When I looked on the Slovakian dic, I saw that unfortunately most of those very important words are not listed in the dic yet.
In order to improve our slovak.dic I recommend strongly to add those words to the list, because if those words are lacking in the dic, it will be extremely difficult in Scrabble3D to play a normal Scrabble game against the computer!
I/we would like to know a little bit more about our new slovak.dic:
The slovak.dic, is it identical with the official list of words valid in official Slovakian tournaments?
As far as I can see onhttp://www.hramescrabble.sk/ --> Povolené slová, the official dictionaries and grammar used for Slovakian Scrabble tournaments are:
- Pravidlá slovenského pravopisu - PSP (časť Pravopisný a gramatický slovník a časť Názvy obcí na Slovensku), - Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka - KSSJ, vytlačené tučným písmom, - Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka - SSSJ, diely A-G, H-L
Could you please tell us - if Scrabble3D's slovak.dic is based on those dictionaries, too, and - if Scrabble3D's slovak.dic contains also all valid inflected forms?
It would be nice to know all these things and to have them documented here. Thank you!
slovak.dic is mostly based on slovak ispell. furthermore 2-5letter words were have been added from hramescrabble.sk, words from past tournaments as well as verbs (and their negative form). as for the inflections - ispell should contain all inflected words but unfortunately it is often not true, luckily there is a 'poll' feature in scrabble3d - hopefully it will be able to "learn" new words some day.
i have requested a list of all valid words (approved sources) from people working at institute of linguistics but so far no response. also what is currently missing are the names of villages/towns located in slovakia - but i guess that should not be a problem to get them from openstreetmap. however i will need to find out if there is a way how to generate inflections for those.
if you have an example of a word(s) that is mentioned at hramescrabble.sk but is missing in the dictionary, please let me know so i can check it.
Zitat von jose1711also what is currently missing are the names of villages/towns located in slovakia - but i guess that should not be a problem to get them from openstreetmap. however i will need to find out if there is a way how to generate inflections for those.
This is a strange rule : In no other language I have checked, proper names are allowed in Scrabble. Are you sure that names of villages and towns are valid words according to the official tournament rules in Slovakia? Or is it written in the folder which is in the box when you buy the board game?
I'll try to check it up, too, but it is not that easy for me, because I don't understand Slovakian... :-(
as strange as it sounds, look at the following paragraph underneath "povolene slova" (permitted words):
Povolené sú slová uvedené v týchto zdrojoch: - Pravidlá slovenského pravopisu - PSP (časť Pravopisný a gramatický slovník a časť Názvy obcí na Slovensku)
Nazvy obci na Slovensku translates as Slovak village names
I tried to compare your slovak.dic with the words on http://www.hramescrabble.sk/ up to 5 letters, and I found the following differences:
Words in slovak.dic not in hramescrabble.sk: NEIĎ, SÚĽA, NEIDE, NEIDÚ, NEPOĎ, PÔJDI, VDRÚC
Words in hramescrabble.sk not in slovak.dic: LOBU
Im not sure if my program for comparing lists worked correctly, since there were some difficulties with slovakian accents. So please check these differences.
thank you, future version will include fixes to these words. speaking of updates - is there a chance to ease the upload for both you+scotty and dictionary maintainers? maybe setting up a host with sftp access where maintainers can commit updated dictionaries?
Zitat von jose1711speaking of updates - is there a chance to ease the upload for both you+scotty and dictionary maintainers? maybe setting up a host with sftp access where maintainers can commit updated dictionaries?
At first glance, that seems to be a good idea, but is it really as good as it sounds?
The reason is that the autoupdater of the program will not work at all if the headers of the dic and lang files are not correct and if the file version.ini is not updated correctly as well. version.ini tells the program that downloads of new versions of dic, lang or exe-files are available.
Imagine a case like this: If several people uploaded several updated *.dic files and/or *.lang files at the same moment for example, each one changing on his part and at the same time the file version.ini, without knowing what the other maintainers are doing, there would be a great risk that the file version.ini would not be correct. Therefore I think it is better if Scotty controls the update procedure himself.
the idea would be to have just one maintainer per language so that conflicts will be avoided. and regarding syntax and version bumping - i think a script could take care of that. but it's only an idea.. jose