesseract, you could visualize different 3-dimensional 15×15×15 cubes for 15 different seconds.
But nature and universe is continuous with respect to space and time. Scrabble board can in any respect always be only an artificial imagination and manually made, so it is always discrete. The different tesseracts of a 4-dimensional Scrabble board can be counted along 4 different axes by making use of discrete natural numbers and not by making use of continuous positive real numbers.
On an other note, I believe that there are formal mathematical names for 2D, 3D and 4D structures and also for general objects in that sequence. I don't think that such types of things exist for 5 or more dimensional objects.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #62
> What would happen to Greek script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Z-axis for values beyond 48 for 3D boards..

Guessing it goes into the next unicode block. Coptic letters probably.

Preferrably consonants, but not preferrably vowels, letter sequence of Tamil Script, Telugu Script, Kannada Script, Malayalam Script, Devanagiri Script, Sinhala Script, Odia Script, Bengali Script, Gujarathi Script, Gurmukhi Script, Tibetian Script, etc. everything can be made use of for board co-ordinates along different axes that are available in Scrabble3D application.
All of South Asian language writing scripts are based upon Abugida writing systems only, so that they do not support uppercase letters and lowercase letters. They are not too much in number, so they may be worthy of making use of only for smaller sized boards.
I wish that in Scrabble3D application, in configuration there is an option to customize that also, by defining the sequence of letters for the board co-ordinates along different axes that are available in Scrabble3D application. They would be good enough to give a unique style and different beauty to the Scrabble board.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #62
> What would happen to Latin script alphabetical board co-ordinates along Y-axis for values beyond 52?

Would have to look into the code. If you want to give it a try why not start there? Check uboard.pas and uscrabblegrid.pas for data and UI (and likely more files).

I had already tried that out yesterday by myself and posted my results in post 61 of mine in this thread.
You had replied to post 60 of mine in this thread for answering this question of mine in the first half of post 62 of yours in this thread, but that I can also observe that you had also replied to post 61 of mine in the second half of post 62 of yours in this thread, isn't it?

Meanwhile that, please answer all of questions of mine in post 58 and post 59 of mine in this thread whenever that you would be free (and whenever that you would be able to have the time to spare for it with you ever).
(Whenever that you would see this post 63 of mine in this thread for the first time ever, to have time to spare with and to be able to answer to it immediately, or that whenever that you would have time to spare in the next few days, fewer enough.)

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

12.07.2020 13:52
#64 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Wouldn't it be much more intuitive to instead have with:
A: 29, B: 5, C: 12, D: 11, E: 35, F: 7, G: 14, H: 10, I: 21, J: 3, K: 5, L: 21, M: 11, N: 15, O: 22, P: 9, Q: 1, R: 26, S: 20, T: 18, U: 14, V: 2, W: 3, X: 4, Y: 9, Z: 1?|addpics|ubb-2k-d9f3.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

12.07.2020 23:57
#65 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #64
Wouldn't it be much more intuitive to instead have with:
A: 29, B: 5, C: 12, D: 11, E: 35, F: 7, G: 14, H: 10, I: 21, J: 3, K: 5, L: 21, M: 11, N: 15, O: 22, P: 9, Q: 1, R: 26, S: 20, T: 18, U: 14, V: 2, W: 3, X: 4, Y: 9, Z: 1?|addpics|ubb-2k-d9f3.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

No, I personally don't think so.
Optically it is much clearer as it is now.
To read your line in details would take much more time.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

13.07.2020 19:31
#66 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #65
No, I personally don't think so.
Optically it is much clearer as it is now.
To read your line in details would take much more time.

It would be optically clearer if there are ≤ 100 tiles left in the bag. It would not be optically clearer if there are ≥ 200 tiles left in the bag.
When I captured that screenshot, there were at least 328 tiles left in the bag. In such cases, displaying the exact count of each letter left in the bag would be simultaneously succinct as well as save the time of players counting the exact number of each letter left in the bag to determine it.
This would be meaningful for languages using Latin Script, Greek Script, Cyrillic Script, Scrabble with mathematical equations, English phonetic Scrabble, etc. but not for languages with diverse number of letters such as Tamil in which small count of each letters is put into the bag even for 1000 tiles. But there remain few letters with higher number of count put into the bag for 1000 tiles.

In any case that most players are familiar with classic Scrabble and some might be interested and patient enough to try out Super Scrabble at least. Beyond that limit, I don't think that many players, even regular tournament players would be interested and patient enough to try out brainfucking board sizes that spans for longer period of time and computer opponent players take longer enough period of time to place moves as the game progresses. Also that for such board sizes, it would be more difficult and takes more time to place tiles into the Scrabble board and get them back again into the player's racks, isn't it? I don't think that they could become popular in any way. What do you think about it?
When I cheaply prepared Super Scrabble board and tiles to play at home with family, friends and relatives with printouts on chart paper pasted on cardboard cut with scissors, instead of buying a costly set for money, with more flexible letter distribution, 200 tiles picked out of 400 tiles at random at start of a game and variable points even for 2 different tiles of the same letter, even larger boards was my dream to play for several years from then. I really love Scrabble3D application because it supports that, along with many features of Scrabble that are customizable.
With respect to regular tournament games, results of 10 games of 15×15 English Scrabble with 100 tiles can be obtained in the time that it takes to obtain the result of 1 game of 45×45 English Scrabble with 1000 tiles. It makes little difference to the final result between 2 players whether they play with smaller board with smaller number of tiles or larger board with larger number of tiles because the caliber of the players is going to determine the final result and that it would be accurately enough reflected upon playing with more and more games, isn't it?

1400 tiles completely saturate a 45×45 Scrabble board. This is for playing with English UK / International CSW2019 dictionary and that it will vary for playing with other dictionaries.
The following is the letter distribution that I used in my game, reasonably reflecting upon the exact frequency of letters that occur in the English UK / International CSW2019, considering all words that are only ≤ 8 letters in length. But that note that I played that game without any jokers or randoms and with 7 tiles in the rack, the letter distribution might be good enough to easily form with more long words and bingoes with smoother enough flow of tiles. As the Scrabble board gets more and more filled up and nears the point of saturation, then it will not be possible to form easily with long words and bingoes and few tiles during each turn of each player have to be pushed into the Scrabble board at any one single point of time.
A: 120, B: 31, C: 47, D: 58, E: 165, F: 24, G: 42, H: 35, I: 112, J: 9, K: 21, L: 75, M: 40, N: 81, O: 90, P: 40, Q: 7, R: 95, S: 95, T: 79, U: 54, V: 16, W: 18, X: 11, Y: 24, Z: 11.

Actually that I put in a lot of effort to prepare and submit my post 58 over hereby, in this thread, yet there is no reply to it so far.
At least that could you please elaborate to me that precise algorithm how those random tiles (randoms if they are defined in the configuration settings), order of player's turns and those tiles that are picked up from the bag are generated from the random seed, at the start of a new game, i.e. whenever that new game command is invoked in Scrabble3D application?
All those 3 things, and no more than those 3 things, depend only upon the random seed that is generated at the start of a new game, i.e. whenever that new game command is invoked in Scrabble3D application, isn't it?

If you cannot post that entire algorithm over hereby, then please at least share with me the Pascal file or its own allied Pascal resource file in source code in sourceforge website page which does with that entire process and point out the exact name of the function which does so with that type of thing. It will be useful enough for me to edit the saved game files for debugging purpose and sake, for me to analyze and research with that type of thing.

I am just wondering that for non-moderators of specific forum if a post in any one single thread is replied to in the middle of editing process or if editing time limit of 1 hour is expired, then will the edited changes get saved in that post in that same thread?
Thankfully that it might take some period of time for users in this forum to come online to see my posts, read them and understand them entirely and thoroughly, prepare with the reply may be in a text editor and then post it over hereby in this forum.|addpics|ubb-2l-3c5e.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.07.2020 02:33
#67 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #66
It would be optically clearer if there are ≤ 100 tiles left in the bag. It would not be optically clearer if there are ≥ 200 tiles left in the bag.

You might be right.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #66
brainfucking board sizes


Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #66
In any case that most players are familiar with classic Scrabble and some might be interested and patient enough to try out Super Scrabble at least. Beyond that limit, I don't think that many players, even regular tournament players would be interested and patient enough to try out brainfucking board sizes that spans for longer period of time and computer opponent players take longer enough period of time to place moves as the game progresses. Also that for such board sizes, it would be more difficult and takes more time to place tiles into the Scrabble board and get them back again into the player's racks, isn't it? I don't think that they could become popular in any way. What do you think about it?

The German tournament Scrabble players seem not to be interested at all in other boards and letter sets than the classic one which imitates tournament rules. They don't write here in this forum, but they have their own forum And they seem to use other Scrabble apps because they want to play on mobile phones and other Android devices.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #66
I am just wondering that for non-moderators of specific forum if a post in any one single thread is replied to in the middle of editing process or if editing time limit of 1 hour is expired, then will the edited changes get saved in that post in that same thread?

I don't know, I have never tested that, and I won't do it either, because ... → see my next answer.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #66
Thankfully that it might take some period of time for users in this forum to come online to see my posts, read them and understand them entirely and thoroughly, prepare with the reply may be in a text editor and then post it over hereby in this forum.

Unfortunately for many years there have not been active users here in this forum any more.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

22.07.2020 14:28
#68 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

I am getting Access Violation error during computer's turn. How do I get rid of it? (In the original version of Scrabble3D application, saving games to SSG files seem to be interrupted in the middle because they were accessed by another process.)
For the first time, I tried out to edit source code and compile from that. 63×63 English Scrabble board with 2000 tiles.
Beyond the limit that original version of Scrabble3D application can be able to support. An absolute nightmare. I never thought that this would be possible when I initially downloaded Scrabble3D application from sourceforge at first. But circumventing that limit would be possible if it were possible for me to get rid of that error during computer's turn.
A: 169, B: 45, C: 70, D: 81, E: 236, F: 33, G: 60, H: 49, I: 163, J: 13, K: 29, L: 107, M: 58, N: 117, O: 130, P: 58, Q: 10, R: 130, S: 135, T: 115, U: 79, V: 22, W: 25, X: 15, Y: 35, Z: 16.

I am getting Access Violation error during computer's turn even for board sizes 48 and less from my own compiled version of Scrabble3D application after I tried out to edit source code.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #62
We better go with x1..x255, y1..y255. Or A..Z,A1..Z1 as done in spreadsheet applications.

A, ..., Z, A₁, ..., Z₁, this type of naming is actually done with astronomical objects, for example Planet Eris' former name was 2003 UB₃₁₃, first letter denotes the half month when the astronomical object was discovered with letters I and Z not used and first half of month always equals to date from 1 to 15 only. Second letter and subscript number is named according to the convention that you mentioned with letter I not used.
From my perspective, it would be much better to have A, ..., Z, AA, ..., AZ, BA, ..., BZ, ... and this is the sequence that is followed at least in Microsoft Excel for Microsoft Windows and I am not sure about the other spreadsheet applications for other operating systems. (Just out of curiosity, what operating system do you make use of? Is it one or more? If it is more than one, then what are they?)

I edited the code to change MaxValue = 48 to MaxValue = 100 in ugameoptions.lfm in line 1886.
I edited uscrabble.pas to have Devanagiri numerals (Hindi numerals) along X-axis, Arabic numerals along Y-axis and conventional Hindu Arabic numerals along Z-axis for unrestricted count, such that for any changes in maximum board size, the array elements will not go out of bounds for Latin Script, Greek Script or Cyrillic Script alphabets. And also that would make it easier to count and locate the precise square or cube in the Scrabble board quickly, both from co-ordinate system to Scrabble board square or cube and from Scrabble board square or cube to co-ordinate system.
Is there any other changes that I need to make to the code for me to get rid of Access Violation error during computer's turn?
By the way, your algorithm for generating Roman Numerals is wrong. For the first 15 numbers, it returns [I, I, I, IV, V, I, I, I, IX, X, I, I, I, IV, V]. Please check the algorithm properly once again.

function TGame.PosToString(aAxis: TDimension; aPos: byte;UseRoman:boolean=false): string;
//function intToRoman(Value: Longint): string; @strutils;
function RomanNumeral(aValue:Word):string;
cRomanString:array[0..12] of string = ('M','CM','D','CD','C','XC','L','XL','X','IX','V','IV','I');
cRomanValue:array[0..12] of word = (1000,900,500,400,100,90,50,40,10,9,5,4,1);
while aValue>0 do
if aValue/cRomanValue[i]>=1 then
end else
function ArabicNumeral(aValue:Word):string;
cArabicString:array[0..9] of string = ('٠','١','٢','٣','٤','٥','٦','٧','٨','٩');
while aValue>0 do
Result:=cArabicString[aValue mod 10]+Result;
aValue:=aValue div 10;
function DevanagiriNumeral(aValue:Word):string;
cDevanagiriString:array[0..9] of string = ('०','१','२','३','४','५','६','७','८','९');
while aValue>0 do
Result:=cDevanagiriString[aValue mod 10]+Result;
aValue:=aValue div 10;

const GreekLetter:string='αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩαβγδ';
case aAxis of
dx : Result:=DevanagiriNumeral(aPos+1);
dy : Result:=ArabicNumeral(aPos+1);//chr(ord('A')+aPos);
dz : if not UseRoman then
Result:=IntToStr(aPos+1) else

In your original source code of Scrabble3D application, BoardSize-aPos gives the co-ordinate labels along Z-axis in reverse order.
Making use of aPos+1 would be needed to render them properly in the correct forward order.
(Is that either a mistake by negligence or was it intentionally rendered in reverse order for some reason?
If that latter was the case so, then what was the proper reason for it behind that rendering in reverse order?)

dz : if (BoardSize<=UTF8Length(GreekLetter)) and not UseRoman then
Result:=UTF8Copy(GreekLetter,BoardSize-aPos,1) else

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

22.07.2020 16:15
#69 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

I forgot to ask:
Is it possible to place some move on the Scrabble board by typing some command? If so, how would you do that? Will it work out for both of cases of offline play and online play?
I read earlier on somewhere from this forum that it is possible to do so and that feature had been added in some release of Scrabble3D application in the past, but I think that it was not mentioned how to do so with that trick only.
For larger boards, it takes long time for me to drag and drop tiles one by one from the rack to the Scrabble board, or from Scrabble board to the rack, or from one Scrabble board square to another Scrabble board square.


[Off topic] If game is saved to a file during computer's turn, computer does not take that turn. Either human players have to take that turn or if that turn is passed, then that would be counted as a pass for computer's turn.
In games with original version of Scrabble3D application, it is not possible to save games to a file during computer's turn, but it is only possible during Access Violation error during computer's turn.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

22.07.2020 16:35
#70 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #69
Is it possible to place some move on the Scrabble board by typing some command? [...]
I read earlier on somewhere from this forum ... [...]

Maybe it was here: [done] RFE: Type to place letters

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

22.07.2020 19:15
#71 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Thank you. May be I earlier read about it in the Announcements Forum without the full description stated there on how to make use of it.

This feature is really nice! Works well for Classic Scrabble and Super Scrabble with languages based out of Latin Script except for one major bug that is listed below. This is what the majority of the players would be interested in. This feature does not have the full functionality, however.

[Major bug]
The digit 0 is not recognized by Scrabble3D application for co-ordinates along X-axis. For example, if I type C10, then the starting position for tile placing remains at C1.
Even if one tile is placed on Scrabble board by dragging and dropping of mouse, then typing from keyboard for placing the remaining letters on the Scrabble board is impossible. May be for horizontal play it would be better to place the remaining letters by typing from keyboard at first from the next square to the right and then last tile have to be placed by dragging and dropping of mouse at columns along X-axis which have the digit 0 in them. This does not work out for vertical play at a column along X-axis which has the digit 0 in it.

[This feature does not have the full functionality, however]
For 2D boards, right and down cursor keys can be used for placing horizontally and vertically respectively. And left and up cursor keys for placing in reverse direction for languages like Arabic, Persian, Urdu, etc. What about that for 3D boards? Is the feature implemented for that also? If so, at least 6 cursor keys are needed for that case.

For a 33×33 board, there will be both uppercase 'A' and lowercase 'a' co-ordinate along Y-axis. Since the alphabetical co-ordinates that are typed from keyboard are case insensitive, only the uppercase alphabets, namely that the top 26 rows are recognized by Scrabble3D application.

If digraphs are used in some languages, then can the replacement number representing that digraph in the dictionary be typed from the keyboard to place that letter pair tile in the Scrabble board?
What about that for accented characters and Scrabble with mathematical equations, Tamil Scrabble, etc. containing non-ASCII characters? And that for English phonetic Scrabble containing Unicode characters?
What if both uppercase characters and lowercase characters are used in a dictionary given that typing of alphabets from keyboard is case insensitive for recognition by Scrabble3D application?
In Tamil Scrabble, to avoid confusion, I have replaced all lowercase alphabets by making use of symbols and other non-ASCII characters. In English phonetic dictionary, all alphabets that are made use of there are always lowercase but some lowercase alphabets are not there and some lowercase alphabets are replaced by making use of their Unicode equivalents.

Joker tile is used for an alphabet that is typed from keyboard if that letter does not exist in the rack. What if a word contains 2 same letter with only one of them in the rack and the other is to be used with a joker tile, and the joker tile is to be used for the first instance of the letter in the word because the second instance of the letter in the word scores points because of the fact that it is kept on a premium square?

Even if I change the Scrabble board co-ordinate labels as shown in the image above by editing the source code and compiling on my own, then also only alphabets and numbers are to be used to place tiles on the Scrabble board by typing from the keyboard until I change the source code that would correspond to that also. However that it would work out only for the top 26 rows of the Scrabble board in any case, for any of type of manually defined custom size of Scrabble board.

(The above image shown had been taken as a screenshot by loading the saved game in my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application, but that was played with one single other computer opponent player in original version of Scrabble3D application only. Playing with computer opponent players in my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application does not work out at all, as it would throw away an error message of Access Violation during computer's turn, just simply.)|addpics|ubb-2n-b113.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

23.07.2020 16:49
#72 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Scotty: Why do you not respond? I would be happy if you would help me to fix one small issue.
How do I get rid of 'Access Violation' error during computer's turn in my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application to a different folder?

It seems that the config directory cannot be changed manually from the Scrabble3D application from the Configuration -> Settings (Network page). Is it so?
I tried out to remove Scrabble3D.conf file from the config directory and regenerate it from my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application, on assuming that Access Violation occurred because the original version of Scrabble3D application was simultaneously sharing the access with my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application, but it did not help out either.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

24.07.2020 11:32
#73 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Sorry, busy days. Can you run the application with a debugger to track down the AV? It might depend on your patches and the actual configuration so a bit difficult for me (besides the non-latin fonts that I cannot display with default setup). If the AV comes only during computer moves you could try to disable multi-threading (needed for the debugging anyway).

The read-only edit field is a convenience feature to access content of the config directory and not meant to change the location, yes.

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

24.07.2020 17:30
#74 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #73
Sorry, busy days. Can you run the application with a debugger to track down the AV? It might depend on your patches and the actual configuration so a bit difficult for me (besides the non-latin fonts that I cannot display with default setup). If the AV comes only during computer moves you could try to disable multi-threading (needed for the debugging anyway).

I understand that you are busy with your own paid work during all of these days. But you might need only little time to spare with me.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #73
The read-only edit field is a convenience feature to access content of the config directory and not meant to change the location, yes.

Scrabble3D.conf file in the config directory contains the path of the config directory. Changing this to another path would not help out because this file is inside the config directory that is needed to step inside to read that file. Changing path of config directory from Scrabble3D application would only be meaningful if it were not read-only edit text field and if alternate path can be given for alternate installation of Scrabble3D application in a different folder which would be my own modified and compiled version of Scrabble3D application.

What version of Lazarus IDE and FreePascal compiler did you make use of for packing of latest released version of Scrabble3D application. May be that I would try out compiling with that version of Lazarus IDE and FreePascal compiler if the latest version of the compiler received some major changes with respect to UTF8 functions.

I am receiving crashes during computer's turn in my own compiled version of Scrabble3D application even without modifying the source code that was downloaded and opened in the Lazarus IDE from sourceforge. The crashes happen both when computer's computation of list of all of valid moves that are available to play in any Scrabble board position is multi-threaded or not.

I have received exception SIGSEGV at many lines but these are the major ones:
Without multi-threading:
line 866 in ubruteforce.pas
(bMove.Letters[k].What=aMove.Letters[k].What) and

With multi-threading:
line 104 in uletter.pas

I have also received exception SIGSEGV in LazUTF8.pas (not related to the source code of Scrabble3D application)
in UTF8Length function.
line 487 in LazUTF8.pas

The major changes I made to the code are increasing maximum size of board to 100, changing board co-ordinate labels to Devanagiri numerals (Hindi numerals) along X-axis, Arabic numerals along Y-axis and conventional Hindu Arabic numerals along Z-axis.
I don't think that array size need to be modified accordingly from 48 in any of these files for them to throw an array index out of bounds exception. Anyway that it is not the error message that I am getting with.

Anyway that the first changes that I would like to do in the source code would be to increase the maximum size of board to 100 and adding 5x - 10x letter score, 5x - 10x word score and 5x - 10x letter score malus.
May be that supporting play for more than 4 players both online and offline would also be good enough.

May be that you could also try out by yourself with the source code changes that I had already mentioned in my own post 68 in this thread and find out whether you would receive the same crash or not. May be that you might be making use of different operating system, and it would be also worthy of trying out by me with a different operating system if it were available for me and if it were possible for me to go out and install it either in my computer or in some other computer by myself or with the help of someone else if there were not for COVID-19 curfews and lockdowns during the current period of time.
It seems that Scrabble3D application is not supported by the latest versions of Macbook operating systems, a person from the Scrabble club in which I am currently a member of, who would be interested in trying out with Scrabble variants whenever that I mentioned already to him about the Scrabble3D application told me ever, that he could neither install directly nor try out compiling from the source code indirectly with or without modifying the source code that was downloaded and opened in the Lazarus IDE from sourceforge.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

25.07.2020 10:52
#75 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

>line 866 in ubruteforce.pas
Which is part of sorting the possible words. Hard to believe that this really causes the segmentation fault.

>version of Lazarus IDE and FreePascal
Try with 2.4, not sure. And perhaps Lazarus ~1.0, but if you compile from source it might be not so crucial.

>different operating system
I'm (mostly) on Linux which always makes less trouble than macOS and Windows.

With abandoning 32bit applications it's not possible to run Scrabble3D on macOS anymore (couldn't compile 64bit back then because of some libraries). You may try the Windows version with WINE or install a virtual machine with Linux.

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