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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

08.08.2020 16:28
#31 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Scotty: I suggest making some final changes to the Tamil dictionary whenever you are free. For example, tomorrow is Sunday (holiday except when you have plans for outing or spending time with your family members).
This will not take more than 5 or 10 minutes of your time. I assume that Scrabble3D application checks for updates (periodically automatically and if requested manually) only if using lower version of dictionary or localization, and not if higher version is used, that is manually changed in the dictionary files in the unchangeable path of the dictionary folder.

After trying out many games of Tamil Scrabble with different board sizes and different letter sets with Scrabble3D application, I think that these changes would be good to be made on the sourceforge page.
That will be version 1.0.2. I have made these changes for myself in my computer and it will be good to reflect the changes to other people if they are invited to try Tamil Scrabble in Scrabble3D application by downloading that dictionary from the sourceforge page.

(1) In Tamil.dic, raise the points of A from 1 to 2. Raise the points of B from 2 to 4. Raise the points of C from 1 to 3. Raise the points of G from 2 to 4. Raise the points of \ from 1 to 2.
These correspond to the Tamil vowels of அ, ஆ, இ, எ and Tamil consonant of ற respectively.

This is done to reward players with more points for pushing away difficult letters, especially vowels which can occur only at the start of the word. However, in some rare cases such as poetry, they can also occur at the middle of the word and such words would definitely be of interest to Tamil Scrabble playing gamers.
While playing against the computer, if points for these letters are too low, then computer will stagnate these tiles in its rack. If they were too high, then computer would play it in short words on high scoring premium squares. So I need to check out in keeping a balance between both extremes.

(2) Replace all semicolons in the meanings of words by some other symbol, say comma. Or that making use of semicolon with an escaped character if it would be possible in the meanings of all words in the Tamil dictionary in the Scrabble3D application would also be good enough. Because semicolon is the separator between meaning and category (multiple categories are not made use of in Tamil dictionary), the tooltip text displayed when mouse hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board stops at the first semicolon of the word meaning.
It would be good to have word meanings succinctly displayed instead of a verbose one. That would be with the primary meaning of the word shown, instead of all meanings of the words comma separated and arranged alphabetically like I had done in the Tamil dictionary by making use of python script as a computer program.

A word can have all meanings and it would be good if all meanings are shown compactly instead of something like an essay, especially for short words. Anyway that meanings of words are only secondary and they can be useful to people whoever want to do research on that (complete meanings of words would be available in Tamil Lexicon dictionary website that has been published by University of Madras). Primary thing is validity of words played in Scrabble board and most language dictionaries prepared by other authors do not have meanings of words at all even if they have been protected by making use of a key. I am wondering whether words with meanings can also be protected by making use of a key.
(Tamizh.dic I provided earlier contained all words without meanings, but I think that it is not worthy to discuss any more about that. Words with meanings would be attracting enough to other people to make use of language dictionaries in Scrabble3D application. Tamizh.dic, my version of Tamil dictionary file containing all words without meanings has no semicolon in that entire file at all).

Anyway that essay type meanings of words will not be irritating to any players who would ever be making use of Tamil dictionary in Scrabble3D application. They will be displayed as tooltip text only whenever that mouse ever hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board and it would be very much easier enough to get rid of that furthermore.
By the way that tooltip text disappears after a shorter enough period of time. If anyone wants to read that thoroughly and do research on that, I recommend them to take a screenshot of the computer screen that will be copied to clipboard, which they can paste on some image editor.

Unlike mobile operating systems, which can store upto 20 clipboard items at any time (and also any taken screenshots of the mobile operating system screen intentionally or accidentally goes to the top of the stack clipboard item), any installed version of Microsoft Windows PC operating system can store only upto 1 clipboard item at any time. I am not sure about the other PC operating systems at all.
What PC operating system do you make use of and what is the case with your PC operating system? Can you just simply please answer that question of me to me after giving a try out with your PC operating system? I do not have any other PC operating system with me right now for me to test that out by myself at all. Not even as an installed secondary PC operating system in a different hard disk partition to my own installed version of Microsoft Windows PC operating system, that would be Windows 10 of mine.

Semicolon and equals are not used as replace characters and so you can replace all semicolons by commas in meanings of words by one click, by making use of replace function in text editor. That and question mark (which is used for jokers in saved game files) are not worthy to be used as replace characters because it can cause confusion to the computer while saving and loading the saved game files.
Exclamation mark which is used for randoms only in displaying the remaining tiles in the game (because you want to keep them secret? They can be known beforehand by saving game files, along with random seed for predicting turn sequence of all players, randoms and generation sequence of rack tiles of all players) and not in saved game files can be used as a replace character without causing confusion to the computer while saving and loading saved game files. For example, factorial in Maths dictionary just makes use of that without any alterations to it at all.

I wonder whether it would be possible to make use of semicolon in meanings of words by making use of some escape character at least, or equals in words. For example, in Maths dictionary, first Unicode character ≡ as symbol was made use of and it was later replaced by making use of Unicode character ⁼ as symbol. Would it be at least possible to make use of true = ASCII character as symbol at least by making use of replace function in (not necessarily language) dictionary files?
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #30
(5) All 12 pure vowels and 1 special Tamil letter ஃ which is rarely used are made use of exactly and only once in same 17×17 board without respecting the actual frequency of each of the 12 pure vowels in the Tamil dictionary which would amount to more than one tile for some of the Tamil letters and no tiles for some of the other Tamil letters. And exactly and only one tile it would amount to for the remainder of the Tamil letters which do not fall into both of types of the 2 categories that I have already mentioned above.
In my humble opinion, it would be more fun enough to have different tile set each game in not necessarily 15×15 board each game, but of not necessarily different board size each game as it can be played each game in Scrabble3D application with customization each game in Scrabble3D application of board size, board layout, number of tiles in rack ≤ 20, tile distribution, points for each letter and dictionary words.

That would mean that top left quarter of Sorkalam style of Tamil Scrabble played game board would remain unoccupied, empty and vacant until long words are extended and played with difficulty.
At least when that not much of interesting words with vowels in the middle of the words are being played, that I have already mentioned about them as at above paragraphs of places before itself. Otherwise that played game tiles would only run from top right to bottom left leaving remaining portion of the board unoccupied, empty and vacant.

More details (which would require only small inputs from you on this forum itself and would not require to make any more further changes in the sourceforge website pages) to follow upon later.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

09.08.2020 11:20
#32 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman
Scotty: I suggest making some final changes to the Tamil dictionary...

Just do and send me the new version. I'll take care of version numbers and upload.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

09.08.2020 14:32
#33 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

I am not able to send the zip file with you by e-mail to because of rejections due to policy restrictions. May be that you have an alternate e-mail address with you?
May I know what it is? You could share that with me privately if you would want to and if you do not want to post here publicly.

Please consider my uploaded Tamil dictionary from my Google Drive account for upgradation to version 1.0.2 in sourceforge page.

(Pedantry that is not my Google Drive account, but one from my alternate e-mail address because I am running out of storage space in my Gmail but Google Drive account that is linked to my Yahoo! mail account has unlimited capacity. But only Google account has got cool features like location tracking with Google Maps, YouTube, Google Photos access to downloading mobile apps from Google Play Store on any mobile device, etc.)

These are the changes that I have made to it:

(1) I raised the points of A from 1 to 2, B from 2 to 4, C from 1 to 3, G from 2 to 4 and \ from 1 to 2.
These correspond to the Tamil vowels of அ, ஆ, இ, எ and Tamil consonant of ற respectively.

(2) I replaced all semicolons in the meanings of words by comma. Because semicolon is the separator between meaning and category (multiple categories are not made use of in Tamil dictionary), this will ensure that the tooltip text displayed that appears when mouse hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board will no longer get clipped upto the first semicolon of the word meaning.

(3) I changed release date from 01.07.19 (date of latest changes made to Tamil Lexicon dictionary published by University of Madras) to 10.08.20 and assuming that you would update Tamil dictionary to version 1.0.2 in sourceforge page when you read my post in this forum tomorrow, this will be release date for version 1.0.2 of Tamil dictionary in sourceforge page.

I have asked a question to you but I see that you have not replied to it. May be that it would have been too tedious for you to scroll through all the essays in my post in order to locate my asked question within there.

Is it possible to make use of semicolon character in any meanings of words in any dictionary files that are made use of by Scrabble3D application at least with an escape character, such that it will be displayed in the tooltip text that appears when mouse hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

09.08.2020 17:49
#34 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
I am not able to send the zip file with you by e-mail to because of rejections [...]

Scotty's name is not Hieko, but Heiko, so it must be

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

09.08.2020 21:47
#35 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #34
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
I am not able to send the zip file with you by e-mail to because of rejections [...]

Scotty's name is not Hieko, but Heiko, so it must be

Bussinchen: I see that you have posted and contributed a lot of things in this forum with respect to Scrabble3D application, including paying of Professional Tariff for all the period of time from August 2013 to July 2020.
I assume that your post count of only 69 posts in this forum with respect to Scrabble3D application at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine is wrong. May be that as an administrator of this forum, you were able to write out some of types of scripts to change within that of type of thing also.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

09.08.2020 22:13
#36 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten


Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #35
I assume that your post count of only 69 posts in this forum with respect to Scrabble3D application at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine is wrong.

Never mind. It doesn't matter.
(no script)

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

10.08.2020 11:49
#37 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
Please consider my uploaded Tamil dictionary from my Google Drive account...

That works for me as well. Updated the now.
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
Is it possible to make use of semicolon character in any meanings of words in any dictionary files that are made use of by Scrabble3D application at least with an escape character, such that it will be displayed in the tooltip text that appears when mouse hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board?

Checking at the code DoWord() in udictionary.pas the word info/meaning is defined as everything between the first semicolon until the second (or end of line if there is no category applied). So answer is no, semicolons cannot be used in the word info.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

10.08.2020 14:17
#38 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #37
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
Please consider my uploaded Tamil dictionary from my Google Drive account...

That works for me as well. Updated the now.

I revised the points for some of the Tamil letters and especially raised the points for some of the Tamil vowels to reward players with more points for pushing away difficult enough letters, especially letters which are even more difficult enough to push away than the hardest of all English letters.
Vowels are mostly used only in the beginning of any Tamil word because if they occur in the middle of a Tamil word, it will become a combo of consonant and vowel by combining with previous consonant in the Tamil word. But in some rare cases, such as poetry, in which rhyming sounds at the end of each line is important, vowels can also occur at the middle of the Tamil word and they will definitely be of interest to any Tamil Scrabble playing gamer, given that words from Tamil poetry can also be accepted to be played in any game in any Scrabble board and not only Tamil prose.

Now that with the latest update to the Tamil dictionary, it would look good enough to invite other human players as opponents to try out with online Tamil Scrabble games to play over a network connection and not only who are limited with other human players as opponents and other computer players as opponents who are limited offline in the same computer.
While playing against the computer, if points for these letters are too low, then computer will stagnate these tiles in its rack. If they were too high, then computer would play it in short words on high scoring premium squares. So I need to check out in keeping a balance between both extremes.
Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #36

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #35
I assume that your post count of only 69 posts in this forum with respect to Scrabble3D application at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine is wrong.

Never mind. It doesn't matter.
(no script)

There must be some problem in this forum software if your number of posts, that is count, showing in this forum is wrong, Bussinchen, that is 70, at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine.
Or that may be that some administrator in this forum would have done something to it, just for playing around with it simply enough.
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #37
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #33
Is it possible to make use of semicolon character in any meanings of words in any dictionary files that are made use of by Scrabble3D application at least with an escape character, such that it will be displayed in the tooltip text that appears when mouse hovers over any played word in the Scrabble board?

Checking at the code DoWord() in udictionary.pas the word info/meaning is defined as everything between the first semicolon until the second (or end of line if there is no category applied). So answer is no, semicolons cannot be used in the word info.

Definitely that you mean that, everything between first equals and first semicolon (or end of line if there is no category applied) after first equals, and not everything between the first semicolon until the second semicolon (or end of line if there is no category applied).
This is because equals is the separator between word and its own word meaning before the first semicolon (or end of line if there is no category applied) and semicolon is the separator between word meaning and its own word category (or end of line if there is no category applied and it would be the separator between the current word meaning and the next word) after the first equals.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

10.08.2020 23:35
#39 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Offtopic - this has nothing to do with Tamil Scrabble

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #38
There must be some problem in this forum software if your number of posts, that is count, showing in this forum is wrong, Bussinchen, that is 70, at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine.
Or that may be that some administrator in this forum would have done something to it, just for playing around with it simply enough.

Please don't insist. Thank you.
As I said before, it doesn't matter. I have my reasons.

This is not a bug in the forum software.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

11.08.2020 11:19
#40 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

I will not insist with you any more about it again.

Yes, that part of my post is off topic to Tamil Scrabble thread, but not to this entire forum.
At least it belongs elsewhere in this forum. Instead of creating a small new thread elsewhere in this forum specifically for it, I just wanted to clarify in the middle of my posts in other threads. It is good for you and for Scotty to adjust to it if only 3 of us you, me and Scotty makes use of this forum right now.
But if more people would ever read this forum, yes it is good to make use of spoiler tag to expand and contract the off topic parts of messages in this thread. Or move my off topic parts of my messages in this thread to a new thread elsewhere in this forum.
In Xobor forum software, it is a good feature that spoiler tag parts of the messages can be expanded and contracted and not like vBulletin board forum software where black marker is used for spoiler tag parts of the messages to mask off parts of written text in any post that can be used to hide away answers for puzzles, etc.

As you mentioned in the private message to me, what do you mean by 'exotic' dictionary for Tamil language? Because it makes use of different script for writing system?
Would you be interested to consider perfect squares, triangular numbers, perfect cubes, Roman numerals, etc. as 'exotic' dictionaries for them to be uploaded to sourceforge website page so that other users of Scrabble3D application will be able to play with them?

I can also next consider working out upon Hindi and Telugu dictionaries, for example, but there are too many letters to use in them. For best uses to make them work out, rack sizes need to be greater than 20. And that would form more short words, not allowing flexibility to stretch the words played in the Scrabble board from one end of the board to the other end.
May be that as in Sorkalam game for Tamil Scrabble, the words played in such Scrabble boards will extend only from top right of the board to bottom left leaving away other parts of the board unoccupied?

Problems with dictionaries like Hindi and Telugu (without the full Telugu word list in that Telugu dictionary website page):
(1) There are too many consonants, 4 variations each for sounds k, tʃ, ʈ, t and p, although second and fourth (aspirated consonants) will be rarely used, so will be the letters corresponding to the sounds of ŋ, ɲ and ɳ.
(2) As in Tamil Scrabble, even combos of consonants and vowels like ெ, ே, ை and ா cannot be separated.
(3) What about that for pure consonants? Unlike Tamil, in which ் is used for a letter, in other Indian languages, part of the letter is cut and it is joined with the next letter or that letter are placed tinily at the bottom right of the next letter. At least if glass tiles are made use of for combos of consonants and vowels, then at least the ் symbol that is made use of for other Indian languages can be overlapped on top of other wooden pure consonant + அ tiles.

Some of types of other Indian languages such as those like Kannada and Malayalam do not even have these many number of words in their word list in that same dictionary website page to be continued to be proceeded with any furthermore, i.e. for creating within dictionary and letter set for playing Scrabble game in any of types of sizes of Scrabble boards in Scrabble3D application.

These things cannot be done with Scrabble3D application right now, but some modification to Scrabble rules might be needed to provide with more flexibility.
(1) In my 2014 make of Tamil Scrabble with board and tiles printed on chart paper pasted with gum on front side and back side of cardboard and cut with scissors which makes use of front side or back side choice of each tile for each player. This is in accordance with choice of Tamil questions to be answered in Tamil school exams. In this make of Tamil Scrabble, a high scoring tile can be pushed away for low score by making use of back side of that tile. But in the implementation in the Scrabble3D application, that is not possible and a high scoring tile has to be compulsorily played for high scoring value to push it away on the Scrabble board, whether it is on a premium square or not. For other Indian languages, do 6 face cube tiles make sense?
(2) It would be good to have 2 separate racks, first rack can hold upto 10 wooden tiles for letters corresponding to the sounds of pure vowels and pure consonants + அ. Second rack can hold upto 5 glass tiles for letters corresponding to the sounds of combos of consonants and vowels. Exactly and only one single glass tile can be overlapped on top of each of other wooden tiles.

Even furthermore than that will be needed for other Indian languages besides that of Tamil because of more number of consonants but same number of vowels in them as Tamil. Non-Dravidian Indian languages have 2 less vowels in them as Tamil and other Dravidian Indian languages: e and o.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

11.08.2020 23:53
#41 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #40
1. [...] what do you mean by 'exotic' dictionary for Tamil language? Because it makes use of different script for writing system?

2. Would you be interested to consider perfect squares, triangular numbers, perfect cubes, Roman numerals, etc. as 'exotic' dictionaries for them to be uploaded to sourceforge website page so that other users of Scrabble3D application will be able to play with them?

1. Yes, exactly. And because Mattel never produced the Scrabble game in that language.

2. Yes, I would. Roman numerals would be even very "exotic".

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

12.08.2020 11:07
#42 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

How many languages has Mattel produced Scrabble in?
And what are those languages?

List of fun holidays at
April 13 is International Scrabble Day every year.
That page says that Mattel has produced Scrabble in 29 international languages. Is that correct?
But that there can be more new additions in the recent years since the time when that website page had been written.

But everything, board size, board layout, letter distribution, number of tiles in rack, points for each letter and list of words in dictionary can be customized in Scrabble3D application, and it is not a very fixed set of rules as in Classic Scrabble or Super Scrabble produced in any language by Mattel.
It is even possible to create strange variants like Scrabble with mathematical equations, perfect squares, triangular numbers, perfect cubes, Roman numerals, etc.

R. Santhanakrishnan and his wife Preetha Raghavan recently started mass production of Sorkalam Tamil Scrabble playing kits commercially and by someone else in Kannada followed by other Indian regional languages.
But they follow modification to some set of Scrabble rules that I have already mentioned above in the previous post of mine in this thread and they cannot be simulated by Scrabble3D application right now until some source code is also modified accordingly. I created the dictionary for Tamil Scrabble in Scrabble3D application that can be best fit and that can be best played with the current source code of Scrabble3D application right now.

In spoiler tags, in Xobor forums either in forum posts or in private messages I am just wondering if it is simply possible to write very long topics without those making those text which exceed the character limits that fit over thereby disappearing away.
I wonder that if there is no quote button for private messages to quote other people's sent private messages to me automatically in that Xobor forum software.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

12.08.2020 21:13
#43 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #42
How many languages has Mattel produced Scrabble in?
And what are those languages?

Look here:
and here:

But on "unofficial" Scrabble games like Scrabble3D are included.

Zitat von
Official editions:
English Afrikaans Arabic Bulgarian Catalan 5
Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian 10
Finnish French German Greek Hebrew 15
Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Latvian 20
Lithuanian Malaysian Norwegian Polish Portuguese 25
Romanian Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish 30
Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Welsh 34

Unofficial editions:
Anglo-Saxon Armenian Bambara Basque Bicolano 5
Breton Dakelh Dakota Esperanto Faroese 10
Galician Gwichʼin Haitian Creole Hausa Hawaiian 15
Igbo Indonesian IPA English Japanese Hiragana Japanese Romaji 20
Klingon Latin L33t Lojban Malagasy 25
Māori Math Nuxalk Persian Pinyin 30
Scottish Gaelic Cyrillic Serbian Tswana Tuvan Zhuyin 35

Now we should add Tamil Scrabble amoungst the unofficial editions.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #42
1. In spoiler tags, in Xobor forums either in forum posts or in private messages I am just wondering if it is simply possible to write very long topics without those making those text which exceed the character limits that fit over thereby disappearing away.

2. I wonder that if there is no quote button for private messages to quote other people's sent private messages to me automatically in that Xobor forum software.

1. Even in the spoiler there is no limitation other than maximum 65,000 caracters per post (tags included), I think.

2. You have to copy that text yourself and put it between the quotation-tags:

Like this:

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

12.08.2020 22:32
#44 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #43
1. Even in the spoiler there is no limitation other than maximum 65,000 caracters per post (tags included), I think.
2. You have to copy that text yourself and put it between the quotation-tags:

Like this:

Actually that I meant something like this only:
If the length of the text in spoiler tag title in this forum is too long, then part of that text in that title would disappear away which would exceed the maximum limit of characters that would actually fit into it:
In my own post of mine in the Word Puzzles thread in the General forum in the English group in this forum, I have intentionally compressed that spoiler tag title from its own original length to make it fit in into it.
And that is the point from where I was motivated to ask that question from me out to you in order to seek an answer from you out to me, enough whenever that during within current and present period of time, only actually ever.

Puzzle 11
Each word has two + two blanks.

You need to fill up with the same pair of letters to form a word.

For example:
S _ _ ur _ _ e.

The missing pair letters are A T.
The word is Saturate.

Here's an opportunity to sharpen our brain! Lets see who completes all 25.

1. _ _ i _ _
2. V_ _ lat_ _ n
3. H_ _ dw _ _ e
4. _ _ rses _ _e
5. P_ _ sev _ _ e
6. S _ _tim _ _ t
7. _ _da _ _ ted
8. C _ _kb _ _ k
9. Lo _ _i _ _
10. D_ _ tingu_ _ h
11. P_ _ dl _ _
12. S _ _ur _ _ e
13. _ _ p _ _ zard
14. Who _ _ sa _ _
15. _ _ at _ _
16._ _ od_ _ rk.
17. _ _ ma _ _
18. _ _ y _ _ rd
19. H _ _ rtbr _ _ k
20. B _ _ evol _ _ t
21. C _ _ diti _ _
22. An _ _ cipa _ _ on
23. _ _ rri _ _ lum
24. E _ _ agi _ _
25. Inc _ _ p _ _ ate

May be that in any forum that is and that would be making use of Xobor forum software, that limit in private messages would be larger enough than that in forum posts, isn't it?
It is definitely in post previews, before attempting away to submit the post out, I have just simply right now checked it and that out by myself and that is because no left side anyone's own post of anyone of forum information is available during and within post preview period of time, isn't it?

It might also depend upon the size of your screen, especially width and not height and if within any case that whether you are making use of wide enough PC monitor screen or narrow enough mobile device monitor screen.
In my above example, I intentionally made use of a very long enough title that would not even fit even in the longest of monitor device's screen widths and not screen heights.

In your forum post above, you make use of qu[b][/b]ote instead of quote for that forum tag to be not to be automatically formatted enough into parsing them whenever that your own post of yours is being posted into the forum ever, only?
I wonder if whether within any case that there is no pre-formatted tag into any forum software, as it can be done directly into HTML pages and that any forum software makes use of only some of type of website page rendering script as programming language code such as those like PHP scripting as programming language code. I hope that [pre] and [/pre] forum tags serve the sake and purpose for that during and within Xobor forum software at least and at the very least.

Oops, sorry that forum tag is only made use of to render pre-formatted text into a separate paragraph and not to avoid formatting of forum tags into parsing them.
Formatting of forum tags into parsing them can be easily avoided away by making use of inserting within a dummy non-space occupying character during and into forum tags, isn't it?

By the way, just curious about it, is 65000 character limit to any post in this forum is something that set by administrator and that it can be changed by them? Why is there such a character limit to any post in this forum if that character limit to any post in this forum is not going to affect the 100 MB of storage space that is allocated in any free and advertisement supported Xobor forum software in any way and in Mersenne Forum it was initially 10000 but that it was later raised to 16384 = 2¹⁴.
Why is it 65000 and not any other furthermore round number, binary based or decimal based, that has been and that would be. Does that character limit to any post in this forum affect the 100 MB of storage space that is allocated in any free and advertisement supported Xobor forum software?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

12.08.2020 23:10
#45 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Ah, I see. I hadn't understood before.
I recommend not to use such long spoiler titles. You could put the title 1 line above the spoiler instead.
I mean like this for example:

Puzzle 11
For each of these following words, fill in the two pairs of missing blanks with the same digraph, it does not matter whether that digraph is a homogeneous digraph or a heterogeneous digraph

Each word has two + two blanks.

That's better, I think.
Actually I don't know how many caracters are allowed in the spoiler title. Try it out if you really need to know that.

The qu[b][/b]ote you see it only in the quoted text in your edition field when you write an answer. I did it only to show you in the post how you can do - not in the editor. It is shown correctly in my post, If I hadn't spoiles the quotation tag by another tag, the quotation tag would have been realised as a quotation in my post.
I could even have done like this


, but it is shown differently.

The 65000 caracters are the Xobor-software limitation, not the administrators' settings.

Why is it 65000 and not any other furthermore round number, binary based or decimal based, that has been and that would be. Does that character limit to any post in this forum affect the 100 MB of storage space that is allocated in any free and advertisement supported Xobor forum software?

You have to put that question to the Xobor technicians in the Xobor Support forum:
Maybe Ingmar Hamer can explain it to you, if you really want to know exactly why they chose that limitation.

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