As discussed over the last year Scrabble3D changed its localization procedure. Available files have been converted now to portable object (po) and uploaded to Transifex [1]. It would be great if some more people can help translating the project, in particular because we lost our main language contributor Bussinchen. Of course you can still use the old school ini files, or just send me plain text. All help is appreciated.
Thanks for the setting up the project on Transifex. A couples of things: 1) A lot of the source strings seem to have lost the accelerators (e.g. New Game (for which we had the translation &Geama ùr), is that deliberate? If yes, I will remove them from the Gaelic po
2) There seems to have been some odd language crossover on some strings. &Word search for example had ended up being Italian in the Gaelic po. I cannot see enough to make that a problem (so far only 3 strings) but it might be worthwhile for translators to do a quick gross error check on the old translations.
3) Are the source strings here the old, slightly fishy English translations or is this the translation which Bussinchen et al proofread at some point? If it's the proofread version, I will give the old strings a quick look to make sure it's all nice and tidy.
******************************* Do, or do not. There is no try.
tb-something refers to toolbar buttons whose caption actually isn't show at all. I tried to improve the original terms, for instance rack and tile are better than bank and piece. Maybe I removed some accelerator in the course of revision, maybe it's a conversion problem like with the Italian terms. Anyway, it would be great if you proof read the text (I added English as well, based on the default). And if necessary I'll try to fix conversion problems.
PS: How do other projects handle (minor) changes of original labels?
normally on other projects any change in the source makes the original translation go to fuzzy or blank (depending on how big the change is), most annoyingly, that happens when the source corrects a typo or something but on the bright side, using a translation memory (which is now possible since we're on po) this is usually very quick to fix.
******************************* Do, or do not. There is no try.
old: msgid "available tiles; left mouse button for dragging, right to mark/unmark for exchange" new: msgid "available tiles; left mouse button for dragging, right to mark/unmark for exchange; ctrl+right mouse button to jokerize"