In the official German tournament rules, page 8, it is specified that the player who has challenged a move which is correct, will be punished by a penalty of 10 points. Even in the WESPA rules, page 24, different possible penalties for incorrect challenges are specified.
How about Catalan tournament rules? The player who has wrongfully challenged a correct move, won't he be punished by any penalty?
As far as I understand the text, no penalty is specified in the official Catalan rules. That means that one could challenge EVERY SINGLE MOVE without being punished. If players always did that, this could disturb the progress of a game in a really horrible way...
Zitat von Catalan rules on Impugnacions Un jugador pot fer una impugnació si creu que la jugada feta pel seu contrincant no és correcta. En aquest cas s’aturarà el rellotge i comunicarà a l’àrbitre el(s) mot(s) impugnat(s), que poden ésser tots, alguns o només un dels mots formats en haver‐se fet la darrera jugada. Després de consultar‐lo(s), l’àrbitre únicament determinarà la validesa o no de la jugada, sense donar‐ne cap altra informació, ni sobre quin(s) dels mots és (són) erroni(s), ni sobre la seva categoria gramatical, ni sobre el seu model de flexió, etc. Si el jugador que impugna no està d’acord amb la decisió de l’àrbitre, podrà tornar a impugnar la jugada, alhora argumentant la reimpugnació. La decisió sobre aquesta segona impugnació serà definitiva. En el cas que la jugada fos correcta, s’afegirà al full d’anotació i es continuarà la partida amb normalitat. En el cas d’ésser incorrecta, el jugador haurà de retirar les peces jugades del tauler i perdrà el torn sense sumar cap punt. La impugnació s’ha de fer just en el moment en què la jugada ha estat feta. Si ja s’ha iniciat la restitució de peces al faristol o s’ha premut el rellotge (quan ja no queden fitxes al sac), es considerarà la jugada acabada i acceptada, i per tant ja no s’admetrà cap impugnació.
Zitat von - page 243.10.14 Challenge Penalties (a) The penalty incurred by an incorrect challenge may vary from tournament to tournament. The tournament organiser should notify players prior to the tournament which penalty condition is in force. Once this has been announced it may not be changed. (b) A player whose opponent successfully challenges always loses that turn as per the Standard Rules. The challenger is penalised only if all challenged words are acceptable. (c) The following is a list of penalty conditions that WESPA considers standard: (i) no penalty for an incorrect challenge (‘single challenge’); (ii) five-point penalty per incorrectly challenged word; (iii) five-point penalty per incorrectly challenged turn (regardless of the number of words challenged in the turn); (iv) as in subsection (ii) or (iii), but using ten points instead of five; (v) loss of turn for an incorrect challenge (‘double challenge’). (d) Other penalty conditions include incrementally increasing penalties. These are not considered standard. Examples are: (i) no penalty for first incorrect challenge, loss of turn for subsequent incorrect challenges (‘dingle challenge’); (ii) five-point penalty for first incorrect challenge, ten-point penalty for subsequent incorrect challenges; (iii) 5-5-10-20-30 point (or similar) increasing penalties for incorrect challenges; (iv) time penalties of 30-60 seconds for all incorrect challenges. WESPA Game Rules Version 1.0 Part 3 – The Turn 25 (e) WESPA considers option (c)(ii) the preferred international norm. Tournaments that do not use standard penalty conditions risk being regarded by WESPA as nonratable.
Zitat von Bussinchen As far as I understand the text, no penalty is specified in the official Catalan rules. That means that one could challenge EVERY SINGLE MOVE without being punished. If players always did that, this could disturb the progress of a game in a really horrible way...
Yes, you are right. This could happen, but currently, Catalan Scrabble players are polite.
An argument against setting penalty is facilitate the incorporation of to new players
Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #4What do you think about challenge time:
Do you think 20 seconds would be okay as default setting for the period during which a Scrabble3D player will be able to challenge a move?
Yes, it's fine. Currently no period is defined at tournaments, only the fair-play of player playing the word. He/she waits to get new tiles until the other player challenges the word, or rejects to challenge.
Ah! I see! But in Scrabble3D we can also set up another challenge period, for example 60 seconds - why not? Anyway, when the player who could challenge a move, begins to drag with the mouse one of his tiles, his challenge time is automatically finished, even if otherwise he would have had some more seconds remaining.
As challenge time we can have up to 180 seconds, the maximum possible in Scrabble3D, as it is programmed just now. So if Catalan Scrabble3D players will be happy, we can also choose 180 seconds as default setting for the challenge time!
As I consider you, dear jmontane, as our Catalan expert for Scrabble3D, I want you to decide!
So please tell me what time you would like to have in Scrabble3D!