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Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

28.02.2014 11:16
#16 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

The inbuilt language is English which I used as basis for any other translation. Because of technical limitations this text is sometimes rather short; sometimes the meaning might be compromised. Therefore I "re-translated" the English into "English UK" (which is actually English US) and made it verbose with nice line breaks. You could do the same for your text.

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Emre Offline

Beiträge: 17

01.03.2014 01:28
#17 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

* I think I understood what you mean.
Yes, I'm checking those extra details.
* English Resource: Toolbar at 3D view can be switched on or off by this option
You've got 1 missing letter :)
* 2 Questions:

1- Yönergeler: St.Static text (st*.Caption) is assigned dynamically and needs no translation

So should I just copy+paste these as translation?

> lbStep
> stConfigKey
> stConfigValue
> ts2DView
> tsBoardColor
> tsBoardConfig
> tsCategories
> tsCompOpt
> tsDesign
> tsExtra
> tsMessages
> tsNetwork
> tsPlayerColor
> tsRules
> tsTime
> tsWordCheckMode

2- An example of the problem:
No exchange allowed after jokerization

My translation:
"Jokerleştirme"den sonra taş değişimine izin verilmez.(Jokerleştirme: Bir taşınızı jokerle değiştirebilirsiniz ancak bulunan kelimeyle, önceden belirlenen minimum puana ulaşmanız şarttır. Bu sınır genellikle 50 puan olarak kabul edilir.)

transifex > Warning: The translation does not contain the same number of parantez açma '(' as the original phrase

+ It doesn't allow me to confirm double check because of parentheses I added. But I have to add that extra explanation as nobody would understand what "jokerization" means.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.03.2014 10:42
#18 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Emre im Beitrag #17
1- Yönergeler: St.Static text (st*.Caption) is assigned dynamically and needs no translation
So should I just copy+paste these as translation?

> lbStep
> stConfigKey
> stConfigValue
> ts2DView
> tsBoardColor
> tsBoardConfig
> tsCategories
> tsCompOpt
> tsDesign
> tsExtra
> tsMessages
> tsNetwork
> tsPlayerColor
> tsRules
> tsTime
> tsWordCheckMode

All these strings are dynamically assigned on runtime. Keep it empty, copy the original, or just add a meaningful text for future changes. Doesn't matter.

Zitat von Emre im Beitrag #17

transifex > Warning: The translation does not contain the same number of parantez açma '(' as the original phrase

+ It doesn't allow me to confirm double check because of parentheses I added. But I have to add that extra explanation as nobody would understand what "jokerization" means.

Really? It's a new and completely unknown function. And I guess the term describes it quite precise. But of course the extended hint makes sense. I made all tooltipps in the final translation much more informative; you may find tooltipps per filtering by "File (=) .Hint". Don't worry about the parenthesis, Scrabble3D works well with or without. To test your translation download the file, rename it to *.lang, move it the the configuration directory, and restart the program or run the updater.

PS: Thanks for the info on typos.

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Emre Offline

Beiträge: 17

01.03.2014 11:15
#19 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Transifex > user interface > "Abbrechen"
Shouldn't it be "Cancel" ? :)

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.03.2014 12:43
#20 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Yes, Abbrechen is German for Cancel. Some strings are handled by the environment...

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Emre Offline

Beiträge: 17

01.03.2014 14:12
#21 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Localization is now %90. Almost there :)
I have a question about Scrabble3D coming features.
Are you planning to add an option to let a player create a scenario from scratch?
Here is an example in chess:

Or another example:

Note: 4 or 5 years ago I made a simple Scrabble prg. with C#. (Ofcourse nothing like Scrabble3D) I added that feature and it was fun to find the best move, compare it with what I had played against my opponent after the game.
Or sometimes to use it for cheating against my father while playing online on a Turkish-Scrabble web site. Otherwise he was beating me in every game :)

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.03.2014 15:06
#22 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

The question about an analysis mode is asked from time to time. Actually, it was implemented in earlier versions as easter egg, but I refuse to add it again. Mostly because it makes any puzzle superfluous.

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01.03.2014 15:43
#23 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

01.03.2014 15:47
#24 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten
Emre Offline

Beiträge: 17

01.03.2014 17:15
#25 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

That "Evolution" subject is mainly a discussion in French. It's all Greek to me :) GoogleTranslate didn't help much.

But I think you meant Message #9 > Evolution

Unfortunately Scrabble3D Club's web page is down.

Anyway not a big deal. If I really needed I'll find some other solution.

Emre Offline

Beiträge: 17

01.03.2014 18:44
#26 RE: Turkish Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Turkish Localization is %100 done. (I still have to double check some words later.)

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