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Dieses Thema hat 15 Antworten
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bluesscream ( Gast )

09.02.2016 19:06
joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

beim Versuch, den Joker einzusetzen, erscheint an der Wahlposition ein kleiner Strich und kein Auswahlfenster, das Spiel friert irreversibel ein und muss gekillt werden.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

09.02.2016 21:33
#2 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Das Problem ist bekannt - und im Freepascal Bugtracker auf acknowledged gesetzt. Im Hotfix 3.1.4-1 gibt es ein Workaround für dieses Fenster. Tut mir leid, dass ich keine bessere Lösung anbieten kann.

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bluesscream ( Gast )

09.02.2016 21:53
#3 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Auf eine Lösung warte ich sehnsüchtig. Bis dahin spiele ich halt ohne Joker. Trotzdem danke, Scotty

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

10.02.2016 00:52
#4 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Ohne Joker zu spielen, so weit musst du nicht gehen. Der Hotfix funktioniert, der Dialog ist einfach nur größenveränderlich.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

16.01.2021 23:50
#5 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

hello, sorry for English but my written/spoken Deutsch is terrible. i could see that the bug is fixed in freepascal. yet, the bug is still present in scrabble3d. can you please update? thanks! jose

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

17.01.2021 10:42
#6 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Don't remember this 5y old topic but reading comment #2 it seems I fixed the issue in the hotfix. Try this

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

17.01.2021 11:12
#7 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

hey scotty! long time no see :-) yeah, i did read that but it would be great to see a full release with the hotfix already implemented. any plans to release 3.1.5?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

18.01.2021 09:11
#8 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Unfortunately it's not so easy, have to start from scratch.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

18.01.2021 11:21
#9 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Oh, that's rather sad :-(

Anyway I did try the hotfix. After extraction I realized that this only contains 32-bit fixed binary and that there is no binary for x86_64. Looks like playing w/o jokers (as suggested by bluesscream) is the only way how to play the game on a current 64-bit Linux system.

jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

18.01.2021 13:23
#10 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

For the record I tried to build the binary in the latest lazarus. There are many UTF-8-related functions that needs to be updated/removed but in the end I failed anyway.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

20.01.2021 08:52
#11 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von jose1711 the end I failed anyway.

Me too. Tried to compile ignoring all the new UTF8 functions ending up in no drag 'n drop.
What you can do is to try the Qt version (still Qt4, might be a problem to find the dependencies) and per WINE the Windows version.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

30.01.2021 23:37
#12 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

I did not want to give up that easily (don't want to use wine and qt4 is seriously outdated). Thus I deployed ubuntu xenial using vagrant and after some minutes I was able to compile the latest Scrabble3D from subversion. Copied over the x86_64 binary and voila.. joker no longer crashes. If I send you the binary, will be so kind and publish it as a patch next to 32bit one? That would allow me to make a fix in Arch's AUR repository. Thank you, jose

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

31.01.2021 10:39
#13 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Sounds great. I can add the patched binary to

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

31.01.2021 13:41
#14 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten
Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.02.2021 09:04
#15 RE: joker bug Version 3.1.4 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Zitat · Antworten

Uploaded as "Patch-Scrabble3D-x86_64.gz"

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