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Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten
und wurde 632 mal aufgerufen
 Bugreports & Suggestions
Athanasia Offline

Beiträge: 8

07.11.2012 13:15
letter disappears Zitat · Antworten

Sometimes when I place a letter on the board,it disappears and I can't restore it.At first I didn't give importance, I thought it was accidental.Then it happened for another 2 or 3 times and today it happened again.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

07.11.2012 14:11
#2 RE: letter disappears Zitat · Antworten

It's a known bug. Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve it.
But you can press the trash/recycle icon to reset all placed (and lost) letters.

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Athanasia Offline

Beiträge: 8

08.11.2012 16:21
#3 RE: letter disappears Zitat · Antworten

Scotty,could you possibly tell me which file from code is associated with this bug I mean which part has to do with the placed letters?And something else..The recycle icon doesn't work for me..Nor if I press it,neither if I press Ctrl+right click mouse.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

08.11.2012 17:00
#4 RE: letter disappears Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Athanasia im Beitrag #3
which file from code is associated with this bug...
The file upieces.pas contains almost all operations for drag'n drop (uscrabblegrid for droping at 2D view, utypes for abstract class, umain and uscrabble for starting drag operation from zero).
"Don't work" is a rather bad error description. What do you do, in which condition, and what do you expect that happens? When I move letters from bank to board the trash icon changes from empty to filled. Clicking the filled trash icon moves all recently placed letters back to bank (including the lost one).

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