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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

12.01.2012 18:17
Slovakian letter set Zitat · Antworten

Slovakian letter set

Since we have got a Slovakian dictionary (slovencina.dic) today, I want to publish the Slovakian letter set here as well:

Copy from here:

A 9 1 Á 1 4 Ä 1 10 B 2 4 C 1 4 Č 1 5 D 3 2 Ď 1 8 E 8 1 É 1 7 F 1 8 G 1 8
H 1 4 I 5 1 Í 1 5 J 2 3 K 3 2 L 3 2 Ľ 1 7 Ĺ 1 10 M 4 2 N 5 1 Ň 1 8
O 9 1 Ô 1 8 Ó 1 10 Ö 0 0 P 3 2 Q 0 0 R 4 1 Ŕ 1 10 S 4 1 Š 1 5 T 4 1
Ť 1 7 U 2 3 Ú 1 7 Ü 0 0 V 4 1 W 0 0 X 1 10 Y 1 4 Ý 1 5 Z 1 4 Ž 1 5

Letter - Count - Value

A 9 1
Á 1 4
Ä 1 10
B 2 4
C 1 4
Č 1 5
D 3 2
Ď 1 8
E 8 1
É 1 7
F 1 8
G 1 8
H 1 4
I 5 1
Í 1 5
J 2 3
K 3 2
L 3 2
Ľ 1 7
Ĺ 1 10
M 4 2
N 5 1
Ň 1 8
O 9 1
Ô 1 8
Ó 1 10
Ö 0 0
P 3 2
Q 0 0
R 4 1
Ŕ 1 10
S 4 1
Š 1 5
T 4 1
Ť 1 7
U 2 3
Ú 1 7
Ü 0 0
V 4 1
W 0 0
X 1 10
Y 1 4
Ý 1 5
Z 1 4
Ž 1 5

Jokers: 2 Value: 0

= Totally 100 tiles

You can easily copy the Slovakian letter set from here (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the letter set table of the Scrabble3D settings which you find when you click on Configuration > Settings > Letters.

I have compared this letter set with the letter set given on the Dutch Wikipedia site I have found that so far everything is correct. Ö, Q, Ü and W, however, are listed in our letter set with count 0 and value 0. This means that Ö, Q, Ü and W will never appear as letters on the rack, but can be placed by using a joker.

See also (in Slovakian)

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.01.2012 01:12
#2 RE: Slovakian letter set: - Ě and Ř Zitat · Antworten

On, which seems to be the official Slovakian Scrabble site, I have found this :

Žolík môže nahrádzať okrem bežných písmen slovenskej abecedy - teda okrem písmen, ktoré sú vo vrecúšku - aj písmená W, Q, Ö, Ü, Ě a Ř, ak ich použitím vznikne platné slovo.

As far as I have understood, this means that a joker may be used for the letters W, Q, Ö, Ü, Ě and Ř which obviously are not included in the basic Slovakian letter set.

But in the letter set in my posting #1 I cannot see the letters Ě and Ř yet. They would not appear when chosing a letter for a joker.

I think that we should add them to the letter set like this:

Ě 0 0
Ř 0 0

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.01.2012 01:16
#3 RE: Slovakian letter set: - Digraphs DZ, DŽ, CH Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von
Dvojpísmenkové hlásky slovenskej abecedy (DZ, DŽ, CH) musia byť zložené z dvoch kameňov.

The Slovakian digraphs DZ, DŽ, CH, however, have to be composed by two single letters each, since digraph tiles do not exist in Slovakian Scrabble.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

14.01.2012 08:15
#4 RE: Slovakian letter set: - Ě and Ř Zitat · Antworten

ě and ř are typical czech consonants and i am unaware of any slovak word that would contain in. in fact many slovaks do not really know how to properly pronounce ř and neither of these letters is contained in slovak.dic. therefore for me it seems to be unnecessary to have them included in the set. jose

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

10.07.2012 21:54
#5 RE: Slovakian letter set: - digraphs Zitat · Antworten

Josef reminded me that slovak letter set is still missing. Reading the old postings brings me to the question about digraphs. Was there a decision made finally?

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

10.07.2012 22:14
#6 RE: Slovakian letter set: - digraphs Zitat · Antworten

hi scotty, digraphs are not really interesting from scrabble point of view. yes, they exist but it does not change the way how words are calculated or composed..

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

10.07.2012 23:44
#7 RE: Slovakian letter set: - digraphs Zitat · Antworten

A digraph must not be calculated as two separate letters. For example, spanish people could use L and L but actually it's an LL. My program subsitutes a single char (e.g. Ĺ) and replaces all output with LL. If slovak needs DZ, DŽ, CH you should replace those digraphs in your dictionary and I have to apply a proper letter set. BTW, I plan to reintroduce a feature that a letterset can be loaded from dic file.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

10.07.2012 23:49
#8 RE: Slovakian letter set: - digraphs Zitat · Antworten

scotty, this is an official scrabble rule (slovak variant) - there are no separate score values for digraphs.

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

10.07.2012 23:56
#9 RE: Slovakian letter set Zitat · Antworten

Could you please simply confirm, dear jose1711, if the letter set I posted in my posting number 1 is the correct and official one or not, i.e. the letter set used in Slovak Scrabble tournaments?

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

10.07.2012 23:57
#10 RE: Slovakian letter set Zitat · Antworten

yes, i checked it in the past and it is fully valid

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

11.07.2012 00:33
#11 RE: Slovakian letter set Zitat · Antworten

Okay, thread closed.

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