Zitat von linhart on Ancient Greek Dictionary: ancient-greek.dicBy the way: Are accents very essential in ancient greek? That means, should there be special tiles with accents, like e.g. in Hungarian? Or do you think that the modern Greek letter set is also suited for ancient greek?
I have already being thinking about that too, but I don't know yet what I should say. Let me think a little bit more.
I have found that in 1982 there had been a spelling reform in Greece. Several accents, spiritus lenis and spiritus asper were abolished and now the Greeks use only the acute accent. We can read on http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neugriechis...itische_Zeichen:
das monotonische System mit dem Akut (´, „οξεία“) als Betonungszeichen, das seit der Rechtschreibreform im April 1982 orthographischer Standard ist und vorwiegend verwendet wird. Die bis dahin verwendeten Akzente und Hauchzeichen bis auf den Akut als Betonungszeichen spielen für die Aussprache des Neugriechischen keine Rolle mehr. Einzig das Trema dient noch zur Kennzeichnung der getrennten Vokalaussprache.
A different letter set including special tiles with vowels+diacritics might be necessary for Ancient Greek. But maybe it would become more difficult for people to play Scrabble in Ancient Greek. Whatever we will decide, our decision will be arbitrary.
So let's reflect a little bit more on that problem.
It would be great to have the classical philologists and experts Professor Dr. Joachim Gruber and Professor Dr. Niklas Holzberg here with us in our forum, because I think their comments and advices could be a tremendous asset to our discussion.
The distribution of the letters themselves, even without diacritics could be different, because the frequence of the letters might be different in Ancient and Modern Greek. So I suggest that you, Linhart, proceed in doing a letter frequency analysis, when we have got a somewhat applicable word list for Ancient Greek that hopefully will include inflected forms, too.
Maybe that analysis will result in a different letter set for Ancient Greek.
As far as I know, ancient Greek has originally been written with capital letters only. When I remember old Greek inscriptions on stones, I think there were no accents.