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Dieses Thema hat 6 Antworten
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 General Questions About Translation/Localization of Scrabble3D
xyz Offline

Beiträge: 69

03.03.2014 17:21
[done] Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

#: pn3DHeader.Hint
msgctxt "pn3DHeader.Hint"
msgid ""
"3D view of scrabble board; use mouse buttons in combination with ctrl and "
"alt for functions"
msgstr "3D-view\nUse this view for orientation and selection of active plane that will be used to place tiles.\nRotation: move with left mouse button down\n

Translation: ctrl+left mouse button down
**** should be -> ctrl + move

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

03.03.2014 18:58
#2 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

You mean to move is always with mouse button pressed?

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xyz Offline

Beiträge: 69

05.03.2014 11:02
#3 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

My mistake, I'm using touchpad. The hint is correct for mouse, I guess.

xyz Offline

Beiträge: 69

05.03.2014 12:26
#4 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

Some more suggestions of improvement for the original english language file:


#: cbBoardTransparent.Hint
msgctxt "cbBoardTransparent.Hint"
msgid "Toogle transparency of squares on or off"
msgstr ""



#: ulanguage.rmain_updateletterset
msgctxt "ulanguage.rmain_updateletterset"
msgid "Current letter set does not match. Updated from dictionary info?"
msgstr ""



#: ulanguage.rmain_lostbytime
msgctxt "ulanguage.rmain_lostbytime"
msgid "Final time out for %s. Result has been zeroed"
msgstr ""

time out: A pause from doing something (as work)
time-out: A brief suspension of play

I think better is "%s lost on time. Result has been zeroed"


#: rbWCMChallenge.Hint
msgctxt "rbWCMChallenge.Hint"
msgid "Check move only on explicit challenge (tournament modus)"
msgstr ""

Just for my translation, modus seems to be a word used in law. Is "tournament mode" meant here, or what is the difference with mode and modus? Modus is used also elsewhere.


#: ulanguage.rmain_wordinvalid
msgctxt "ulanguage.rmain_wordinvalid"
msgid ""
"Challenged move consists of invalid words. A bonus of %d point was added to "
"%s's result"
msgid_plural ""
"Challenged move consists of invalid words. A bonus of %d points was added to"
" %s's result"

If I have understood the rules correctly, challenge succeeds even if there is only one invalid word among the words palyed. If it is so, then I suggest the correction:

consists of -> contains
"Consists of" means all words are invalid.
"Contains" means some of the words are invalid.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

05.03.2014 17:46
#5 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

Toogle: has been changed before
Update: Is actually translated to "The currently active letter set does not match with the information stored in the dictionary. Updated now?"
Time-out: Acknowledged; I used your sugestion.
Modus: Mode is okay. Actual translation is "Check move only on explicit challenge./This setting works according the tournament rules,/where players have to object a move within a short period."
Contains: Thanks, I changed it.

Accumulated: Is now combined

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xyz Offline

Beiträge: 69

19.03.2014 14:19
#6 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

There is still a mistake:
"The currently active letterset does not match with the information stored in the dictionary. Updated now?"
should be "...Update now?" in my opinion.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

19.03.2014 18:09
#7 RE: Error in the original English language file Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von xyz im Beitrag #6
Update now?" in my opinion.
Of course.

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