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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.08.2020 16:22
#16 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #14
Bhutan is a country with emphasis on happiness and they measure their development by Gross National Happiness instead of Gross Domestic Product. Where did the western world go wrong?
If I understand correctly, money is to reward people for their hard work, whether for doctors or farmers or software engineers, and only if something of use to other people is worked upon or developed, they will buy it and this will make both the buyer and seller happy.

What about not commercially useful enough knowledge? Is money the only thing in life? There are a lot of beautiful things in maths, science and literature in different languages that can be admired only by studying and teaching and not worked out and sold. And we can also research and work of our own and publish our research results in different journals or present in different conferences.
Teaching job is not highly paid because most people want to be rich and for some of types of other people who even don't want to be, other people demand them with more money by working out and by helping other people with their needs and force them to and so most rich people invest only on companies to improve their business and to make them even furthermore richer enough and not on research institutes enough. Writing books is just a matter of luck, like making a movie, whether it will be a matter of hit or flap. Where do you think that not commercially useful enough knowledge stands in this world and getting famous by discovering new things and exploring unknown mysteries of nature instead of making more money in this world?

Bhutan: Interesting!

As long as the world's economic and financial system works as it does now, nothing will change.
A few rich people on this planet possess thousands of billions and become richer and richer, whilst for the poor people there is nothing left, just so little that they survive.
Humanity would need a radical change of the present economic and financial system. The resources on our planet should be distributed in a fair-minded way, because Mother Earth has enough resources for everybody.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.08.2020 17:50
#17 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
Just to clarify: Can at least 2 MB of files be attached to every post of anyone, even if not for 12 MB, as you had said before itself?
That will be more than sufficient enough for the future for me. Even at least 100 KB of files to be attached to every post of mine would be sufficient enough for me in the future. Or even that would not be possible because of 100 MB allowed storage space on this forum been already used up?

I have just made a test with login as a normal member and not as admin, and I see that it is still possible for normal members to upload some sorts of files up to 2 MB each.
(only .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .txt files)
Just admins cannot upload files any more, because our hoster Miranus GmbH wants to push (= to force) admins to buy the Profi-Tariff.
That's what Ingmar Hamer from Miranus told me by PM in their Support-Forum.

So I don't know just now when the limit of 100 MB storage space will be reached and exceeded.
For me the present indication in the administration section Storage space: 100%404/100 MB is not very clear.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

03.08.2020 19:14
#18 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Anyway that I decided to go ahead with this test post for a workaround for posting attachments in this forum.

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag 1. August 2020: Bekanntmachung zum Scrabble3D-Forum
My reasons are partly private, but i have also seen over the years that people here post almost nothing and are no longer actively involved in Scrabble3D (exception: Raman from India, who recently created a Tamil.dic for Scrabble3D; see Tamil). This means that there have been no significant, let alone interesting, discussions in the whole of previous years since 2014.

In Scrabble3D application, people can be able to create and customize dictionary, letter set and points of letters as per their own wishes. And not like Webfeud where developers themselves create and use dictionaries, both official and unofficial, from different sources only.
I got hold of Scrabble3D application from the Wikipedia page on Scrabble tile distributions for different languages. When it said about Maths Scrabble I got the link from it, which I had been longing to play it for a long period of time and trying out with an experience upon it.
I myself had the idea of building customizable Scrabble application back in 2014 when I tried out to make tiles for Tamil Scrabble and Maths Scrabble printed on chart paper pasted with gum on cardboard (front side and back side for Tamil Scrabble) and cut with scissors, to play with my family, friends and relatives.
But right now what is the point for me to overlap the work? I can do so the same for Chess, Go or Cluedo as I had did so with printing on chart paper pasted with gum on cardboard and cut with scissors, to play with my family, friends and relatives back in 2018.

For chess and variants, (French website page) supported variety of chess and variants and variety of other 2 player strategy games with no element of chance such as those random elements like cards, dice and luck of draws.
It got shut down on Wednesday 24 October 2018, because the server had been confiscated and the website page owner had no idea about what the attackers were planning to do with that website page.
Demo page of that website page for playing against weaker computer players and other human players on same personal computer but never against other human players over network is still available on github website page, as of yet. Click upon 'Other Jocly Games' to see list of all of types of available Jocly games to be played over thereby. and also offers quite a many number of chess variants too.

It is a good feature of all forums to preview messages before posting it, to see any confidential parts of the message are properly masked, though they can be edited before other people seeing it shortly afterwards. In this forum, there are few active members to see it and for non-moderators of a forum, editing time is limited, 1 hour in this forum.

List of Karnataka State Scrabble Association (Bangalore Scrabble Club) members and their handles.
Guinness world record of largest Scrabble board size, credits to Hieko Tietze, developer of Scrabble3D application.
I made this as a reply to:

Guinness world record of largest Scrabble tile rack size, credits to Abhijit Shilotri, member of Karnataka State Scrabble Association (Bangalore Scrabble club) and owner of Ahaa Furniture Store in Bangalore. Please visit for more information about how to order Scrabble racks and Scrabble tiles with any letter set and anything and everything from wood can be made in that shop.
in Karnataka State Scrabble Association (Bangalore Scrabble club) WhatsApp messenger group.|addpics|ubb-2r-8eee.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-2s-be74.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-2t-b4ff.png,ubb-2u-e122.jpg,ubb-2v-9912.png,ubb-2w-b2d4.png,ubb-2x-029d.png,ubb-2y-8e6c.png,ubb-30-ddb7.png,ubb-31-1311.png,ubb-32-d43f.png,ubb-33-d8cf.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-34-9f85.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-35-a483.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-36-dd84.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-37-235e.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-38-c4b7.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-39-d675.jpg-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-3a-a527.png,ubb-3b-3e7e.png,ubb-3c-8d09.jpg,ubb-3d-e582.png,ubb-3e-504c.png,ubb-3f-0f20.png,ubb-3g-5a2f.png,ubb-3h-9fe6.png,ubb-3i-ef7d.png,ubb-3j-b95c.png,ubb-3k-01c0.png,ubb-3l-0749.png,ubb-3m-7576.png,ubb-3n-6fbd.png,ubb-3o-0add.png,ubb-3p-f97d.jpg,ubb-3q-d778.png,ubb-3r-d561.png,ubb-3s-877f.png,ubb-3t-4c22.jpg,ubb-3u-4388.png,ubb-3v-967b.jpeg-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.08.2020 19:50
#19 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Dear Raman,
I think you shouldn't mix too many "offtopic topics" in this thread which is about donations and/or financing the Premium-Tariff for this forum in order to keep useful forum features?

Couldn't you post it maybe here instead?
or here

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

03.08.2020 20:01
#20 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Anyway I thought that it was a test post for work around for uploading file attachments in this forum. And for masking the confidential information with other content.
Anyway that this is a general forum and things related to this forum and the Xobor forum software can be discussed here. We can report bugs and other errors regarding our forum.

If you think that this post belongs elsewhere and could bring around a good discussion elsewhere in the forum, please move my post of mine in this thread to a different place and start a new discussion there.
I think that part of my posts in Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application thread in Bug Reports and Suggestions forum also belongs elsewhere and could be moved as they are related to questions about this forum and Scrabble3D application and how board layout, letter set, points for letters and dictionary words can be customized beyond the limits of Classic Scrabble and Super Scrabble. And how the Scrabble3D application source code could be modified to handle that extension beyond its own limits, isn't it?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.08.2020 20:31
#21 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Yes, but you have always mixed too many different topics in one and same posts in your thread Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application..
That's a pity, and it seems to be quite impossible to separate everything and to move the different topics to new threads.

But from now on maybe you could start different threads for different topics.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

03.08.2020 20:43
#22 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #21
Yes, but you have always mixed too many different topics in one and same posts in your thread Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application..
That's a pity, and it seems to be quite impossible to separate everything and to move the different topics to new threads.

But from now on maybe you could start different threads for different topics.

Only you, me and Scotty are currently active in this forum. So, I think that it is time to just adjust with it simply, and just have my doubts clarified simply here.
May be in the future if more active users would use this forum, things might need to change. Do you think that it would ever happen?

Or just it is important to curate data from all my posts in that thread for forum maintenance purposes even if very few people are going to access all of my posts in that thread at least for a while?
My future continuation of posts in that thread might continue from last post relevant message with some time needed for me to work around it, so that post of mine would not start off a new topic but some starting point should be some old post of mine in that thread.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.08.2020 21:36
#23 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten


Yeah, but even for me it is not that comfortable if I need to read so much for example about programming and source code, which I don't know anything about. And if one day your tamil friends came here, maybe they would also prefer so read about the tamil letter set in a different thread instead of being mixed up all in a tumble with considerations about how this forum software works, with ideas about Scottys Scrabble3D source code or different board sizes in Scrabble3D. This is my humble opinion.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

04.08.2020 06:35
#24 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

[I believe that this part of my own sent message to you contains no confidential information, so I am sharing it also in Scrabble3D forum for sharing knowledge with everyone.]
Is there any limit to number of private messages for any user that can be stored in Xobor forums? If so, what is that limit? Without premium tariff? With premium tariff?
In vBulletin type of forum, a bulletin board software based in USA, for registered users with no posts, the private limit capacity is 5 stored messages, it is 100 (later raised to 1000) once a post is made my user. Later first post of user was made to be approved by moderator to avoid spam.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

04.08.2020 11:38
#25 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

No, there is no limit for PMs (Private Messages) in Xobor forums, and it doesn't matter if the forum is paid by a Premium-Tariff or if it is for free, i.e. financed by commercial advertisements.

You can write as many PMs as you want, and they will never be lost.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

04.08.2020 12:07
#26 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Anyway that there is seldom the need to send private messages to people in this forum with very few active members. Only secret information need to be shared by there. Otherwise knowledge worthy of sharing with everyone in the world can be posted in this forum.
I don't think that it is possible to upload file attachments in private messages and post a link of it from there to this forum. Even for attaching a file in private messages, people need to attach it in this forum, no longer possible, blog or some other place and post a link of it in the private message sent.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

04.08.2020 12:24
#27 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Yes, you are right. In Xobor forums no files can be attached in PMs, and that has nothing to do with paying a tariff or not. It is always like that.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

06.08.2020 18:39
#28 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #23

Yeah, but even for me it is not that comfortable if I need to read so much for example about programming and source code, which I don't know anything about. And if one day your tamil friends came here, maybe they would also prefer so read about the tamil letter set in a different thread instead of being mixed up all in a tumble with considerations about how this forum software works, with ideas about Scottys Scrabble3D source code or different board sizes in Scrabble3D. This is my humble opinion.

I think that WhatsApp group would be more comfortable to discuss with my Tamil friends than this forum and to organize online Tamil Scrabble tournaments right now and organize offline face to face tournaments in Untangle India or Board Room once the threat of getting infected from COVID-19 ends.
I think that this forum is better suited for some types of international communication with you regarding issues and suggestions about this forum software and with Scotty regarding issues and suggestions about the Scrabble3D application.

Anyway that in forums, it is possible to post multiple and long messages to discuss everything in detail. But in WhatsApp groups, some people might not entertain such things which might require too much of scrolling to be irritating and some people might get annoyed with that.
Anyway that it is possible to pack everything in PDF file for posting single message in Whatsapp groups instead of multiple and long messages without occupying much of space to discuss everything in detail, or a link to a blog, if appropriate, would do.
(So might be link to some other website page, which if owned personally might be costly and needs to be paid annually to renew it and it will sustain only as long as a person is alive unless taken care by their children generation after generation responsibly enough).

Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #19
Dear Raman,
I think you shouldn't mix too many "offtopic topics" in this thread which is about donations and/or financing the Premium-Tariff for this forum in order to keep useful forum features?

Couldn't you post it maybe here instead?
or here

You might consider moving all the posts from post 18 in this thread into a separate thread in the General Forum or in the Café forum, named, for example, Scrabble Stories and Word Puzzles, if appropriate, if you want to, which are not related to about donations and / or financing the Premium Tariff for this forum in order to keep useful forum features.
Or as an alternate measure to it, I will close my discussions in this thread with this post and start a new thread in the General Forum or in the Café forum for such types of discussions, about, for example, Scrabble Stories and Word Puzzles.

Once the payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums got discontinued, all attached images to any post in this forum which used to appear small and not much of space occupying at the bottom of the post now appears big and much of space occupying at the top of the post.
I am not sure whether the same type of thing appears to you or not. Awaiting feedback from you regarding the appearence to you of this post. I am not sure whether it is due to discontinuation of payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums or not.

No, it is not. I removed that manually by editing my post after it had been posted.
All attached images to this post had been automatically linked inline when the post had been made for the first time. May be that it happens for the first time only that happens only when payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums gets discontinued. Only test images have been attached to this posts in this forum.

But anyway if whenever an attached image to any post in this forum is placed inline, it also appears in the bottom of the post in the list of all images that are attached to that post in this forum, that are displayed along with list of all images that are attached to that post in this forum that are not placed inline.
It does not disappear from there, at all.|addpics|ubb-48-7ad7.png,ubb-41-f127.png,ubb-40-1be6.png,ubb-3y-957c.gif,ubb-3x-2c3d.png,ubb-2s-be74.png,ubb-3w-af5c.png|/addpics|

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

07.08.2020 11:19
#29 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #28
Once the payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums got discontinued, all attached images to any post in this forum which used to appear small and not much of space occupying at the bottom of the post now appears big and much of space occupying at the top of the post.
I am not sure whether the same type of thing appears to you or not.

No, it doesn't. Everything looks okay for me.

I don't think that this issue that occured to you has anything to do with my discontinued paying for the Premium Tariff för this forum.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #28
Or as an alternate measure to it, I will close my discussions in this thread with this post and start a new thread in the General Forum or in the Café forum for such types of discussions, about, for example, Scrabble Stories and Word Puzzles.

Yes, I think this is a good idea. From now on, post Scrabble Stories and discussions about Word Puzzles in the General Forum and things about maybe Chess, Go and other games in the café forum for example, if those discussions have nothing to do with Scrabble or Scrabble3D. That will be fine!

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

07.08.2020 14:01
#30 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

I think that talking about Scrabble Stories and Word Puzzles would be relevant for this forum in General forum but I don't want to talk too much about Chess, Go, Carrom Board, Cluedo, Uno, etc. on this forum in Café forum as they are not related to Scrabble or Scrabble3D. I am not paid for the word or not any active users exist any more in this forum to read my posts in this forum anyway.
I just said a word that I also made them by printing on chart paper, pasted with gum on cardboard and scissors to play with my family, friends and relatives not in computer similar to what I did for Scrabble. Also that it would not make any sense for me any more to develop any computer program for customizable Scrabble as it would be an overlap of work. Even if Scrabble3D application or playing in server were not free, I could buy them and instead make money for me by selling my own developed application of computer program for customizable Cluedo, Chess, Go, Uno, etc. But do remember that Scrabble and Cluedo are registered trademarks and it is necessary to pay some money to their intellectual property owners before attempting to sell to other people one's own developed piece of work, isn't it?

And then some types of things to be made out of with in in to computer printout with in in to cardboard and then chart paper : -
1. English language scrabble, English language upwords, Tamil language scrabble, Tamil language upwords, number equations scrabble, number equations upwords.
2. Hot Death Uno cards.
3. Cluedo or Clue : - enhanced with in in to 5 different categories : - Room, Person, Weapon, Time of Day, Day of Week, enhanced with in in to 5 different sizes : - Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Massive.
4. Scotland Yard with in in to my own city and then town.
5. Learn different flags of different countries.
6. Atom Mate Chemistry Trump Cards.
7. You Bet Your Head Trivia Pack.
8. My Own Question Bank.
9. Super Computer Quiz cartridges.
10. Chess Tips.
11. Chess board with in in to different shapes and then different sizes : - different regular chess board pieces and then different fairy chess board pieces with in in to.

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