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Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten
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 Questions about the program
CapitaineFab ( gelöscht )

20.08.2009 15:24
Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

Hello everybody,

I'm interested in making a Debian package for your scrabble software.

- Is that the last version of the sources : svn co scrabble ?
- Is there a Makefile or something like that ?
- How do we use the *.lang files ?

Thank you in advance,


PS: It's realy hard to use your german forum…

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

21.08.2009 01:27
#2 Salut Fabien! Thread geschlossen

Salut Fabien!

Peut-être qu'il faudrait ouvrir également un thread en français!
Dans notre forum tu as l'occasion d'améliorer tes connaissances en allemand, n'est-ce pas?
Quant à moi, malheureusement mon anglais n'est pas suffisamment avancé, pour que je puisse écrire sans peine en anglais dans ce forum....


PS: Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un Debian package?
Je pense pourtant que Scotty comprend bien de quoi tu parles et je suis sûre qu'il te réprondra sans délai.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

21.08.2009 11:15
#3 RE: Salut Fabien! Thread geschlossen

Welcome Capitaine!

In Antwort auf:
- Is that the last version of the sources : svn co scrabble ?
Yes, the source code on is up-to-date. But it's work in progress with many flaws, in my opinion too early for packaging.
In Antwort auf:
- Is there a Makefile or something like that ?
I think it's possible to create a makefile with Lazarus. Never done before ;-)
In Antwort auf:
- How do we use the *.lang files ?
Lang-files are used in release 3.0.18 for localization. In 3.1 this feature is not implemented, yet. Another related question is how to handle dictionary files. One of the next scheduled task is some kind of an updater within the program that checks for files and download them.
In Antwort auf:
PS: It's realy hard to use your german forum…
Isn't it obvious to post in English section for non-germans? But you can use the forum as well

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

21.08.2009 11:18
#4 RE: Salut Fabien! Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
PS: Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un Debian package?

CapitaineFab ( gelöscht )

21.08.2009 12:40
#5 RE: Salut Fabien! Thread geschlossen

Thank you all for your welcome :)

@Bussinchen : You get it, I'm French, but I don't know if I should speak French or English here :)
En ce qui concerne mes connaissances en allemand, j'ai effectivement de la marge pour m'améliorer puisqu'une des rares choses que je sache dire est
« Ich bin ein rot papagei. » ce qui comme tu dois t'en douter, ne me sert pas vraiment tous les jours...

Pour le paquet Debian, Scotty t'a répondu. En bref, c'est une manière de préparer une application de sorte qu'elle satisfasse certaines contraintes et soit installable proprement par la distribution Linux Debian ainsi que ses filles.


Lang-files are used in release 3.0.18 for localization. In 3.1 this feature is not implemented, yet. Another related question is how to handle dictionary files. One of the next scheduled task is some kind of an updater within the program that checks for files and download them.

Ok, now I understand why I wasn't able to do anything with the lang files. Most of Debian packages use the *.po system to do internationalization it could be a nice way to handle the difficulty.

Isn't it obvious to post in English section for non-germans? But you can use the forum as well

The "English" section is easy to see and that's a good point. However, "antworten", "beitrag speichern" and "vorschau" don't belong to my everyday vocabulary... The subscription was a bit tricky too :) But you're right, I could have used the forum, however, it would have be "choosing the easiest way", and that's not very funny... ^^

Yes, the source code on is up-to-date. But it's work in progress with many flaws, in my opinion too early for packaging.

Ok, I'm sure you're the one who know best what's the state of the code. But making a Debian package, even if it's not published in an official branch but only on sourceforge (or nowhere ! as you want) could be a good point.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

21.08.2009 13:03
#6 RE: Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

Zitat von CapitaineFab
Debian package

Beaucoup trop compliqué pour moi...!
Merci quand même!

Normally we speak English in this forum, otherwise nobody would understand...
But I made a little exception - specially for you, Fabien!

antworten = answer
Beitrag speichern = save your article
Vorschau = preview

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

21.08.2009 13:18
#7 RE: Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

In Antwort auf:
Ok, now I understand why I wasn't able to do anything with the lang files. Most of Debian packages use the *.po system to do internationalization it could be a nice way to handle the difficulty.
Actually, I did not decide not to use *.po. In my opinion, it's not easy to use such files for normal users. My localization files are inifile based: {identifier}={value}. Isn't it better to handle? On the other hand the usual way has an advantage too since more experienced users would prefere it.

In Antwort auf:
... However, "antworten", "beitrag speichern" and "vorschau" don't belong to my everyday vocabulary...
Okay, now I understand. The forum is provided by a free server. Standard language is german and, I just looked for that option, one can upload another translation file. But that has a very low priority to me

In Antwort auf:
Ok, I'm sure you're the one who know best what's the state of the code. But making a Debian package, even if it's not published in an official branch but only on sourceforge (or nowhere ! as you want) could be a good point.
If you have tried the program and think it's good enough feel free to pack it.

CapitaineFab ( gelöscht )

21.08.2009 16:14
#8 RE: Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

Ok, I tried to build a binary from the source. I didn't success :'( . I had to add two packages (One for the threads and glscene) to Laza**something. But it seems I have an old version of Laza**samething so things doesn't happen very well. It seems rather hard to automatise the build processus to work in an empty environment.

I saw a checkbox in the Projects/Compiler options to output a Makefile, however, due to my compilation problems I haven't been able to make such a file.

I would be very happy if I could have the Makefile produced on a working environment, and I wouldn't need anything else to be happy until the end of my life if I could find a way to add the two packages to Laza**IDontRememberWhat in command line :)

EDIT: ok, it's "Lazarus" ^^



Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

21.08.2009 18:10
#9 RE: Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

Lazarus (0.9.27 beta) is the IDE with a lot of additional functionality around Freepascal (2.3.1), the compiler. I'm using Glscene and MTProcs from SVN.

Zitat von
Create Makefile

Enable this, if the IDE should create a Makefile and a Makefile.fpc before each build. This is currently only supported for packages, not for projects.

Nothing happens if I check the option. I will look around for solution...

Edit: and, unfortunately in german,

CapitaineFab ( gelöscht )

22.08.2009 02:59
#10 RE: Localisation and source Thread geschlossen

Ok, thank you for the links ;)
About the German one, I've found a similar (I suppose ^^) page in English :

I'm running out of time, but I don't think I really have to hurry :)

I'll tell you if I have good (or bad) news !

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