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24th December:

United Colors of the Scrabble3D Server

Santa Claus is on the way to visit all Scrabble3D players all over the world...

Scrabble3D download statistics by each country

To continue, look for Santa Claus in the screenshots of the Scrabble3D server and click on his tooltips!
There are two clickable tooltips!

Pour continuer, cherche le père Noël (Santa Claus) dans les captures d'écran du serveur de Scrabble3D et clique sur ses infobulles!
Il y en a deux qui sont cliquables!

Um weiterzukommen, suche den Weihnachtsmann (Santa Claus) in den Screenshots vom Scrabble3D-Server und klicke auf seine Tooltips!
Es gibt zwei, die anklickbar sind!

Per continuare, cerca il Babbo Natale (Santa Claus) nelle immagini del server dello Scrabble3D e clicca sui suoi tooltip!
Ce ne sono due cliccabili!

¡Busca a Papá Noel (Santa Claus) en las imagines del servidor del Scrabble3D y haz clic en sus tooltíps!
Hay dos tooltíps cliqueables!

Leta efter jultomten (Santa Claus) i skärmdumparna från Scrabble3D-servern och klicka på hans tooltips!
Det finns två klickbara sådana!

Click on Santa Claus' tooltip! Santa Claus on the Scrabble3D server. Click here!
Click on Santa Claus' tooltip! Santa Claus and Scrabble3D on the Scrabble3D server. Click here!

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