Official rules for Romanian Scrabble games as Default settings in the Assistant
Dear playez!
In Scrabble3D, we have an Assistant (see Menu Information) which helps users to make their first configuration steps after having downloaded and installed the program.
I think Scotty intends to implement default settings for Romanian in this Assistant, too.
If he will do it (as soon as we have a romanian.lang, too), it would be a good idea to think about which settings you would like to get implemented as default settings for Romanian games.
In my table (unfortunately only in German and Italian) you will find the settings we are talking about:
The Romanian competition rules I have found are very unspecified, lacking many details, in comparision to the rules of National Scrabble Federations of other countries have published on their websites.
Even i will give you complete rules of a scrabble game in romanian it will be hard to understand. The rules for free game (games between 2 players) is here, but i understand well enough italian table, i play official games and i know the rules, and i will soon give you the Romanian column for table.
The table is attached. I do not understand Dotazione di tempo supplementare esaurita - partita persa
please translate this in english.
Regole di gioco internazionali Romanian Insieme di lettere 100 Quantità di tessere 7 Quantità di jolly 2 Quantità di lettere casuali 0 Tempo per giocatore 25 min Tempo supplementare Penalità per minuti (punti da sottrarre) 0 Minuti supplementari 0 /end game at time limit(keep the current score or victory with +0 difference if time is end for player in advance.) Dotazione di tempo supplementare esaurita - partita persa ? Recupero ammesso no Scambio del jolly no Cambiare = passare il turno si Cambio secco no Sottrarre i punti delle lettere rimaste sul leggio si Aggiungere i punti delle lettere rimaste sul leggio si Penalità per ogni jolly rimasto sul leggio 0 Passa #volte affinché la partita termini 3 Bonus a fine partita 0 Limitare lo scambio di lettere a Quantità di tessere Regole di gioco internazionali
Zitat von playezThe table is attached. I do not understand Dotazione di tempo supplementare esaurita - partita persa
please translate this in english.
Regole di gioco internazionali Romanian Insieme di lettere 100 Quantità di tessere 7 Quantità di jolly 2 Quantità di lettere casuali 0 Tempo per giocatore 25 min Tempo supplementare Penalità per minuti (punti da sottrarre) 0 Minuti supplementari 0 /end game at time limit(keep the current score or victory with +0 difference if time is end for player in advance.) Dotazione di tempo supplementare esaurita - partita persa ? Recupero ammesso no Scambio del jolly no Cambiare = passare il turno si Cambio secco no Sottrarre i punti delle lettere rimaste sul leggio si Aggiungere i punti delle lettere rimaste sul leggio si Penalità per ogni jolly rimasto sul leggio 0 Passa #volte affinché la partita termini 3 Bonus a fine partita 0 Limitare lo scambio di lettere a Quantità di tessere Regole di gioco internazionali
Very good!
Would you please give us your references (link/links) for those rules? That would be more serious... ;-)
When one player end his 25 min time for thinking, game is over. No more passes, no more extra-time. Player that end the time lose the match, the score is the one from the moment of time end. In our competitions victory is 1 point and additional is counted the difference of scores. Look here for a competition table: In case of time ending -if the player that end his time is in advance, the other one receive 1 victory and +50 to his difference -if the other player is in advantage, he receive 1 victory and the difference (but no less than 50). For forfait(one player is not present at the game) the other receive 1 victory and +75 to difference.
A hope that this will clarify for you the mode of ending the game, because i do not understand what Overrun of Max. Overtime - Forfeit the Game means.
I would like to know which variant of penalty you prefer (or which one is most common in Romanian tournaments) for unjustified challenges (= contestaţii nefondate).
. . . . Penalizările suportate în urma unei contestaţii nefondate pot varia de la un turneu la altul. Federaţia Română de Scrabble, prin intermediul Comisiei de Competiţii, notifică participanţii la începutul fiecărui an competiţional, dar şi pe parcursul acestuia, înaintea turneelor, asupra variantei de penalizare utilizate, doar dacă aceasta diferă de varianta stabilită pentru competiţiile de scrabble în limba română, respectiv 10 puncte de penalizare pentru jucătorul care a iniţiat o contestaţie nefondată, pentru fiecare cuvânt valabil, contestat.
. . . . Alte penalizări posibile în cazul unei contestaţii nefondate: . . . . a. Niciun punct de penalizare; . . . . b. Un număr de puncte de penalizare (uzual 10); . . . . c. Pierderea unui tur; . . . . d. Nicio penalizare pentru prima contestaţie, pierderea unui tur în continuare; . . . . e. Secvenţă crescătoare de puncte de penalizare (ex.: 5-10-15-20); . . . . f. Penalizări de timp (ex.: 30, 60 de secunde).
Those are the possible variants:
a. No penalty at all. b. A penalty of n points to be deducted from the score of the player who had made the unjustified challenge. 10 points is usual. c. The player looses one move. (not implemented in Scrabble3D) d. No penalty for the first unjustified challenge, from the second one the player will loose his move. (not implemented in Scrabble3D) e. Increasing penalties, for example: 5-10-15-20 (not implemented in Scrabble3D) f. Time penalty, for example 30 or 60 seconds (not implemented in Scrabble3D)
So what do you think is most common in Romanian Scrabble Tournaments and which penalty (in points) could be best for our default settings for Romanian rules in Scrabble3D?
Variant b (10 points) would be the variant that is used for example in German and Swedish tournaments. French rules, however, stipulate a penalty of 5 points only.
a. No penalty at all. b. A penalty of n points to be deducted from the score of the player who had made the unjustified challenge. 10 points is usual. c. The player looses one move. (not implemented in Scrabble3D) d. No penalty for the first unjustified challenge, from the second one the player will loose his move. (not implemented in Scrabble3D) e. Increasing penalties, for example: 5-10-15-20 (not implemented in Scrabble3D) f. Time penalty, for example 30 or 60 seconds (not implemented in Scrabble3D)
So what do you think is most common in Romanian Scrabble Tournaments and which penalty (in points) could be best for our default settings for Romanian rules in Scrabble3D?
Hello. "b" , with 10 points penalty is the current rule, and this is the only rule applied in romanian language as i know since i play Scrabble