Thanks for the answer. As you said that Saving & Loading problem might happen only on Windows machines.
Interrupting the Comp. move is not easy, sometimes it stops responding for a while. I now tried Single-Threaded processing option instead of Multi-Threaded, it's calculation time takes longer ofcourse but responds immediately. I can interrupt without a problem.
1- I think there is a bug in loading a game after using a Joker. I tried several times and same thing happened. I start playing against the computer, I use a Joker and if I save the game later and load it afterwards, it seems to load without a problem but the application stops responding after a while before the comp. plays it's move.
Sometimes when I close the game from Task Manager I can’t re-open it if I don’t clean all the user files in %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Scrabble3D folder.
[[File:BUGS (2).png|none|auto]]
2- Second problem is this: Computer plays fast and good untill it has 2 Jokers. (Ok. Not a frequent event but sometimes it happens) I have to wait so long that at the end I quit the game and start over.
I know that when comp. has 2 jokers at the same time there are so many possibilities it has to calculate.
I was thinking maybe if an option could be added for the user to limit the letters that comp. has to search when it has a Joker. So it would be up to the user to decide which letters the comp. can play with jokers and the number of possibilities would decrease dramatically.
Windows 8.1 Pro (x64) Intel Core2 Quad Q8200 2.33Ghz Cpu 4 Gb Ram
Localization is now %90. Almost there :) -------------------------------------------- I have a question about Scrabble3D coming features. Are you planning to add an option to let a player create a scenario from scratch? Here is an example in chess:
Note: 4 or 5 years ago I made a simple Scrabble prg. with C#. (Ofcourse nothing like Scrabble3D) I added that feature and it was fun to find the best move, compare it with what I had played against my opponent after the game. Or sometimes to use it for cheating against my father while playing online on a Turkish-Scrabble web site. Otherwise he was beating me in every game :)
* I think I understood what you mean. Yes, I'm checking those extra details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * English Resource: Toolbar at 3D view can be switched on or off by this option You've got 1 missing letter :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2 Questions:
1- Yönergeler: St.Static text (st*.Caption) is assigned dynamically and needs no translation
2- An example of the problem: No exchange allowed after jokerization
My translation: "Jokerleştirme"den sonra taş değişimine izin verilmez.(Jokerleştirme: Bir taşınızı jokerle değiştirebilirsiniz ancak bulunan kelimeyle, önceden belirlenen minimum puana ulaşmanız şarttır. Bu sınır genellikle 50 puan olarak kabul edilir.)
transifex > Warning: The translation does not contain the same number of parantez açma '(' as the original phrase
+ It doesn't allow me to confirm double check because of parentheses I added. But I have to add that extra explanation as nobody would understand what "jokerization" means.
What do you mean "double check with the "English (United Kingdom)"? Isn't English (United Kingdom) is already the Resource Language in Transifex? Is there other versions of English Language?
If you mean doing "double check" in general, I'm doing that already.
* I had made a "Distinct Word Selection" after I retrieved the list but I didn't repeat that distinct selection procedure after replacing Â,Î,Û with A,İ,U. So probably that was the reason for duplicate entries. Thanks for correcting the list.
* Using the English rules looks fine to me. As I wrote before the example I gave you was just a school tournament rule, nothing official.
* That Letter list you have written is good. (Letters:'A,B,C,Ç,D,E,F,G,Ğ,H,I,İ,J,K,L,M,N,O,Ö,P,R,S,Ş,T,U,Ü,V,Y,Z'; LetterCount:'12,2,2,2,2,8,1,1,1,1,4,7,1,7,7,4,5,3,1,1,6,3,2,5,3,2,1,2,2'; LetterValue:'1,3,4,4,3,1,7,5,8,5,2,1,10,1,1,2,1,2,7,5,1,2,4,1,2,3,7,3,4';)
* Unfortunately the page you have provided for references has a list of links which directs to deadends. Most of the links are from old Yahoo groups which is discontinued :( Also didn't help much, can't find any Turkish Scrabble groups there.
* Thanks for the upload of Turkish.dic. I tried and it works fine :)
* Tried to find Standard Rules for Turkish Scrabble. First of all I realized that there is no official association of Scrabble. There are small groups or communities (especially in schools) here and there all over Turkey. All the Scrabble rules pages I could find were translated directly from USA Scrabble rules. There was only one original rules page I could find which was from a school scrabble tournament. Most of the rules are same as USA rules but rules about time are not determined properly. They have limited the “Per Move Time” to 90 sec. For 1. And 2. Tours and 60 sec for the Final. (Overtime is accepted as a Pass) But there is no information about these ones: > Time Per Player > Additional Time, Penalty Per Minute > Additional Minutes > Overrun of Max. Overtime = Game Is Automatically Lost
* Sorry about those letters. I made a mistake while retrieving the words. > I updated the Turkish dict. You can use the same link. > -,',Â,Î,Û are gone now. Doublechecked this time. > BAĞ-FİİL,-ĞÜ,E-POSTA,FİN-UGOR,GÖRSEL-İŞİTSEL,HİNT-AVRUPA,SIFAT-FİİL,URAL-ALTAY,ZARF-FİİL are all deleted. (Altough I wanted to keep E-POSTA as EPOSTA (means E-MAIL) as it is used widely, unfortunately officially it is accepted as E-POSTA)
* About Â,Î,Û : First of all they are not accepted as INDIVIDUAL LETTERS in Turkish. They are named as A (or I or U) with a hat :) In some resources they still advice to use the '^' punctuation over A,İ,U for some words which passed to Turkish from foreign languages. But to say the truth, inspite of TDK still trying to use '^' in their dictionary, it's not well accepted by the public. I guess %99 of the people don't use them. Maybe a few literature teachers and a bunch of linguists continue using the '^' . So no need to bother about that.
* Retrieving words from TDK: Ok, it’s a bit gray area. There is no obvious Copyright or Licence declared by TDK. Since years people retrieved those words from and used them where they needed. I haven’t heard a single prosecuting or even a complaint from TDK about that. And after all, it is a foundation established by Atatürk to serve the people of Turkey to improve Turkish language. I don’t think they have the right to sell or claim copyright on Turkish dictionary. They are maintaining that with our taxes.
* I never saw your posts as “exaggerated accuracy”. That is exactly how it should be. I can see how dedicated you are to this project and taking it seriously. Thank you for that. I know the importance of accuracy of the Dictionary and Localization. I too, would like to see it done perfectly. After all I should be able to tell the people around me that I had a contribution in this project with proud.
* About Standard Rules for Turkish Scrabble; I got to check that. I’ll inform you later.
* Zero count feature might be good for Swedish Ü letter but I don't think it's suitable for Turkish  and Û letters. Not much people know when to use them. And they are almost forgotten, especially new generation haven't even heard about them :)
* I prepared a small prg. to retreive the latest Spelling Book words from Dict. is ready, with almost 60.000 words. No weird chars like ? or ! and also  + Û chars are replaced with normal A and U.
There is 1 small typing error in interface > English "Additional time is provideded in exchange for points" "provideded" should be "provided"
1) You're right about alien chars. Sorry about that. I'm working on retrieving a fresh list of words from which is Official Turkish Language Foundation. When it's done I'll send you the latest dictionary.
2) Letters  and Û and are obselete. In my childhood we were using them :) Now, officially we have 29 letters. When I prepare the new dict. they will all be gone.
3) replied my mails at the end and I have my membership. I started working on Turkish localization. To say the truth I didn't know that there was a website like that. I liked that system :)
Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag RE: Turkish ScarabbleAwesome, thanks a lot for your contribution! Just today I published the next release with several changes. So your letter set will get implemented not until the next release. But I can add it to the dictionary to make sure that the right distribution is set, regardless the dropdown menu at the config. Some questions about the header:
How should we call then standard category? Left blank it would be "unknown" which has potential to improve. Under what license do you want to publish the dictionary? GNU General Public License, v3? Do you have any comment to add at the header? Should I encrypt the content?
About the localization: Apart from the fact that the legacy style with ini files still works I switched to portable objects (po) and Transifex. I tried to convert your tr.lang into this format, and added it as new localization to Transifex [1]. There might be issues with the conversion, but a lot of strings have changed recently too. So I'm sorry: Please go through your localization, again. And double check it with the "English (United Kingdom)" which is more verbose than the fix implemented strings.
Many thanks again in the name of all Turkish people.
Thanks for the quick reply. I guess we can say Standart Category. License can be GNU General Public License, v3. No need for comments or encryption.
I should have asked you before starting the localization :( I tried to get a membership from Confirmation mail didn't come yet,I'm waiting.
I prepared a Turkish dictionary with 47.251 words (without meanings). Also adjusted Scrabble3D.ini for Turkish Letters Count and Value. Working on tr.lang. If anybody needs, they can download it from here: