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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

07.08.2020 17:08
Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Ronald Credo is a Scrabble player from Dubai, UAE participating in any international Scrabble tournaments and emerging out as an international Scrabble champion player. I have played with several games with him in Wordsmith, Wordsmith Tournament and Wordpox in 2014 and 2018 respectively. His user ID in all of those above Scrabble apps is tiger2002. Note that while all those Scrabble apps have 15×15 board and 100 tiles in common, letter distribution, board layout and points of each tile may change. For more information about all of those types of Scrabble apps, please visit

His profile website page:

Spot the best play puzzles:
Endgame strategy discussions:
Analytical endgame:
Endgame set up for a come from behind victory:
Hack the Q in the endgame:
Pre-endgame tactics:
Reversal of Fortune:
Stealing victory from the jaws of defeat:
Law of probability against kinglee:

Sample Scrabble played game in Polish (2015) in WebFeud mobile app

Sample Scrabble played game in Romanian (2015) in WebFeud mobile app

Sample Scrabble played game in Finnish (2015) in WebFeud mobile app

Sample Scrabble played game in Russian (2020) in WebFeud mobile app

Sample Scrabble played game in Greek (2020) in WebFeud mobile app

I can play in all languages by making use of helper tools, although that I have written my own helper tool of mine by making use of a python script as a computer program in Tamil, maths equations, squares, triangular numbers, cubes, English phonetic, Tamil phonetic, etc.
Without use of any helper tools, I can play to not at an expert level in my own native languages, which are those that include upto English, Tamil, English phonetic, Tamil phonetic, maths equations, Roman numerals, etc. And Roman numerals is open to everyone in the world and everyone can easily play to expert level without the aid of any of types of helper tools. I can make use of dictionaries that come along with Scrabble3D application (that are uploaded and available in sourceforge website page for downloading in Scrabble3D application) for helper tools as long as they are not protected by making use of their own authors.|addpics|ubb-4g-0a0e.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-4h-dc8e.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-4i-e263.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-4j-7a05.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-4k-f4fa.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

08.08.2020 18:37
#2 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

This game was played by making use of the MULTI dictionary at (that is English, French and Romanian words all combined together, but with all words greater than 9 letters removed from that word list), but what is the beautiful English word to place in that board position?
Unfortunately my opponent left that game after that move was played with no show for 3 days, that played game was deleted automatically with no result. I did not notice when I accepted the game that noescape = off for that played game.

Can anyone spot the best move in this board position? My played game in league against Hema Madam. I think that I botched a winning game position due to unheard words and time pressure. I played a very stupid move SI / IKAT with a very bad timing leaving ZONES counterplay in triple word score and lost the game.

My third (last) game played against adjuster (Arpit). Can anyone spot a bingo over hereby to win this game? No more tiles left further within the bag. Cheating is not allowed.

Figure out the interesting move in this board position with the given set of tiles in the rack.

Lay down the final blank tile to win the game. My opponent player played ATMAs / HOs for 11 points and lost to me by 1 point. Can anyone spot a better scoring move than that? It seems that particular play is not valid in TWL dictionary which was used for that game.

What is the best word to play in this board position? Crwths is a computer program player for Sowpods (CSW2019) English (UK / International) language dictionary at

Figure out the best move in this board position with the given set of tiles in the rack.

Figure out the interesting move in this board position with the given set of tiles in the rack.

In any post in this forum, it is not necessary to attach any given image from to link it inline, if it had been already uploaded to through that website directly and not through this forum indirectly. I am not sure about linking images in any post in this forum from other image upload providers at all. Why need to use them, when also owned by a German company as this forum software and this forum is convenient, and other websites will not store images there permanently or they need to be paid to store images there permanently?
I am also not sure about at all whether in any post in this forum, if an image that is attached to any given post in this forum is already linked inline at the time when the posting of any given message in this forum is done, then will it also appear at the bottom of the post in this forum or not? But for some of my own past posts of mine in this forum, it did, while for others, it did not. What about that case for those images that are attached to any given post in this forum are not already linked inline at the time when the posting of any given message in this forum is done? Then will they also appear at the bottom of the post in this forum or not? But for some of my own past posts of mine in this forum, it did, while for others, it did not.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

12.08.2020 21:20
#3 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Any Scrabble related forum should definitely not miss this out.
For the future period of time for me, a link to this thread in this forum could be shared in other Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp Scrabble related groups, if people are interested in solving any types of Scrabble puzzles.

There are no Scrabble related groups in Twitter, but it will be useful for bulk messaging by just sharing a link instead of preparing the full puzzle material every time over thereby.
Scrabble related spot the best play puzzles from the other members of the Karnataka State Scrabble Association (Bangalore Scrabble Club) through WhatsApp group:

Since Wednesday 22 January 2020 when I joined that group, after becoming one year paid member since when I played in D division (Newbie) division in Mu Sigma International Tournament in Bangalore on Saturday 11 January 2020 and Sunday 12 January 2020. It was the first time I participate in Scrabble tournaments, I played in many chess tournaments when I was a child between age of 10 and 12 from 1998 to 2000 and that to play in stronger divisions, that had more entry fees and more prizes also but that they were held on weekdays also for 4 days from Thursday 9 January 2020 to Sunday 12 January 2020. I had office on weekdays, so I could only play in D division (Newbie division) for 2 days on weekends only on Saturday 11 January 2020 and Sunday 12 January 2020. For the entry fees paid for tournament and becoming one year paid member of the Scrabble club, club tournaments had to be held once every month on a Sunday with 8 games played. Unfortunately that due to COVID-19 situation it never happened since April, and I played only in 2 of them on Sunday 2 February 2020 when I paid lifetime membership fee to that Scrabble club's president to become a lifetime member of Scrabble Association of India from the same prize money I won by securing 4th place while playing in D division (Newbie) division in Mu Sigma International Tournament in Bangalore on Saturday 11 January 2020 and Sunday 12 January 2020 and Sunday 8 March 2020.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #2
Lay down the final blank tile to win the game. My opponent player played ATMAs / HOs for 11 points and lost to me by 1 point. Can anyone spot a better scoring move than that? It seems that particular play is not valid in TWL dictionary which was used for that game.

bearhead1 was the handle of my opponent in that played game in, if in any case that anyone else would be interested to know about it only.

All these games are played with CSW2019 English Scrabble dictionary only.

Puzzle 1
Find the highest scoring move in this board position

Puzzle 2
Find the bingo for the player holding 2 blanks who is ahead by 40 points

Puzzle 3
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 4
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 5
Find the bingo in this board position (this word is a new addition to Collins Scrabble Words dictionary, only from 2019 version onwards)

Puzzle 6
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 7
Find the highest scoring bingo in this board position

Puzzle 8
Find the highest scoring bingo in this board position

Puzzle 9
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 10
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 11
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 12
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 13
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 14
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 15
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 16
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 17
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 18
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 19
Find the 9 letter disconnected bingo in this board position

Puzzle 20
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 21
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 22
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 23
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 24
Find the bingo in this board position

Puzzle 25
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 26
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 27
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 28
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 29
Find a bingo in this board position

Puzzle 30
Find a bingo in this board position

I wonder whether any images uploaded to by any person will be accessible only by that person by making use of its own URL and whether it will be accessible by everyone else in the world publicly by making use of its own embedded code for image sharing at other places of other website pages.
And includes the original file name of the image what it was when it was uploaded from the computer besides storing its own URL and besides storing its own embedded code for image sharing at other places of other website pages.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

17.08.2020 15:51
#4 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find the only bingo in this board position.

Find a winning bingo in this board position.

Find the only finishing bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find the only bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Find a bingo in this board position.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

22.08.2020 14:24
#5 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Find a bingo in this board position.

In this forum, there were previously 233 registered members.
Now that there are only 212. Bussinchen deleted 21 of them recently who have not made any post at all since registering for more than a month? And that she only takes care of all that type of activities?

Anyway that payment of Premium Tariff to this forum has been discontinued. It does not matter if registered members exceeds 250 then fees hike will occur at all. Why is this limitation and why the number of 250 and not any other number, round number or not? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only people from Xobor Support forums can be able to answer for it.
By the way that if some people do not have anything to contribute to this forum, then why do they register after all? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only newly registered users in this forum can be able to answer for it.

What is the purpose of registering in this forum and is it not possible to discuss things in this forum as a guest user? Or that is it true that some specific parts of this forum are locked for guest users?
Or that is it better to register for more contributions so that promotions to moderators and supermods in this forum is possible?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

22.08.2020 17:24
#6 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
In this forum, there were previously 233 registered members.
Now that there are only 212. Bussinchen deleted 21 of them recently who have not made any post at all since registering for more than a month? And that she only takes care of all that type of activities?

Yes, I deleted persons who had registered as members in this forum, but never have logged in - not even once! - after their registration in january, february, march and april 2020. I see no need nor pleasure to keep such "dead members" as members in this forum, even if the 250-members-limit doesn't matter any more, since I stopped paying the Premium Tariff for this forum.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
Anyway that payment of Premium Tariff to this forum has been discontinued. It does not matter if registered members exceeds 250 then fees hike will occur at all. Why is this limitation and why the number of 250 and not any other number, round number or not? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only people from Xobor Support forums can be able to answer for it.

Yes, you have to ask the Xobor Forum Support, not me:

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
By the way that if some people do not have anything to contribute to this forum, then why do they register after all? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only newly registered users in this forum can be able to answer for it.
What is the purpose of registering in this forum and is it not possible to discuss things in this forum as a guest user? Or that is it true that some specific parts of this forum are locked for guest users?
Or that is it better to register for more contributions so that promotions to moderators and supermods in this forum is possible?

I don't know which reasons people have. Maybe they are bored to death. Or maybe they don't realise at all what they actually are doing when they click on "login" or "register". But they answer to the registration email to confirm their registration. But after that they never log in any more, not even once! That's really weird! But most new members behave like that after their registration. Even some new members I already know from act like that! - Queerness indeed!

One advantage to be a member is that members can send private messages to other members. Guests cannot do that. But guests can write and post freely in this forum without registration. Only a few threads in this forum can be viewed by members only, and that has to do with a few members' (for example Gero's) wishes to have more privacy there. Other few threads for instance that are not shown to guests any more, are very very old discussions and not up to date any more, for example discussions about Scotty's Scrabble software versions as forerunners of Scrabble3D, which are not available for download any more.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

01.09.2020 21:54
#7 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Find a bingo in this board position.
Who is a genius (an expert) in cracking bingos (bingoes) that contain with one or more blank tiles in the rack?

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

14.09.2020 15:47
#8 RE: Scrabble stories and spot the best play puzzles. Zitat · Antworten

Find out a nine timer bingo in this following board position:

I wish that all of puzzles in this thread and in 'Maths Scrabble Puzzles' thread are numbered properly. At least by some administrator of this forum as I do not have editing access to my old posts in this forum beyond the time limit of 1 hour except only in the Tamil forum in which I am assigned to be the only moderator in this forum.
Anyway that it is not that important at all for a forum with a very few visitors nowadays. Also that my own Scrabble puzzles and also that of similarly posted messages in this forum may be only for my own future reference purposes. Also that I do not know about that trend in the past and also that I cannot predict about that in the future.

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