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Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

20.05.2020 10:42
#16 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von undefined
Apart from the numbers from 0 to 9, just curious about what other characters could be entered around into replace feature key set lines within language dictionary file values?

IIRC, you can use any character.


should all be possible. Makes not much sense for English. Oh, it does ;-)

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

20.05.2020 12:32
#17 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

10. Another minor bug, when a previously configured dictionary is loaded again with some options unchecked, then all words of the dictionary are loaded, instead of excluding the categories of words that are unchecked. This automatically gets fixed when those categories are checked and unchecked again.

This does not cause much of trouble to played games as all of settings and configurations of played game are verified before starting a new played game and total count and used words in dictionary such numbers are shown in the played game rules panel. Still more weird, these unchecked categories positions and indices further reflect in new dictionaries that have not been loaded before which have been created manually or by making use of computer program with different possible parameters and arguments available and they have been transferred to the Scrabble3D application desired dictionary folder and from another corresponding and respective directory.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

24.05.2020 19:14
#18 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Please download Maths1000.ssg (45 × 45 board with 1000 tiles) and Maths1010.ssg (15 × 15 × 15 board with 1000 tiles), load it into Scrabble3D and try to save both of the games to a different file.
Please let me know whether you get any error messages from your side in saving those extremely large 2D and 3D boards with large number of tiles.
The writing process to a file gets aborted in between with high probability during first attempt and it will take large number of attempts to write those entire files properly.

English309.ssg (33 × 33 board with 750 tiles), the process of writing to a file was aborted in between and at that time I did not have the idea of retrying again and again till it succeeded with.
Is it possible for you to repair that file by using the data from letter and history and give it back to me by posting the repaired version of that file here?
All of my other played games data with Scrabble3D, you can just refer to them from the zip file that I have attached along with.
This is exception for English309.ssg (33 × 33 board with 750 tiles), the very fourth day I was making use of Scrabble3D just simply, on Tuesday 28 April 2020, I did not have saved game file or screenshot of that played game and for the first time, the process of writing to the file was aborted in between. I had closed the game just immediately after I finished playing it and I did not have the idea of trying out again and again till it succeeded to write out with the complete saved game file of the played game.
Every time it writes different length of played game file and gets aborted in between by giving its own same failure error message with no other proper reason.
Some of the files are incompletely written and the rest are complete, for those extremely large 2D and 3D boards with large number of tiles I have to try out again and again several times till they succeed with. All of my played games with Scrabble3D so far are attached in images to this post or to one or more of my other previous posts in this thread. You can also just refer to them.

Also that when I initially installed Scrabble3D, entire 2D view of the board was visible.
But after I played my own first game of 3D in Scrabble3D, the top row of the board gets hidden in board of all of sizes, both of 2D and 3D models, in menu bar or tool bar of Scrabble3D application, actually mainly in header banner shown with its own writing of 2D view.



Is it possible to explain what each attribute means in letter and history?
Why is ASCII = symbol not used in maths scrabble? Even by making use of replace function?
Is it a reserved keyword in dictionary and saved game files that cannot be modified with at all?

Given the large size of board that Scrabble3D supports with, whether it is in 2D or 3D, and large number of tiles that with which games can be played with it, it would be nice if Scrabble3D supports games with more than 4 players, whether offline AI vs AI, human vs AI or human vs human, or human vs human, online over a network.

For large boards of this size, 45 × 45 board with 1000 tiles (and not 15 × 15 × 15 board with 1000 tiles) that Scrabble3D supports with, it takes several seconds for each tile to be placed and removed from the board.
Is it not possible that a slide feature be implemented, or one that was previously implemented, that allows players to choose an axis of direction to play with, along X-axis, Y-axis or Z-axis for 3D boards, and then slide with tiles by clicking them easily and quickly from the rack?
Is there any feature available to remove all of the placed tiles in the board immediately, back into the rack, easily and quickly by clicking over somewhere, instead of dragging and dropping one by one back into the rack, given that every single move of that process takes several seconds to do so.

3D Maths Scrabble 15 × 15 × 15 board with 1000 tiles: even with 12 tiles in rack, computer took less time and less memory resources to take a turn than 3D English Scrabble with same board size and same number of tiles, with 7 tiles in rack. Is it due to size of dictionary or due to less number of branches in the subsequent letter in a possible built in trie data structure?
Computer can check for all permutations of existing tiles along every possible cube along all 3 axis, that attaches with an already existing tile on the board and forms a valid word in the dictionary. To make it even more efficient, it is also possible to build a trie data structure of all dictionary words and without checking all possible permutations of tiles in rack, check only for words letter by letter if the starting stem or ending stem is present in dictionary, according to checking each possible word in rack for play from forward or from reverse, depending upon wherever the word tile that attaches with an already existing tile on the board and forms a valid word in the dictionary.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #6
1. Scrabble board (15 × 15: 100 tiles, 21 × 21: 200 tiles, 33 × 33: 500 tiles, 45 × 45: 1000 tiles, 63 × 63: 2000 tiles).
2. Upwords board (10 × 10: 100 tiles, 14 × 14: 200 tiles, 22 × 22: 500 tiles, 32 × 32: 1000 tiles, 44 × 44: 2000 tiles).
3. Board layout: Spiral, Cross, Random. Number of tiles in rack variation: 6 to 10. Swap blank from board for same letter.
4. Different letter distribution in each game & different face value even for same letter. Scrabble with maths equations.
5. Number of blank tile variations: 0% to 2% of all tiles. Front side or back side choice of each tile in Tamil Scrabble.
6. Each player either draws 50 tiles at random from bag at start of game or plays with 10 tiles in rack in Tamil Scrabble.
7. 6 face cube tiles for Hindi, Kannada, Telugu & Malayalam Scrabble. Triangular, Square & Hexagonal boards. 3D Scrabble.
8. English phonetic Scrabble from CMU Sphinx. Clabbers, Cambio Secco, What-If-Only variant. 0 or negative points for tiles.
9. 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x letter score malus meaning that points of tiles placed on these squares are subtracted instead of added.
10. Fun with bigrams with/without forming these combined letters from 2 separate tiles. Get Scrabble3D from SourceForge now.

It is possible to only attach files of certain formats here.
For all of other types of formats, it is not possible or they are needed to attach in a zip file.

All of types of zip file formats should be allowed, whether it is bun zip, gun zip, rar or 7z file formats. All of these types are always being of zip file formats.
Some of e-mail service providers, including Gmail does not allow to attach files of executable formats and other formats, even whenever if they are inside of zip file formats. This is not the case here, at all.

Attach file formats, not of type of images are automatically placed inline into posts or messages.
This is not the case for image files, which are placed inline into posts or messages only whenever if they are manually specified by users.

Is there any limit of available number of characters for posts or messages into this very discussion forum or bulletin board?
If so, what is it? Well, let me know very well about these types of things, around just simply.


Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

24.05.2020 20:54
#19 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Is it possible to explain what each attribute means in letter and history?

By the way, how do you control the set of letters blank can take?
If some letter is defined with count of 0 in letter set, then is that letter allowed for a possible blank letter even though it is not available for the remaining of letter set in the played game?

Is there any time limit in between two posted messages for this forum. It is possible to edit the post if anyone's afterthought time limit is less than 1 hour.
Some forums require few minutes of time limit in between two posted messages. This is especially applicable for new users with less than certain number of posted messages into their own forum whatever that they have joined ever, within into upon upto.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #18
Please download Maths1000.ssg (45 × 45 board with 1000 tiles) and Maths1010.ssg (15 × 15 × 15 board with 1000 tiles), load it into Scrabble3D and try to save both of the games to a different file.
Please let me know whether you get any error messages from your side in saving those extremely large 2D and 3D boards with large number of tiles.
The writing process to a file gets aborted in between with high probability during first attempt and it will take large number of attempts to write those entire files properly.

All of these files are stored within zip format of file I attached with my own previously posted message into this very thread within this very forum, just simply.

It is possible to only attach files of certain formats here.
For all of other types of formats, it is not possible or they are needed to attach in a zip file, just simply.

All of types of zip file formats should be allowed, whether it is bun zip, gun zip, rar or 7z file formats. All of these types are always being of zip file formats.
Some of e-mail service providers, including Gmail does not allow to attach files of executable formats and other formats, even whenever if they are inside of zip file formats. This is not the case here, at all.

Given that Scrabble3D application only supports Maths Scrabble from the link given in Wikipedia, why is letter distribution in Wikipedia from Scrabble tiles distribution page different from that of inbuilt distribution that comes along with, in Scrabble3D application?
Well, let me know very well about these types of things, around just simply.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

25.05.2020 09:47
#20 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #19
Is it possible to explain what each attribute means in letter and history?

Letter: What,Value,Where[dx],Where[dy],Where[dz],Who,When,RackPos,IsJoker,IsRandom,State (255 = nil)
History: PlacedWord,ConnectedWords,ExchangedLetters,CambioSecco,RackLetters,MoveNumber,PlayerNumber,Value,Best,TimeUsed,IsScrabble,Penalty[0],Penalty[1],Penalty[2],Penalty[3],Dimension,Position

The source code is completely open, search for SaveTo() functions in ugamecourse.pas and uscrabble.pas.

Math1000 opens without any issue and saving works well too.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #19
why is letter distribution in Wikipedia from Scrabble tiles distribution page different from that of inbuilt distribution

IIRC, the distribution was calculated based on the dictionary. Feel free to change it.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #19
Is it possible for you to repair that file by using the data from letter and history and give it back to me by posting the repaired version of that file here?

No, there is no game history saved in this file. All the issue and shortcomings needs to be fixed in a new version. And I mean to start from scratch, ideally in C++ to attract more skilled people.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

25.05.2020 10:55
#21 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

The inbuilt 15 × 15 × 15 3D board and 21 × 21 × 21 3D board that come along with Scrabble3D application have very sparsely populated premium squares. Why?
Everyone can take a look of my own played games of English1000.ssg and Maths1010.ssg for a densely populated version. It will be rewarding for playing every move in game and for playing with furthermore bingoes in game.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #20
No, there is no game history saved in this file. All the issue and shortcomings needs to be fixed in a new version. And I mean to start from scratch, ideally in C++ to attract more skilled people.

English309.ssg has game history. Why do you say that it has no game history? It does not matter if you are not able to repair that format of file anyway. For it is just a game played, it is not a very important type of thing to do so with at all.
The process of writing to the file was aborted in between and I had no idea earlier on at that time that I could retry again and again till I succeeded with. I closed the played game immediately after it was complete without a proper saved game or screenshot when I was rather relatively new to make use of Scrabble3D application.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

25.05.2020 16:28
#22 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #21
The inbuilt 15 × 15 × 15 3D board and 21 × 21 × 21 3D board that come along with Scrabble3D application have very sparsely populated premium cubes. Why?
Everyone can take a look of my own played games of English1000.ssg and Maths1010.ssg for a densely populated version. It will be rewarding for playing every move in game and for playing with furthermore bingoes in game.

Everyone can get python script from zip archive in post number 13 in this thread, in this forum and see how I generated densely populated version of premium cubes in 15 × 15 × 15 3D board.
Cross layout as in conventional Scrabble did not work out at all. I made use of Spiral layout.

x is the row number, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (in board, this corresponds to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).
y is the column number, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (in board, this corresponds to A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O).
z is the plane number, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (in board, this corresponds to ο, ξ, ν, μ, λ, κ, ι, θ, η, ζ, ε, δ, γ, β, α).

(7, 7, 7) is the (double word) central start cube.
d = Manhattan distance from central cube = |7 - x| + |7 - y| + |7 - z|.
A cube is premium cube if d ≡ 0 (mod 7) (usually word score with some exceptions) or d ≡ 4 (mod 7) (usually letter score with some exceptions).

Case when d ≡ 0 (mod 7):
Triple word if x ≡ 0 (mod 7), y ≡ 0 (mod 7) and z ≡ 0 (mod 7) all of three of these conditions holding with simultaneously.
Primarily triple word except when row / column / plane is 2 or 3 steps from central row / column / plane, then it is double word to avoid two triple word at a distance of 4 steps or 6 steps from each other.
When row / column / plane is 1 step from central row / column / plane, then it is triple letter to avoid two triple word or two double word at a distance of 2 steps from each other.

Case when d ≡ 4 (mod 7):
Triple letter if [|7 - x| ≡ 0 (mod 7), |7 - y| ≡ 0 (mod 7) and |7 - x| + |7 - y| ≥ 7 all of three of these conditions holding with simultaneously] or [|7 - y| ≡ 0 (mod 7), |7 - z| ≡ 0 (mod 7) and |7 - y| + |7 - z| ≥ 7 all of three of these conditions holding with simultaneously] or [|7 - x| ≡ 0 (mod 7), |7 - z| ≡ 0 (mod 7) and |7 - x| + |7 - z| ≥ 7 all of three of these conditions holding with simultaneously]
Primarily double word except when row / column / plane is 1 step from central row / column / plane, then it is double letter to avoid two double word at a distance of 2 steps from each other, and to have furthermore double letter than triple letter, double word and triple word.
Double letter if this premium cube is 3 steps away from another triple word or double word, to avoid two double words or one double word and one triple word at a distance of 3 steps from each other, and to have furthermore double letter than triple letter, double word and triple word.

Out of 3375 cubes, I got 378 double letter (39.21%), 296 triple letter (30.71%), 216 double word (22.41%), 74 triple word (7.68%). Total count number of occupied cubes = 964 / 3375 (28.56%).
For traditional Scrabble board, out of 225 squares, we have 24 double letter (40%), 12 triple letter (20%), 16 double word (26.67%), 8 triple word (13.33%). Total count number of occupied squares = 60 / 225 (26.67%).

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #20
IIRC, the distribution was calculated based on the dictionary. Feel free to change it.

Did you write it? If so, why is ≡ made use of, rather than instead of =, in Wikipedia page for Scrabble tiles distribution?

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

25.05.2020 20:45
#23 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Computer does not jokerize any tiles in What-If-Only variant. If it does, there would be plenty of possibilities that would slow down the computer performance. The same is the case when using blanks in large board or 3D board, or when multiple blanks land on computer's rack. As an alternative, I make use of an extra tile in rack instead.
If I jokerize a tile during my turn and pass my turn, will it still remain as joker during the next turn and not revert back to original tile as it was previously?


Some weird bugs: file I attached in post 18 contains Phonetic110.ssg. Load it into Scrabble3D application. Numbers 1 to 7 will be displayed for tiles that were substituted for diphthongs.
Load cmu_pronouncing.dic from in my post 13 and load Phonetic110.ssg again. It will work properly.
Try loading Hungarian dictionary, for example, and try to load Phonetic110.ssg again. Bigrams present in Hungarian language dictionary will be substituted for diphthongs which were present in Phonetic110.ssg, that were substituted by their corresponding numbers.
If developers ever want to work on next release, then they need to take care of fixing within all of these issues within Scrabble3D application. If a saved game is loaded, then so should be corresponding language dictionary that was used along with it along with all of its own corresponding bigrams and diphthongs (for English phonetic Scrabble played game board and tiles).|addpics|ubb-1f-f982.png|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

26.05.2020 21:51
#24 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Even if bugs in Scrabble3D application are not going to be fixed, is it at least possible to update the language dictionaries in the server to their latest versions?
For example, English dictionary could point to latest TWL and CSW2019. English phonetic Scrabble could have options to use diphthongs or not, and an option to decide whether diphthongs can be formed from two separate tiles also. Maths Scrabble could include more new maths equations like √7921=89, 344÷43=8 and 8×6.5=52. This would help network players to download language dictionaries easily, instead of me sending a link to download them from somewhere over online.
Only one maths equation is supported in language dictionary math.dic with ∜, that is ∜16=2. Why fourth root, why not cube root or fourth power at the first place? What the hell are maths equations like ∞>15 and ∞=∞+1? Why not ∞>16 and ∞=∞-1? Anyway that this should only be a concern for computer opponents, given that human opponents would honestly play games over the network.
What about 0^0=1? 0^0 and 0÷0 are indiscriminate forms, aren't they?
For my own attached format of file zip archive in post number 13 in this thread in this forum contains ipa_english.dic for English phonetic Scrabble with all of my own modified suggestions and sowpods.dic for CSW2012, CSW2015 and CSW2019. It should suffice to just have CSW2019, but that TWL words are not included and distinguished in that language dictionary. You may want to refer to them if you would want to and then make your own modifications accordingly.
Whenever definitions of words are included in language dictionary, then it is very nice for tooltip text for words meaning are displayed whenever mouse hovers over the placed word in the Scrabble word in played game in Scrabble3D application.

My own provisional distribution of Maths Scrabble tiles for 100 tiles:
Tile Count Value
----- ----- -----
⁼ 18 1
0 6 3
1 8 2
2 7 2
3 6 3
4 6 3
5 6 4
6 6 4
7 5 5
8 5 4
9 5 5
+ 3 6
− 3 6
× 3 6
÷ 3 7
√ 2 7
^ 1 9
! 1 10
. 1 8
² 1 8
³ 1 9
∜ 1 10
Blank 2 0

So, I have made use of 61% of tiles as digits compared to 58% for yours (Wikipedia's). It encourages players to form maths equations with longer numbers. Does it make sense on a small 15×15 board?
To balance, number of operators should be as much the same as number of = at least. I used 18 = with 19 operators, but you (Wikipedia) have made use of 20 = and 22 operators. Does it not cause problems in played game, whatever with furthermore number to stagnate at the end? Because short words does not exist in number Scrabble, it is very difficult to completely finish off with all of remaining tiles at the end of the played game. For rest of them assured if every digit in pairs such that equalities category can be made use of, or if some maths equation occurs with n×0=0, 0=0×n, 0=0^n or n^0=1 such that hooks can be attached onto them just simply, all of those maths equations does not exist as words within Maths language dictionary math.dic at all, within into upon upto.

What-If-Only variant is well suited for number scrabble within adjustable number of tiles within rack.
Number scrabble smaller board size, 2D or 3D played with 10 tiles in rack.
Number scrabble larger board size, 2D or 3D played with 12 tiles in rack.|addpics|ubb-1g-6361.png,ubb-1h-ae62.png,ubb-1i-5318.png|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

27.05.2020 00:01
#25 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Scrabble3D application is really very nice, indeed it is highly customizable Scrabble board and played game but I have got within that one last question: how is it possible for the developer to release the project as open source for free for all of the hard work put upon it over several years? How was it possible to make profit with all of the man hours spent over it? Well, let me know very well about this type of thing around, just simply, indeed really.

Rather than instead of, within into upon upto.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

27.05.2020 12:28
#26 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Also that if malus squares are included in board layout, why minimum score for a move is always 0, even if the actual total comes to be negative.
Is it possible to fix this issue in the next release if you would ever work upon it later on, or is it intentionally made to be designed like that?
May be at least an option could be kept in settings whether negative values of moves can be counted or not. And also whether this type of 0 move can be included as pass (not just swapping tiles and passing turn).

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #23
Computer does not jokerize any tiles in What-If-Only variant. If it does, there would be plenty of possibilities that would slow down the computer performance. The same is the case when using blanks in large board or 3D board, or when multiple blanks land on computer's rack. As an alternative, I make use of an extra tile in rack instead.
If I jokerize a tile during my turn and pass my turn, will it still remain as joker during the next turn and not revert back to original tile as it was previously?

Yesterday that I tried out my own first played game of what-if-only variant. Players can jokerize at most one tile during a turn but in turn score should be at least as much as a bingo bonus, usually 50 points but adjustable too. Star points are blanks or tiles which had been jokerized, but that they are being worthy of 0 points.
I could change one single number from 9 to 8 to play with the equation of 8×6.5=52 for 111 points. That is really indeed very nice!
After jokerizing one tile, 15-8=7 and 15-7=8 were invalid plays for 48 points. However, 15=8+7 and 15=7+8 were valid plays for 51 points. Here, one single operator was changed from = to + or -.|addpics|ubb-1f-f982.png|/addpics|

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

27.05.2020 19:33
#27 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman it at least possible to update the language dictionaries in the server to their latest versions?

Yes, that's easy. But someone has to do it and I'd prefer to have the original author involved in the process.

Zitat von Raman
how is it possible for the developer to release the project as open source for free for all of the hard work put upon it over several years? How was it possible to make profit with all of the man hours spent over it?

No plural, only one is working on the code. And open source means free, often non-profit, always for fun. I've got two donations with a total of 35$ over the years (gross). Money is not everything in life.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

27.05.2020 21:11
#28 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Now for something different, a number can be placed on Scrabble board if and only if it is a perfect square.
Same can be done for O(n²) triangular numbers also, but they are less natural than perfect squares.
For example, prime numbers are too dense and perfect cubes are too rare for 10 numbers.

print "[Header]"
print "Version=100000"
print "Author=Raman Viswanathan <>"
print "StandardCategory=Squares"
print "Licence=GNU General Public License, v3"
print "Comment=Squares"
print "[Replace]"
print "[Categories]"
print "[Words]"
for i in range(4, 316228):
print str(i ** 2) + "=" + str(i) + "\xc2\xb2"

When the Scrabble game played nears its end, computer with its full potential does not always play the best move. Isn't it?
Does it always look out for ways to push away as much as tiles as possible while not allowing high scoring and rarely used letters to stagnate in its rack?

print "[Header]"
print "Version=100000"
print "Author=Raman Viswanathan <>"
print "StandardCategory=Triangular Numbers"
print "Licence=GNU General Public License, v3"
print "Comment=Triangular Numbers"
print "[Replace]"
print "[Categories]"
print "[Words]"
for i in range(5, 447215):
print str((i * (i - 1)) / 2) + "=binomial(" + str(i) + ", 2)"


Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

28.05.2020 10:53
#29 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman
Does it always look out for ways to push away as much as tiles as possible while not allowing high scoring and rarely used letters to stagnate in its rack?

If the Computer wins the game (more points than opponent) it places as much letters as possible. Otherwise as much points.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

28.05.2020 12:21
#30 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

These python scripts would be much better off than the python scripts that I had attached in my own previous post in this thread in this forum.

print "[Header]"
print "Version=100000"
print "Author=Raman Viswanathan <>"
print "StandardCategory=1 digit"
print "Licence=GNU General Public License, v3"
print "Comment=Squares"
print "[Replace]"
print "[Categories]"
for j in range(1, 11):
print str(j) + "=" + str(j + 1) + " digits"
print "[Words]"
for i in range(1, 316228):
print str(i ** 2) + "=" + str(i) + "\xc2\xb2" + (";" + str(len(str(i ** 2)) - 1), "") [i <= 3]

m = ["\xe2\x81\xb0", "\xc2\xb9", "\xc2\xb2", "\xc2\xb3", "\xe2\x81\xb4", "\xe2\x81\xb5", "\xe2\x81\xb6", "\xe2\x81\xb7", "\xe2\x81\xb8", "\xe2\x81\xb9"]
n = ["\xe2\x82\x80", "\xe2\x82\x81", "\xe2\x82\x82", "\xe2\x82\x83", "\xe2\x82\x84", "\xe2\x82\x85", "\xe2\x82\x86", "\xe2\x82\x87", "\xe2\x82\x88", "\xe2\x82\x89"]
def superscript(s):
a = ""
for c in s:
a += m[ord(c) - 48]
return a
def subscript(t):
b = ""
for d in t:
b += n[ord(d) - 48]
return b
print "[Header]"
print "Version=100000"
print "Author=Raman Viswanathan <>"
print "StandardCategory=1 digit"
print "Licence=GNU General Public License, v3"
print "Comment=Triangular Numbers"
print "[Replace]"
print "[Categories]"
for j in range(1, 11):
print str(j) + "=" + str(j + 1) + " digits"
print "[Words]"
for i in range(2, 447215):
print str((i * (i - 1)) / 2) + "=" + superscript(str(i)) + "C" + n[2] + (";" + str(len(str((i * (i - 1)) / 2)) - 1), "") [i <= 4]

print "[Header]"
print "Version=100000"
print "Author=Raman Viswanathan <>"
print "StandardCategory=1 digit"
print "Licence=GNU General Public License, v3"
print "Comment=Cubes"
print "[Replace]"
print "[Categories]"
for j in range(1, 15):
print str(j) + "=" + str(j + 1) + " digits"
print "[Words]"
for i in range(1, 100000):
print str(i ** 3) + "=" + str(i) + "\xc2\xb3" + (";" + str(len(str(i ** 3)) - 1), "") [i <= 2]

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