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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

19.06.2011 06:09
Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ Zitat · Antworten


Heute eröffnen wir das Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ, wo wir können wir über alles Mögliche plaudern können, was mit Alt- oder Neugriechisch zu tun hat!

Today we launch Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ, where we can talk about many many things that have something to do with Ancient or Modern Greek!

Willkommen! Welcome! Καλώς ήλθατε!

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

19.06.2011 06:26
#2  Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ: Φιλόδημος ο επικούρειος Zitat · Antworten

Φιλόδημος ο επικούρειος / Philodemos of Gadara

Let's start with a beautiful Ancient Greek erotic poem written by the Epicurean philosopher and poet Philodemos of Gadara (1st century B.C.) and performed by professor Niklas Holzberg from the University of Munich.


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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

19.06.2011 07:54
#3 RE: Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ: Φιλόδημος ο επικούρειος Zitat · Antworten

Where can we find the original Greek text of that poem?
It is not in the Perseus data base...

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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

19.06.2011 21:38
#4 RE: Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ: Φιλόδημος ο επικούρειος Zitat · Antworten

I am SO addicted to learning Greek! It's all I've been doing in my spare time!

I have 4 "books" on my computer, with 4 chapters each. Although I've only completed 4 lessons out of 64 total, I already feel really good about what I've learned so far!

And I'm learning that Greek, like English can be CONFUSING.

- The letter that looks like a "B" is pronounced like a "V", the letter that looks like a "V" is pronounced like an "N", the letter that looks like a "Y" is pronounced like a "G"...sometimes, there seems to be 2 letters for "O", there seems to be 2 letters for "I", there seems to be 2 letters for "S", you add an "EI" to the verb when referring to a female, and an "OS" when referring to a male...unless it's plural, in which case you do the OPPOSITE.

LOL! But English is no better. In fact it's probably even more convoluted and tangled!

But I'm trying my best, and having a blast!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

19.06.2011 23:42
#5 RE: Café ΞΕΝΙΣΙΣ: Φιλόδημος ο επικούρειος Zitat · Antworten

Perhaps you know Mark Twain's comments on German:

"A person who has not studied German can form no idea of what a perplexing language it is. Surely there is not another language that is so slipshod and systemless, and so slippery and elusive to the grasp.

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