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Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten
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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

18.09.2014 09:01
Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

Well since I've been kinda frustrated with skinning boards, and since transparent board spaces have (hopefully only temporarily) disappeared, I decided to work on the Afghan board design. It wound up being a perfect choice, because the skin image I chose was so dark that you couldn't see how pixelated it looked. Not only that, but since the design was meant to simply have a repeated pattern as the "normal" field, there was no need for transparency. The board looks good like it is already! It actually looks WAY better, now that I can make the grid behind the spaces black. THIS is what that design was meant to look like!

I still wish I could toggle the board coordinate display off, or figure out how to make it look better, but for now it looks okay. I have had to turn down the lighting in an odd way in order to downplay the coordinate boxes (they get really bright in full lighting), so the tiles look a bit oddly shaded, but they will look better when I can have them in full light.

I decided to do something with this dsgn...

Since there only needed to be one pattern for the design, I decided to include only WHITE squares for all of the parts. The result is that we can all now change the colors of ANY space tile simply by changing the colors in config. Compare the above image, with this one...

In the second image, ALL of the spaces are actually white, with color changed in config. This is now an extremely flexible and versatile board design. :) In fact, all of the following were achieved simply by changing the board colors in config:

This was never my favorite theme, but with the limits of the current version of S3D, it kinda is! It just kinda works. :)

Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

30.09.2014 07:57
#2 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

After a lot of small tweaks, this theme is ready. :)

I added some brightness to the textures, hopefully without losing too much detail. I also re-aligned the tiles and board, and updated the XML file to reflect the correct version of the theme.

I hope you enjoy!

Oh! Scotty, if:

- A) You want to release this design with the next exe release, and
- B) You add a way to toggle the coordinate boxes on and off...

...would you please toggle the board coordinates OFF by default before you release it?


Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

30.09.2014 13:58
#3 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

You shouldn't add light simulation to your texture. That's what OpenGL does for free. Just create a model with bevel and adjust the light. That's all. The texture would get enlighted as well, of course.

And about tiling, I don't see any reason why you don't map the background texture multiple times in this design; if you have the original tile without the dark center.

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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

30.09.2014 15:19
#4 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #3
And about tiling, I don't see any reason why you don't map the background texture multiple times in this design; if you have the original tile without the dark center.

I know this is only my opinion, but you asked. To me, tiling a tiny texture across a surface makes ANY program look like it's from 1991. NOTHING dates a program as badly. It just looks horrible to me.

Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

30.09.2014 18:42
#5 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #3
You shouldn't add light simulation to your texture. That's what OpenGL does for free. Just create a model with bevel and adjust the light. That's all. The texture would get enlighted as well, of course. you removed them? Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant at first, but now I do.

So you don't like them...and you removed them? in your screenshot it shows my design without the tile texture in place...was that just an experiment, or for demonstration purposes?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.10.2014 09:56
#6 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

If you simulate light by texture you will not have any dependency on position, angle, light settings etc. It makes no sense to have light in textures. That's what I tried to demonstrate.

@all: Apollonius found the reason why textures are ugly, independent from their size. It's because I rescale them internally. And that can be fixed.

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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

01.10.2014 19:55
#7 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #6
If you simulate light by texture you will not have any dependency on position, angle, light settings etc. It makes no sense to have light in textures. That's what I tried to demonstrate.

I don't really understand why it doesn't make any sense though... I mean I CAN See your point...opengl renders these effects ACCURATELY for you, but I think we should be able to make aesthetic decisions that include light reflections/refractions, as long as they look good. When you use the right tile texture, you don't have to fact it looks better if you DON'T bevel. I opened up a discussion thread when I presented the new version of this theme. I was hoping I could get some feedback then, while I was working on it!

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #6
@all: Apollonius found the reason why textures are ugly, independent from their size. It's because I rescale them internally. And that can be fixed.

....I did?

YAY! Go me!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.10.2014 20:35
#8 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Apollonius im Beitrag #7
....I did?

Apollonius, the code whisperer :-)

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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

01.10.2014 21:59
#9 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten

I take way too much credit, of course.

But I will say this, I have been doing a LOT of research on the internet, in an attempt to discover a way to solve this issue. The Wings3D guy was extremely helpful and informative, and I read up on opengl, texturing, etc. I don't know why, but for some reason it's been very important for me to try and make this dream happen, for many years now.

What can I say, I am a freak.

Most of the thanks is yours though, Scotty.

Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

07.10.2014 23:39
#10 RE: Afghan Theme v1.0.2 Zitat · Antworten


Here it is! :)

It's not finished completely, I think there are many tweaks left until it's as good as it can be, but there it is for right now. Scotty, I know you don't like the tile texture, but none of the others I tried looked anywhere near as good to me. I'm not saying that I won't change it...I will, I just have to find something that works as well visually. Is this okay with you, for now?

I had to slightly resize all textures in order for them to be rendered correctly, but now they all look great.

Thanks, Scotty!

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