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 English dictionaries
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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 12:59
english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

In this thread we'll discuss questions concerning the english-phonetic.dic.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 13:01
#2 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

First of all - @Steve:

Header of english-phonetic.dic

Comment=This dictionary is based off of the CMU pronouncing dictionary that is available for use at More information

In those links, the points at the end of the sentences are included in the links, and the links with the wrong points open web sites that don't exist. Therefore the points have to be excluded from the links - then it works:

Comment=This dictionary is based off of the CMU pronouncing dictionary that is available for use at More information

This problem occurs when you open the dic in Notepad++, but it does not occur if you open it in Microsoft Notepad.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 13:11
#3 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

I read on :

Zitat von
The Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary is a machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 125,000 words and their transcriptions.

As far as I see, this means that the American rules should be applied in Scrabble3D when playing games using the english-phonetic.dic and the IPA phonetic letter set.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 14:18
#4 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten







These examples show different pronunciations for the same words. But I'm not sure if these differences are related to American vs. British English or if both pronunciation variants are considered to be correct American pronunciation variants.

Since I have not studied phonetics of the English language, I would be pleased if Steve could give us a comment.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 14:31
#5 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

When I was studying the english-phonetic.dic, I realized that the entries are listed in alphabetical order following the order of the Latin alphabet, i.e. the alphabetical order of the hints (tooltips), not any alphabetical IPA order.

Now I have a question:
Is there any standardized alphabetical order for special Unicode IPA characters?

I think a standardized alphabetical order for special Unicode IPA characters does exist. But where can we find it?

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 14:47
#6 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

Phonemic chart

On that site we find the new British Council phonemic chart. It helps students hear the sounds of English by clicking on the symbols.
You have to click on the top right hand corner of each symbol to hear sample words including the sounds.

LEARN ENGLISH Phonetic Alphabet IPA

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 15:08
#7 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

Now finally I have found the alphabetical order of IPA:

Zitat von

(excluding the standard characters a-z)

 Symbol	decimal	hex	value

ɑ 593 0251 open back unrounded
ɐ 592 0250 open-mid schwa
ɒ 594 0252 open back rounded
æ 230 00E6 raised open front unrounded
ɓ 595 0253 vd bilabial implosive
ʙ 665 0299 vd bilabial trill
β 946 03B2 vd bilabial fricative
ɔ 596 0254 open-mid back rounded
ɕ 597 0255 vl alveolopalatal fricative
ç 231 00E7 vl palatal fricative
ɗ 599 0257 vd alveolar implosive
ɖ 598 0256 vd retroflex plosive
ð 240 00F0 vd dental fricative
ʤ 676 02A4 vd postalveolar affricate
ə 601 0259 schwa
ɘ 600 0258 close-mid schwa
ɚ 602 025A rhotacized schwa
ɛ 603 025B open-mid front unrounded
ɜ 604 025C open-mid central
ɝ 605 025D rhotacized open-mid central
ɞ 606 025E open-mid central rounded
ɟ 607 025F vd palatal plosive
ʄ 644 0284 vd palatal implosive
ɡ 609 0261 vd velar plosive
(but the IPA has ruled that an ordinary g is also acceptable)
ɠ 608 0260 vd velar implosive
ɢ 610 0262 vd uvular plosive
ʛ 667 029B vd uvular implosive
ɦ 614 0266 vd glottal fricative
ɧ 615 0267 vl multiple-place fricative
ħ 295 0127 vl pharyngeal fricative
ɥ 613 0265 labial-palatal approximant
ʜ 668 029C vl epiglottal fricative
ɨ 616 0268 close central unrounded
ɪ 618 026A lax close front unrounded
ʝ 669 029D vd palatal fricative
ɭ 621 026D vd retroflex lateral
ɬ 620 026C vl alveolar lateral fricative
ɫ 619 026B velarized vd alveolar lateral
ɮ 622 026E vd alveolar lateral fricative
ʟ 671 029F vd velar lateral
ɱ 625 0271 vd labiodental nasal
ɯ 623 026F close back unrounded
ɰ 624 0270 velar approximant
ŋ 331 014B vd velar nasal
ɳ 627 0273 vd retroflex nasal
ɲ 626 0272 vd palatal nasal
ɴ 628 0274 vd uvular nasal
ø 248 00F8 front close-mid rounded
ɵ 629 0275 rounded schwa
ɸ 632 0278 vl bilabial fricative
θ 952 03B8 vl dental fricative
œ 339 0153 front open-mid rounded
ɶ 630 0276 front open rounded
ʘ 664 0298 bilabial click
ɹ 633 0279 vd (post)alveolar approximant
ɺ 634 027A vd alveolar lateral flap
ɾ 638 027E vd alveolar tap
ɻ 635 027B vd retroflex approximant
ʀ 640 0280 vd uvular trill
ʁ 641 0281 vd uvular fricative
ɽ 637 027D vd retroflex flap
ʂ 642 0282 vl retroflex fricative
ʃ 643 0283 vl postalveolar fricative
ʈ 648 0288 vl retroflex plosive
ʧ 679 02A7 vl postalveolar affricate
ʉ 649 0289 close central rounded
ʊ 650 028A lax close back rounded
ʋ 651 028B vd labiodental approximant
ⱱ 11377 2C71 voiced labiodental flap
ʌ 652 028C open-mid back unrounded
ɣ 611 0263 vd velar fricative
ɤ 612 0264 close-mid back unrounded
ʍ 653 028D vl labial-velar fricative
χ 967 03C7 vl uvular fricative
ʎ 654 028E vd palatal lateral
ʏ 655 028F lax close front rounded
ʑ 657 0291 vd alveolopalatal fricative
ʐ 656 0290 vd retroflex fricative
ʒ 658 0292 vd postalveolar fricative
ʔ 660 0294 glottal plosive
ʡ 673 02A1 vd epiglottal plosive
ʕ 661 0295 vd pharyngeal fricative
ʢ 674 02A2 vd epiglottal fricative
ǀ 448 01C0 dental click
ǁ 449 01C1 alveolar lateral click
ǂ 450 01C2 alveolar click
ǃ 451 01C3 retroflex click

Now we have only to eliminate all those signs that describe sounds that do not exist in English pronunciation, and we'll have the correct alphabetical order of IPA for English.

Steve, maybe it would be a good idea to sort the entries in english-phonetic.dic in this order following IPA order instead of following the order of the normal Latin alphabet in the hints (tooltips).

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Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

14.12.2012 15:23
#8 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

You should not change the sort order that is applied by the program (by the ordinal value of unicode character). Otherwise loading would take longer. But it doesn't matter how you sort characters at the letter set.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 15:46
#9 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten


But after having loaded the english-phonetic.dic in Scrabble3D, the order of the entries is the following:


You can see that æ and ə are mixed. I don't think that Scrabble3D really has sorted the entries by the ordinal value of unicode character. On the other hand the dic with only 50675 entries being rather small it is loaded very quickly anyway.

Some more examples for "strange" sorting:


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steve13542 Offline

Beiträge: 10

13.12.2012 19:36
#10 English phonetic IPA letter set Zitat · Antworten

Character set without frequencies:

ɪ 8 1
ə 7 1
t 6 1
n 5 1
s 5 1
ɫ 4 1
r 4 1
d 4 1
k 4 1
i 3 1
z 3 1
ɝ 3 1
p 3 1
m 3 1
ɛ 3 1
æ 2 1
b 2 2
ʊ 2 2
e 2 2
a 2 3
ɑ 2 3
ʃ 2 3
ŋ 2 3
f 2 3
o 2 3
v 2 3
ɔ 2 3
ɡ 2 3
u 1 4
ʒ 1 4
w 1 4
h 1 5
j 1 5
θ 1 8
ð 1 10

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 15:54
#11 RE: English phonetic IPA letter set Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #8
But it doesn't matter how you sort characters at the letter set.

I prefer to have the IPA English phonetic letter set sorted according to
i.e. according to


Important! Please see even
Help adding a new dictionary

Since there are formatting problems, you cannot Copy & Paste the letter set published on Help adding a new dictionary in the letter set table in Scrabble3D. A lot of errors will occur.
That's why I recommend you to Copy & Paste the letter set from here instead:

ɪ 8 1 ə 7 1 t 6 1 n 5 1 s 5 1 ɫ 4 1 r 4 1 d 4 1 k 4 1 i 3 1 z 3 1 ɝ 3 1
p 3 1 m 3 1 ɛ 3 1 æ 2 1 b 2 2 ʊ 2 2 e 2 2 a 2 3 ɑ 2 3 ʃ 2 3 ŋ 2 3 f 2 3
o 2 3 v 2 3 ɔ 2 3 ɡ 2 3 u 1 4 ʒ 1 4 w 1 4 h 1 5 j 1 5 θ 1 8 ð 1 10

But as I said before, I prefer the correct alphabetical order instead of the wrong order applied above.

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.12.2012 15:58
#12 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten




Maybe you could find a better term than "unknown".

Maybe StandardCategory=CMU pronouncing dictionary

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steve13542 Offline

Beiträge: 10

17.12.2012 16:15
#13 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #2
First of all - @Steve:

Header of english-phonetic.dic

Comment=This dictionary is based off of the CMU pronouncing dictionary that is available for use at More information

In those links, the points at the end of the sentences are included in the links, and the links with the wrong points open web sites that don't exist. Therefore the points have to be excluded from the links - then it works:

Comment=This dictionary is based off of the CMU pronouncing dictionary that is available for use at More information

This problem occurs when you open the dic in Notepad++, but it does not occur if you open it in Microsoft Notepad.

Fixed, I added a space before the period to make it clearer what the actual link is.

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #4






These examples show different pronunciations for the same words. But I'm not sure if these differences are related to American vs. British English or if both pronunciation variants are considered to be correct American pronunciation variants.

Since I have not studied phonetics of the English language, I would be pleased if Steve could give us a comment.

I believe both are correct, but I'm not exactly an expert either.

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #12



Maybe you could find a better term than "unknown".

Maybe StandardCategory=CMU pronouncing dictionary

Changed to CMU Pronouncing Dictionary.

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #11
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #8
But it doesn't matter how you sort characters at the letter set.

I prefer to have the IPA English phonetic letter set sorted according to
i.e. according to


Important! Please see even
Help adding a new dictionary

Since there are formatting problems, you cannot Copy & Paste the letter set published on Help adding a new dictionary in the letter set table in Scrabble3D. A lot of errors will occur.
That's why I recommend you to Copy & Paste the letter set from here instead:

ɪ 8 1 ə 7 1 t 6 1 n 5 1 s 5 1 ɫ 4 1 r 4 1 d 4 1 k 4 1 i 3 1 z 3 1 ɝ 3 1
p 3 1 m 3 1 ɛ 3 1 æ 2 1 b 2 2 ʊ 2 2 e 2 2 a 2 3 ɑ 2 3 ʃ 2 3 ŋ 2 3 f 2 3
o 2 3 v 2 3 ɔ 2 3 ɡ 2 3 u 1 4 ʒ 1 4 w 1 4 h 1 5 j 1 5 θ 1 8 ð 1 10

But as I said before, I prefer the correct alphabetical order instead of the wrong order applied above.

I should be able to sort them according to the IPA alphabetical order without much trouble. I'll upload the revised version once I've done so.

steve13542 Offline

Beiträge: 10

17.12.2012 18:41
#14 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

Attached is an updated version with a default sorting algorithm. It doesn't give it in the exact order you listed from the website, but it does straighten out the words.

steve13542 Offline

Beiträge: 10

22.01.2013 22:52
#15 RE: english-phonetic.dic Zitat · Antworten

So where does the dictionary stand? I would like it to be included in the actual version of Scrabble3D, so have either of you made a decision if it is to be included or just left as a separate download?

Also, I wanted to say thanks to both of you for the quick responses in debugging the problems I was having. Both of you are awesome!

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