The Hungarian letter set, you can find it here: Das ungarische Buchstabenset (the discussion about the letter set is in German) - and configure it yourself in Scrabble3D.
Unfortunately no Hungarian wordlist is available at the moment (= 14th december 2014).
Can you help me how can i configure the hungarian letter set and scoring to play against someone else with the same configuration on your game server? By the way. I've found promising (but certainly not perfect) test tables in other topic. After struggling with the german text and Google Translate I don't see why you gave it up. Lack of community of hungarian Scrabble fans, clubs or lack of quasi official, ready to use Scrabble wordlist? In my opinion no problem if you have a relatively small but community based expandable vocabulary or a large but consisting many incorrect word. Sorry about my poor english :)
Zitat von pladany im Beitrag #3Can you help me how can i configure the hungarian letter set and scoring to play against someone else with the same configuration on your game server?
Copy the following lines and paste them at the table with the letter set (*1). Save the preset as "Hungarian", "Magyar", or whatever you want (*2). If you start a game on the server your settings will be synchronized with all mates (*3).
A 6 1 Á 4 1 B 3 2 C 1 5 1 1 7 D 3 2 E 6 1 É 3 3 F 2 4 G 3 2 2 2 4 H 2 3 I 3 1 Í 1 5 J 2 4 K 6 1 L 4 1 3 1 8 M 3 1 N 4 1 4 1 5 O 3 1 Ó 3 2 Ö 2 4 Ő 1 7 P 2 4 Q 0 0 R 4 1 S 3 1 5 2 3 T 5 1 6 1 10 U 2 4 Ú 1 7 Ü 2 4 Ű 1 7 V 2 3 W 0 0 X 0 0 Y 0 0 Z 2 4 7 1 8
(Remark: You need the proper dictionary to get the digraphs 1=CS, 2=GY, 3=LY, 4=NY, 5=SZ, 6=TY, 7=ZS.)
Zitat von pladany im Beitrag #3By the way. I've found promising (but certainly not perfect) test tables in other topic. After struggling with the german text and Google Translate I don't see why you gave it up. Lack of community of hungarian Scrabble fans, clubs or lack of quasi official, ready to use Scrabble wordlist? In my opinion no problem if you have a relatively small but community based expandable vocabulary or a large but consisting many incorrect word. Sorry about my poor english :)
There was neither a particular reason to stop implementing Hungarian nor did we. If you come up with a complete feature set, a localization probably, and a dictionary I'd include all in the program.
Edit: As I read right now in the old postings the work was stopped because of problems with the cd rom of the "A Magyar értelmező kéziszótár". Bussinchen or linhart are the authors and may remember what happens back then.
I also do not remember the details of the problems with the word list. But if you, pladany, want to play with my old test version of the Hungarian word list, I can send it to you. Just write a "private mail" to me and give me your email address.
But I have to tell you that I do not speak Hungarian at all and just know very few words. So if you want to improve my wordlist, I will not be able to help you.
As I wrote in reply #4 you can easily import the right letter set. But without a dictionary it makes not much sense. The localization is almost finished, as I see on Transifex. Maybe @pladany knows more.